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  • 字符串的操作

    # inp_name = input("enter your name:")
    # print(str(len(inp_name)), "your name is %s" % inp_name.strip())
    # my_str = "hello world!"
    # str_list = my_str.split()
    # print(str_list)
    # strip(),rstrip(),lstrip()  修剪字符串
    # lower(),upper() 转换为大小写
    # startswith(),endswith() 判断字符串是否以括号内指定的字符开头或结束,返回TRUE或FALSE
    # url = 'https://www.baidu.com/'
    # print(url.startswith('http') and url.rstrip('/').endswith('com'))
    # u_name = 'yyh'
    # u_age = 18
    # print("My name is {name},and I'm {age} years old.".format(name=u_name, age=u_age))
    # print("My name is {},and I'm {} years old".format("yyh",18))
    # print("My name is {0},and I'm {1} years old".format("yyh", 18))
    # my_str = 'a/b/c/d'
    # str_list = my_str.split('/', 1)  # 指定分割次数
    # print(str_list)
    # str_list = my_str.rsplit('/', 1)  # 从右往左分割
    # print(str_list)
    # my_str = 'yyh'
    # joined_str = '-'.join(my_str)
    # print(joined_str)
    # my_list = ['y', 'an', 'y', 'u', 'h', 'ui']
    # joined_list = ''.join(my_list)
    # print(joined_list)
    # my_str = "My name is {name}
    #          "I'm {age} years old.
    #          "{name} is my good friend".format(name='yyh',age=18)
    # print(my_str.replace('yyh', 'jxx', 1))           # 可设置替换次数
    # my_str = '1231231'
    # print(my_str.isdigit())
    '''find()和rfind()'''   # 从左往右查找指定字符串第一次出现的位置,如果找到返回第一个字符的索引,否则返回-1,可设置起始,结束位置
    # my_str = 'I love youve !'
    # print(my_str.find('ve'))
    '''index()和rindex()'''                                                  # 同find(),但找不到会报错,可设置起始,结束位置
    # my_str = 'I love you'
    # print(my_str.index('ve'))
    '''count()'''                                                          # 统计字符在字符串中出现的次数,可设置起始,结束位置
    # my_str = 'My name is YanYuHui, my age is 18'
    # print(my_str.lower().count('y'))
    '''center(),ljust(),rjust()'''                                                    # 字符串填充字符串,居中,左对齐,右对齐
    # print('info of yyh'.center(30,'-'))
    # print('info of yyh'.ljust(30,'-'))
    # print('info of yyh'.rjust(30,'-'))
    '''expandtabs()'''                                                              # 修改制表符代表的空格数
    # my_str = 'hello	world	haha	xixi'
    # print(my_str)
    # print(my_str.expandtabs())
    # print(my_str.expandtabs(16))
    '''capitalize()'''                                                           # 修改字符串第一个字符大写
    # my_str = '-i love you'
    # print(my_str.capitalize())
    # my_str = 'i love you'
    # print(my_str.capitalize())
    '''swapcase()'''                                                                # 反转大小写
    # my_str = 'i LOVE YOU'
    # print(my_str.swapcase())
    '''title()'''                                                                    # 单词首字母大写
    # my_str = 'dear friend i miss you '
    # print(my_str.title())
    '''isdigit()'''                                                                   # 检测字符串或字节是否只由数字组成
    # num2 = b'2'
    # num3 = u'2'
    # num4 = '二'
    # num5 = 'Ⅱ'
    # my_list = [num2,num3,num4,num5]
    # for num in my_list:
    #     print(num.isdigit())
    '''isdecimal'''                                                                  # 检测字符串或字节是否只由十进制字符组成
    # num3 = u'2'
    # num4 = '二'
    # num5 = 'Ⅱ'
    # my_list = [num3, num4, num5]
    # for num in my_list:
    #     print(num.isdecimal())
    '''isnumeric'''                                                               # 检测字符串包括unicode,中文数字,罗马数字
    # num3 = u'2'
    # num4 = '二一'
    # num5 = 'Ⅱ'
    # my_list = [num3, num4, num5]
    # for num in my_list:
    #     print(num.isnumeric())
    '''isalnum()'''          # 是否只包含数字和字母
    # my_str = 'tonny123'
    # print(my_str.isalnum())
    '''isalpha'''             # 是否只包含字母
    '''isdentifier'''   # 是否是有效python的标识符,测试变量名是否合法
    '''islower(),isupper()'''  # 是否是纯小(大)写
    '''isspace()'''   # 检测是否全为空格
    '''istitle()'''   # 检测首字母是否都大写


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Ghostant/p/11799549.html
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