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  • 基于OpenGL编写一个简易的2D渲染框架-05 渲染文本

    阅读文章前需要了解的知识:文本渲染 https://learnopengl-cn.github.io/06%20In%20Practice/02%20Text%20Rendering/


    获取要绘制的字符的 Unicode 码,使用 FreeType 库获取对应的位图数据,添加到字符表中(后面同样的字符可以再表中直接索引),将字符表上的字符填充到一张纹理上。计算每个字符的纹理坐标,使用渲染器绘制


    对于中英文混合的字符串,使用 char 存储时,英文字符占 1 个字节,而中文字符占 2 个字符。必须转换为宽字符,即中英文字符都占 2 个字节。

        void TextRender::toWchar(wchar_t* dest, const char* src, int size)
            const char* old_local = setlocale(LC_CTYPE, "chs");
            mbstowcs(dest, src, size);
            setlocale(LC_CTYPE, old_local);

    通过上面的函数,可以将 char 转为 wchar_t。

    添加 FreeType 库到工程

    注意添加新的包含路径就好了,我把 External 目录也设置为包含路径,否则使用 FreeType 库会发生错误


    首先,对 FreeType 库初始化

            size = 48;
            /* 初始化 FreeType 库 */
            assert(FT_Init_FreeType(&ftLibrary) == 0);
            /* 加载字体 */
            assert(FT_New_Face(ftLibrary, PathHelper::fullPath("Font/msyh.ttc").c_str(), 0, &ftFace) == 0);
            /* 设定为 UNICODE,默认也是 */
            FT_Select_Charmap(ftFace, FT_ENCODING_UNICODE);
            /* 定义字体大小 */
            FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes(ftFace, size, size);

    字体在 Font 文件夹中,为 微软雅黑


            struct Character
                Vec2 texcoord[4];    /* 纹理坐标 */
                Vec2 size;           /* 字型大小 */
                Vec2 bearing;        /* 从基准线到字形左部/顶部的偏移值 */
                int  advance;        /* 原点距下一个字形原点的距离 */
                bool space;
                std::vector<unsigned char> data;

    包含渲染字符所需要的数据,对于空白字符(没有位图数据,只有到下一个字符的偏移量)需要特别处理。 data 存储位图数据。


            struct Text
                Vec2 pos;
                float scale;
                Color color;
                std::vector<Character*> vCharacters;


    创建一个新类 TextRender 使用渲染文本

    调用函数 DrawText 直接绘制文本

        void TextRender::drawText(int x, int y, float scale, const std::string& text, Color& color)
            static wchar_t buffer[2048];
            this->toWchar(buffer, text.c_str(), text.size());
            int count = 0;
            for ( int i = 0; i < 2048; i++ ) {
                if ( buffer[i] == 0 ) break;
            Text t = { Vec2(x, y), scale, color };
            Character* character = nullptr;
            for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ ) {
                int index = buffer[i];
                auto it = characterMap.find(index);
                if ( it == characterMap.end() ) {
                    character = new Character();
                    character->space = (index == ' ' );
                    this->loadCharacter(character, index);
                    characterMap.insert(CharacterMap::value_type(index, character));
                else {
                    character = it->second;

    遍历所有要绘制的字符,查找字符表,如果字符表存则返回字符。最后把所有字符存储到 Text 中,而 Text 存储在一个数组中(数组存储一帧需要绘制的字符串)。


        void TextRender::loadCharacter(Character* character, unsigned long id)
            if ( bUpdateTexture == false ) bUpdateTexture = true;
            FT_Load_Char(ftFace, id, FT_LOAD_RENDER);
            /* 填充结构数据 */
            character->size.set(ftFace->glyph->bitmap.width, ftFace->glyph->bitmap.rows);
            character->bearing.set(ftFace->glyph->bitmap_left, ftFace->glyph->bitmap_top);
            character->advance = ftFace->glyph->advance.x;
            if ( character->space ) return;
            /* 储存位图数据 */
            character->data.resize(character->size.x * character->size.y);
            memcpy(&character->data[0], ftFace->glyph->bitmap.buffer, character->data.size());

    函数中使用 FreeType 库加载字符位图数据,填充绘制字符的数据信息。一旦这个函数被调用,证明字符表需要添加新的字符了,在渲染文本前需要更新纹理以及纹理坐标。这里使用 bool 值的 bUpdateTexture 标志,待会要更新纹理。


        void TextRender::updateTextTexture()
            glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1);
            if ( texture.texture != -1 ) {
                glDeleteTextures(1, &texture.texture);
            glGenTextures(1, &texture.texture);
            glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture.texture);
            int count = characterMap.size();
            int col, row;
            if ( count < nRowCharCount ) {
                col = count;
                row = 1;
            else {
                col = nRowCharCount;
                row = ceilf(float(count) / col);
            textureData.resize(row * col * size * size);
            for ( auto &ele : textureData ) ele = 0;
            int tex_size_w = col * size;
            int tex_size_h = row * size;
            /* 合并所有字符的位图数据 */
            int characterCount = 0;
            for ( auto it = characterMap.begin(); it != characterMap.end(); ++it ) {
                this->copyCharacterData(characterCount / col, characterCount % col, size * col, it->second, tex_size_w, tex_size_h);
            /* 设置纹理数据 */
            glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RED, col * size, row * size, 0, GL_RED, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, &textureData[0]);
            /* 设置纹理选项 */
            glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
            glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
            glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR);
            glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR);
            /* 解绑纹理 */
            glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0);

