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  • C#数据库简易操作类封装


      1 using System;
    2 using System.Data.SqlClient;
    3 using System.Data;
    5 namespace DemoConsoleApplication
    6 {
    7 class SQLHelper
    8 {
    9 private static string FLastError;
    10 /// <summary>
    11 /// 最近一次异常信息
    12 /// </summary>
    13 public static string LastError
    14 {
    15 get { return FLastError; }
    16 }
    18 /// <summary>
    19 /// 通用异常处理函数
    20 /// </summary>
    21 /// <param name="e">需要处理的异常</param>
    22 private static void HandleException(Exception e)
    23 {
    24 if (e is SqlException)
    25 {
    26 FLastError = string.Format("在打开连接时出现连接级别的错误:{0}", e.Message);
    27 }
    28 else if (e is InvalidOperationException)
    29 {
    30 FLastError = e.Message;
    31 }
    32 else if (e is DBConcurrencyException)
    33 {
    34 FLastError = string.Format("尝试执行 INSERT、UPDATE 或 DELETE 语句,但没有记录受到影响:{0}", e.Message);
    35 }
    36 else
    37 {
    38 FLastError = string.Format("未预料的异常:", e.Message);
    39 }
    40 }
    41 /// <summary>
    42 /// 获取数据库连接字符串、子类覆盖后自行修改
    43 /// </summary>
    44 /// <returns>连接字符串</returns>
    45 private static string GetConnectionString()
    46 {
    47 return null;
    48 }
    50 private static SqlConnection OpenConnection()
    51 {
    52 return null;
    53 }
    54 /// <summary>
    55 /// 无返回值的SQL语句执行
    56 /// </summary>
    57 /// <param name="ASql">欲执行的SQL语句</param>
    58 /// <param name="AParams">参数集合</param>
    59 /// <returns>影响记录的行数</returns>
    60 public static int ExecNonSQL(string ASql, params SqlParameter[] AParams)
    61 {
    62 using (SqlConnection Conn = new SqlConnection(GetConnectionString()))
    63 {
    64 try
    65 {
    66 //Open异常捕获
    67 Conn.Open();
    68 using (SqlCommand Cmd = Conn.CreateCommand())
    69 {
    70 Cmd.CommandText = ASql;
    71 foreach (SqlParameter param in AParams)
    72 {
    73 Cmd.Parameters.Add(param);
    74 }
    75 return Cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
    76 }
    77 }
    78 catch (Exception ex)
    79 {
    80 HandleException(ex);
    81 }
    82 }
    84 return -1;
    85 }
    87 /// <summary>
    88 /// 获得离线数据集合
    89 /// </summary>
    90 /// <param name="ASql">欲执行的SQL语句</param>
    91 /// <param name="AParams">与SQL相关的参数</param>
    92 /// <returns>返回查询结果集合</returns>
    93 public static DataSet ExecSQLByDataSet(string ASql, params SqlParameter[] AParams)
    94 {
    95 using (SqlConnection Conn = new SqlConnection(GetConnectionString()))
    96 {
    97 try
    98 {
    99 Conn.Open();
    100 using (SqlCommand Cmd = Conn.CreateCommand())
    101 {
    102 Cmd.CommandText = ASql;
    103 foreach (SqlParameter param in AParams)
    104 {
    105 Cmd.Parameters.Add(param);
    106 }
    107 SqlDataAdapter Adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(Cmd);
    108 DataSet Result = new DataSet();
    109 Adapter.Fill(Result);
    110 return Result;
    111 }
    112 }
    113 catch (Exception ex)
    114 {
    115 HandleException(ex);
    116 }
    117 }
    118 return null;
    119 }
    121 /// <summary>
    122 /// 将本地修改的结果集提交至服务器
    123 /// </summary>
    124 /// <param name="ADataSet">已修改的结果集合</param>
    125 public static void UpdateByDataSet(DataSet ADataSet)
    126 {
    127 using (SqlConnection Conn = new SqlConnection(GetConnectionString()))
    128 {
    129 Conn.Open();
    130 using (SqlCommand Cmd = Conn.CreateCommand())
    131 {
    132 SqlDataAdapter Adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(Cmd);
    133 new SqlCommandBuilder(Adapter);
    134 Adapter.ContinueUpdateOnError = true;
    135 try
    136 {
    137 Adapter.Update(ADataSet);
    138 }
    139 catch (Exception ex)
    140 {
    141 HandleException(ex);
    142 }
    143 }
    144 }
    145 }
    146 }
    147 }


     1 using System;
    2 using System.Data.SqlClient;
    4 namespace DemoConsoleApplication
    5 {
    6 class Program
    7 {
    8 //数据库连接字符串、根据实际修改
    9 private const string ConnectionString = @"Data Source=|DataDirectory|\Database1.sdf";
    11 static void Main(string[] args)
    12 {
    13 //获取用户输入的内容
    14 Console.WriteLine("请输入用户名");
    15 string Passport = Console.ReadLine();
    16 Console.WriteLine("请输入密码");
    17 string Password = Console.ReadLine();
    19 if (1 == SQLHelper.ExecNonSQL("select * from TB_Users where passport=@UN and password=@PWD",
    20 new SqlParameter("UN", Passport),new SqlParameter("PWD", Password)))
    21 Console.WriteLine("登陆成功!");
    22 else
    23 Console.WriteLine("登陆失败!");
    24 Console.ReadKey();//防止控制台程序一闪而过、而看不到输出结果
    25 }
    26 }
    27 }


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/ForDream/p/2119834.html
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