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  • [ C语言版 ] 数独计算器 [ 搜索剪枝法 ]

    【原创】转载请注明出处。 【浙江大学 程序设计专题】








      1 #include <stdio.h>
      2 #include <string.h>
      3 #include <stdlib.h>
      4 #include <time.h>
      5 #include "prnt_sudoku.h"
      7 /*Sudoku save in array Map, index counts from 0.*/
      8 int    Map[9][9],cnt;
      9 /*R<->Row  B<->Block  C<->Column*/
     10 int    R[11][11],B[11][11],C[11][11];
     11 /*characters on the left and right of output-numbers.*/
     12 /*this will make user know which numbers are given at first.*/
     13 char    C1[9][9],C2[9][9];
     15 int    Dfs(const int x,const int y)
     16 {
     17     if(x==9)
     18     {
     19         printf("
    	Solution #%d:  
     20         Print(Map,C1,C2);
     21         /*when there are too many solutions return 1*/
     22         /*and the whole Search algorithm will stop*/
     23         if(cnt==5000) return 1;
     24         return 0;
     25     }
     27     if(Map[x][y]) { return Dfs(x+(y+1)/9,(y+1)%9); }
     28     /*if (x,y) is known, then fill the next one.*/
     30     int i;
     31     for(i=1;i<=9;++i)
     32     {
     33         /*Check if setting i in blank(x,y) is proper.*/
     34         if(R[x][i] || C[y][i] || B[x/3*3+y/3][i])continue;
     36         /*update arrays*/
     37         Map[x][y]=i;
     38         R[x][i]=1; C[y][i]=1; B[x/3*3+y/3][i]=1;
     40         if(Dfs(x+(y+1)/9,(y+1)%9)) return 1;
     41         /*this expression will fill blanks from the left-up one to */
     42         /*  the right-down one automaticly.*/
     44         /*undo*/
     45         R[x][i]=0; C[y][i]=0; B[x/3*3+y/3][i]=0;
     46         Map[x][y]=0;
     47     }
     48     return 0;
     49 }
     52 int main()
     53 {
     54     int op,T=0;
     55     system("cls");
     56     printf("Choose input/output way(1.Keyboard/2.File):  ");
     57     while(1)/*until receiving an expected input.*/
     58     {
     59         scanf("%d",&op);
     60         if(op==1)break;
     61         if(op==2)/*file input*/
     62         {
     63             char File_Name[110];
     64             printf("Please input File_Name:  ");
     65             scanf("%s",File_Name);
     66             printf("
    	Result Will Save to Result.txt
     67             printf("	Calculating....
     68             freopen(File_Name,"r",stdin);
     69             freopen("Result.txt","w",stdout);/*answer file is "Result.txt" */
     70             break;
     71         }
     72     }
     74     while(1)/*Support multi-set test, read to EOF.*/
     75     {
     76         /*Initialize*/
     77         memset(R,0,sizeof(R));
     78         memset(C,0,sizeof(C));
     79         memset(B,0,sizeof(B));
     80         memset(Map,0,sizeof(Map));
     81         cnt=0;
     82         if(op==1)printf("Please Input 9*9 matrix(0 for space):
     83         int i,j,data;
     84         /*Read until EOF*/
     85         for(i=0;i<9;++i) for(j=0;j<9;++j)
     86         {
     87             if(!(~scanf("%1d",&data)))
     88             {
     89                 if(op==1)system("pause");
     90                 fclose(stdin);
     91                 return 0;
     92             }
     93             Map[i][j]=data;
     94             R[i][data]++;
     95             C[j][data]++;
     96             B[i/3*3+j/3][data]++;
     97         }
     99         printf("Test Case #%d: ",++T);
    100         int f=0;/*Check if the sudoku is valid.*/
    101         for(i=0;i<9;++i) for(j=1;j<=9;++j)
    102             if(R[i][j]>1|| C[i][j]>1 || B[i][j]>1) f=1;
    103         if(f)/*Invalid input*/
    104         {
    105             fprintf(stderr,"
    		Error in Test Case #%d: ",T);
    106             fprintf(stderr,"Invalid Input.
    107             printf("
    	Filed: No Solution Found!
    108             continue;
    109         }
    111         /*Mark the known grids.*/
    112         for(i=0;i<9;++i) for(j=0;j<9;++j)
    113                 if(Map[i][j])C1[i][j]='[',C2[i][j]=']';
    114                 else C1[i][j]=C2[i][j]=' ';
    116         int t1=clock();/*Timer*/
    117         if(Dfs(0,0))
    118             /*In case of costing too much time and disk storage,*/
    119             /*Dfs(int,int) will find at most 5000 kinds of solution.*/
    120         {
    121             fprintf(stderr,"
    		Error in Test Case #%d: ",T);
    122             fprintf(stderr,"Too much solution! Calculation has broken.
    123         }
    125         /*output the time*/
    126         if(cnt==0) printf("
    	Filed: No Solution Found!
    127         else printf("
    	%d Solution Found In %ldms.
    128     }
    130     return 0;
    131 }
    View Code


