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  • LINGO的集循环函数

    Set Looping Functions
    We have mentionedthe power of set-based modeling comes from the ability to apply an operation to
    all members of a set using a single statement. The functions in LINGO thatallow you to do this are
    called set looping functions. If your models don’t make use of one ormore set looping function, then
    you are missing out on the power of set-based modeling and, even worse, you’reprobably working too



    Set looping functions allow you to iterate through all the members of a set toperform some operation.
    There are currently four set looping functions in LINGO.

    集循环函数遍历整个集进行操作。LINGO 目前有四个集循环函数。

    Thesyntax for a set looping function is:
    @function(setname [ (set_index_list) [|conditional_qualifier]]: expression_list);



    where @function corresponds to one of the four set looping functionslisted in the table above. setname
    is the name of the set you want to loop over.


    set_index_list is optional. It is used to create a list of indices. Eachindex corresponds to one of the
    parent, primitive sets that form the set specified by setname. As LINGOloops through the members of
    the set setname, it will set the values of the indices in the set_index_listto correspond to the current
    member of the set setname.


    The conditional_qualifier is optional, and may be used to limit thescope of the set looping function.
    When LINGO is looping over each member of setname, it evaluates the conditional_qualifier.If the
    conditional_qualifier evaluates to true, then the @function isperformed for the set member.
    Otherwise, it is skipped.


    The expression_listis a list of expressions that are to be applied to each member of the set setname.
    When using the @FOR function, the expression list may contain multipleexpressions, separated by
    semicolons. These expressions will be added as constraints to the model. Whenusing the remaining set
    looping functions (@SUM, @MAX, @MIN and @PROD), theexpression list must contain one
    expression only. If the set_index_list is omitted, all attributes referencedin the expression_list must be
    defined on the set setname.

    expression_list是应用到每个集成员的表达式列表。当使用@FOR函数时,expression_list可能包含多个表达式,其间用分号分隔。这些表达式将作为约束添加到模型。当使用其余集循环函数时 (@SUM、 @MAX、 @MIN和@PROD),表达式列表必须只包含一个表达式。如果省略了set_index_list,那么在expression_list中引用的所有属性的类型都是setname集。


  • 相关阅读:
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Genesis2018/p/8304755.html
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