模糊查询: 工作中用到,写三种用法吧,第四种为大小写匹配查询 1. sql中字符串拼接 SELECT * FROM tableName WHERE name LIKE CONCAT(CONCAT('%', #{text}), '%'); 2. 使用 ${...} 代替 #{...} SELECT * FROM tableName WHERE name LIKE '%${text}%'; 3. 程序中拼接 Java // or String searchText = "%" + text + "%"; String searchText = new StringBuilder("%").append(text).append("%").toString(); parameterMap.put("text", searchText); SqlMap.xml SELECT * FROM tableName WHERE name LIKE #{text}; 4. 大小写匹配查询 [sql] view plain copy SELECT * FROM TABLENAME WHERE UPPER(SUBSYSTEM) LIKE '%' || UPPER('jz') || '%' --或者是 SELECT * FROM TABLENAME WHERE LOWER(SUBSYSTEM) LIKE '%' || LOWER('jz') || '%' 异常: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: modify is ambiguous in Mapped Statements collection (try using the full name including the namespace, or rename one of the entries) at org.apache.ibatis.session.Configuration$StrictMap.get(Configuration.java:466) at org.apache.ibatis.session.Configuration.getMappedStatement(Configuration.java:349) at org.apache.ibatis.binding.MapperMethod.setupCommandType(MapperMethod.java:137) at org.apache.ibatis.binding.MapperMethod.<init>(MapperMethod.java:46) at org.apache.ibatis.binding.MapperProxy.invoke(MapperProxy.java:34) at $Proxy10.modify(Unknown Source) 抛出这个异常的原因可能是因为mapper.xml配置文件中<mapper>的namespace属性配置错误造成的,没有根据命名空间的值(全称类名)找到相应映射接口。 如:<mapper namespace="com.xxx.xxx.mapper.TestMapper" > |