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  • Serial Number Management In SAP SD

    Serial Number Management In SAP SD

    By: Rob

    I am following the below step:
     1. Serial number profile is created. (Tcode:OIS2 path:sd->basic functions)
     2. Assigned sales order procedure (SDAU) and delivery proceedure to serial number (SDLS). 
     3. Profile is assigned in material master record (view:plant 2)
     4. Assume there is a stock of 10 quantity without serial number (you can do 561 for initial stock posting )
     5. IQ01 created serial number for all the 10 stock.
     6. VA01 created sales order for one quantiy
     7. Assigned one serial number for this material
     8. Sales order is saved and delivery and PGI is done for the same serial number and material
     9.  MMBE stock is reduced with one quantity 
    10. MB51 if check the material document in serial number TAB i can see a message that "The material is managed in serial numbers" 

    Q:So now my question is why I can't see serial number in material document? How can able to see that? what is the configuration required?

    A:Focused on the item with the cursor which you wanted to find the serial number.  Then click the button 'choose' in the application toolbar. At last you should select the menu 'goto' and click the item 'serial number'. You'll find the answer.

    Q:I need Serial Number Profile tables as soon as possible.


    T377P - Serial Number Management Profiles
    T377P_T Texts for Serial Number Management Profiles
    T377X Documents Allowed for Serial Number Management
    T377X_T Texts for Serial Number Management Documents
    T5KSN ROE Serial Number

    SERI Serial Numbers
    EQBS Serial Number Stock Segment
    EQSE Serial Number Records

    IQ09 - Check Material Serial No(it's very useful for serial number to be inquired)

    In outbound delivery, post goods issue failed because of serial number, but this serial number was not assigned to any other material.

    Check the serial number and material with IQ03. Serial number is material specific.  

    When I looked at the IQ03, for the serial no "#162559019S.", I realized that the status is still remain as EDEL and ESTO. 
    Supposingly, the status should only has ESTO. Is there a way to remove the status "EDEL"?

    Go to IQ02, do the following steps:

    1. Go to edit -> Special serial number function -> manual transaction
    2. Choose "to stock"

    The status should be ESTO now. Try it.

    EDEL status shows that it is assigned to a delivery. Change it by going into IQ02 --> Edit --> Sp.Serial number Functions --> Manual Transaction and make it 'to stock'

    If the serial number has status EDEL ESTO that means the serial number is assigned to the Delivery, reversal PGI has not been completely performed.

    Once you do that then only this will come as ESTO.

    Please check your SD document flow if all the documents have been reversed.

    Click the Status of Serial Number Master record.

    - ESTO status In the warehouse. means .. open..
    - EDEL (Assigned in delivery note). According to this status, transaction 'Goods issues' is not allowed.
    - ECUS At customer site
    - AVLB Available 

    source site:www.sap-img.com

    What's the function of the equipment management or equipment number? when I query a serial number with transaction code IQ03 and look into the history there always show a equipment number. But i felt it was useless. What's the function of it?

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Garfield/p/1320445.html
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