    函数中的重点是如何把字符表中字符的位图数据合并的一张纹理上。方法是创建一张足够大的纹理,再将纹理切分为 M x N 的块


        void TextRender::copyCharacterData(int row, int col, int stride, Character* character, float sizew, float sizeh)
            int w = character->size.x;
            int h = character->size.y;
            int index = 0;
            if ( character->space ) return;
            for ( int i = 0; i < h; i++ ) {
                for ( int j = 0; j < w; j++ ) {
                    index = (row * size + i) * stride + (col * size + j);
                    textureData[index] = character->data[i * w + j];
            character->texcoord[0].set(float(col * size + 0) / sizew, float(row * size + h) / sizeh);
            character->texcoord[1].set(float(col * size + 0) / sizew, float(row * size + 0) / sizeh);
            character->texcoord[2].set(float(col * size + w) / sizew, float(row * size + 0) / sizeh);
            character->texcoord[3].set(float(col * size + w) / sizew, float(row * size + h) / sizeh);


        void TextRender::render()
            /* 更新纹理 */
            if ( bUpdateTexture ) {
                bUpdateTexture = false;
            /* 获取顶点数据 */
            for ( auto& ele : vTexts ) {
                GLfloat x = ele.pos.x;
                GLfloat y = ele.pos.y;
                int positionCount = ele.vCharacters.size() * 4;
                int indexCount = ele.vCharacters.size() * 6;
                if ( vPositions.size() < positionCount ) {
                nPositionIndex = nIndexIndex = 0;
                int beginIndex = 0;
                for ( auto& character : ele.vCharacters ) {
                    GLfloat xpos = x + character->bearing.x * ele.scale;
                    GLfloat ypos = y - (character->size.y - character->bearing.y) * ele.scale;
                    x += (character->advance >> 6) * ele.scale;
                    if ( character->space ) continue;
                    GLfloat w = character->size.x * ele.scale;
                    GLfloat h = character->size.y * ele.scale;
                    vPositions[nPositionIndex + 0].set(xpos + 0, ypos + 0, 0);
                    vPositions[nPositionIndex + 1].set(xpos + 0, ypos + h, 0);
                    vPositions[nPositionIndex + 2].set(xpos + w, ypos + h, 0);
                    vPositions[nPositionIndex + 3].set(xpos + w, ypos + 0, 0);
                    vTexCoords[nPositionIndex + 0] = (character->texcoord[0]);
                    vTexCoords[nPositionIndex + 1] = (character->texcoord[1]);
                    vTexCoords[nPositionIndex + 2] = (character->texcoord[2]);
                    vTexCoords[nPositionIndex + 3] = (character->texcoord[3]);
                    vIndices[nIndexIndex + 0] = (4 * beginIndex + 0);
                    vIndices[nIndexIndex + 1] = (4 * beginIndex + 2);
                    vIndices[nIndexIndex + 2] = (4 * beginIndex + 1);
                    vIndices[nIndexIndex + 3] = (4 * beginIndex + 0);
                    vIndices[nIndexIndex + 4] = (4 * beginIndex + 3);
                    vIndices[nIndexIndex + 5] = (4 * beginIndex + 2);
                    nPositionIndex += 4;
                    nIndexIndex += 6;
                static RenderUnit unit;
                unit.pPositions = &vPositions[0];
                unit.nPositionCount = nPositionIndex;
                unit.pTexcoords = &vTexCoords[0];
                unit.pIndices = &vIndices[0];
                unit.nIndexCount = nIndexIndex;
                unit.color = ele.color;
                unit.texture = &texture;
                unit.renderType = RENDER_TYPE_TEXTURE;
                nPositionIndex = nIndexIndex = 0;


                textRender.drawText(20,  80, 0.8, "基于 OpenGL 编写简易游戏框架 Simple2D", Color(0, 0, 1, 1));
                textRender.drawText(20, 160, 0.8, "基于 OpenGL 编写简易游戏框架 Simple2D", Color(0, 1, 0, 1));
                textRender.drawText(20, 240, 0.8, "基于 OpenGL 编写简易游戏框架 Simple2D", Color(0, 1, 1, 1));
                textRender.drawText(20, 320, 0.8, "基于 OpenGL 编写简易游戏框架 Simple2D", Color(1, 0, 0, 1));
                textRender.drawText(20, 400, 0.8, "基于 OpenGL 编写简易游戏框架 Simple2D", Color(1, 0, 1, 1));
                textRender.drawText(20, 480, 0.8, "基于 OpenGL 编写简易游戏框架 Simple2D", Color(1, 1, 0, 1));
                textRender.drawText(20, 570, 0.45, buffer, Color(0, 0, 0, 1));



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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/ForEmail5/p/6816195.html
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