      1 #include <stdio.h>
      2 #include <string.h>
      3 #include <stdlib.h>
      4 #include <time.h>
      5 #include "prnt_sudoku.h"
      7 struct PII { int x,y; };
      9 /*Sudoku save in array Map, index counts from 0.*/
     10 int    Map[9][9],cnt;
     11 /*F[i][j][k] refers to that, in grid (i,j), number k is used if F[i][j][k]!=0*/
     12 int    F[9][9][10];
     13 /*characters on the left and right of output-numbers.*/
     14 /*this will make user know which numbers are given at first.*/
     15 char    C1[9][9],C2[9][9];
     17 /*Mark Row x and Column y,and the 3*3 grid that number 'data' has been used.*/
     18 void    Update(const int x,const int y,const int data)
     19 {
     20     int i,px=x/3,py=y/3;
     21     for(i=0;i<9;++i)
     22     {
     23         F[x][i][data]++;/*Row*/
     24         F[i][y][data]++;/*Column*/
     25         F[px*3+i/3][py*3+i%3][data]++;/*Block*/
     26     }
     27 }
     29 /*Undo 'Update'.*/
     30 void    Undo_update(const int x,const int y,const int data)
     31 {
     32     int i,px=x/3,py=y/3;
     33     for(i=0;i<9;++i)
     34     {
     35         F[x][i][data]--;/*Row*/
     36         F[i][y][data]--;/*Column*/
     37         F[px*3+i/3][py*3+i%3][data]--;/*Block*/
     38     }
     39 }
     41 /*Returns a pair of int (x,y) referring to the next grid should fill.*/ 
     42 struct PII Get_next()
     43 {
     44     int i,j,k,Min=0x7fffffff;
     45     struct PII pos;
     46     for(i=0;i<9;++i)
     47         for(j=0;j<9;++j)
     48         {
     49             if(Map[i][j])continue;
     50             int cc=0;/*to count how many numbers are not used*/
     51             for(k=1;k<=9;++k)
     52                 if(!F[i][j][k])cc++;
     53             if(cc==0) { pos.x=-1; return pos; }
     54             if(cc<Min)Min=cc,pos.x=i,pos.y=j;
     55             /*Choose the grid which has least numbers can use.*/
     56         }
     57     if(Min!=0x7fffffff) return pos;
     58     pos.x=-1; return pos;/*No grids can fill in*/
     59 }
     61 int    Dfs(const int rest)
     62 {
     63     if(rest==0)
     64     {
     65         printf("
    	Solution #%d:  
     66         Print(Map,C1,C2);
     67         /*too many solutions.*/
     68         if(cnt==5000) return 1;
     69         return 0;
     70     }
     71     struct PII pos=Get_next();
     72     if(pos.x==-1) return 0;
     73     int i,list[11],top=0;
     74     /*find numbers not used, and save then in 'list'.*/
     75     for(i=1;i<=9;++i)
     76         if(!F[pos.x][pos.y][i]) list[top++]=i;
     77     for(i=0;i<top;++i)
     78     {
     79         /*Mark that number 'i' has been used*/
     80         Map[pos.x][pos.y]=list[i];
     81         Update(pos.x,pos.y,list[i]);
     83         if(Dfs(rest-1)) return 1;
     84         /*if Dfs retruns 1, there would be too many solutions*/
     85         /*stop searching and return*/
     87         /*Undo*/
     88         Undo_update(pos.x,pos.y,list[i]);
     89         Map[pos.x][pos.y]=0;
     90     }
     91     return 0;
     92 }
     94 int main()
     95 {
     96     int op,T=0;
     97     system("cls");
     98     printf("Choose input/output way(1.Keyboard/2.File):  ");
     99     while(1)/*until receiving an expected input.*/
    100     {
    101         scanf("%d",&op);
    102         if(op==1)break;
    103         if(op==2)
    104         {
    105             char File_Name[110];
    106             printf("Please input File_Name:  ");
    107             scanf("%s",File_Name);
    108             printf("
    	Result Will Save to Result.txt
    109             printf("	Calculating....
    110             freopen(File_Name,"r",stdin);
    111             freopen("Result.txt","w",stdout);
    112             break;
    113         }
    114     }
    116     while(1)/*Support multi-set test, read to EOF.*/
    117     {
    118         memset(F,0,sizeof(F));
    119         memset(Map,0,sizeof(Map));
    120         cnt=0;
    121         if(op==1)printf("Please Input 9*9 matrix(0 for space):
    122         int i,j,data;
    124         /*Read until EOF*/
    125         for(i=0;i<9;++i) for(j=0;j<9;++j)
    126         {
    127             if(!(~scanf("%1d",&data)))
    128             /*Only ~(-1)==0 while EOF==-1*/
    129             {
    130                 if(op==1)system("pause");
    131                 fclose(stdin);
    132                 return 0;
    133             }
    134             Map[i][j]=data;
    135         }
    137         int rest=81;/*Update array 'F'. */
    138         for(i=0;i<9;++i) for(j=0;j<9;++j)
    139             if(Map[i][j]) Update(i,j,Map[i][j]),rest--;
    141         printf("Test Case #%d: ",++T);
    143         /*Check if the input is corret.*/
    144         int f=0,k;
    145         for(i=0;i<9;++i)
    146         {
    147             for(j=0;j<9;++j)
    148             {
    149                 if(Map[i][j] && F[i][j][Map[i][j]]>3) { f=1; break; }
    150                 if(Map[i][j])continue;
    151                 int cc=0;/*Count the numbers can use in (i,j)*/
    152                 for(k=1;k<=9;++k)
    153                     if(!F[i][j][k])cc++;
    154                 if(cc==0) { f=1; break; }
    155             }
    156             if(j!=9) break;
    157         }
    159         /*Input error*/
    160         if(f)
    161         {
    162             fprintf(stderr,"
    		Error in Test Case #%d: ",T);
    163             fprintf(stderr,"Invalid Input.
    164             printf("
    	Filed: No Solution Found!
    165             continue;
    166         }
    168         /*if a number is known, it will be output as [x]*/
    169         /*otherwise, there will not be the square brackets, spaces instead.*/
    170         for(i=0;i<9;++i)
    171             for(j=0;j<9;++j)
    172                 if(Map[i][j])C1[i][j]='[',C2[i][j]=']';
    173                 else C1[i][j]=C2[i][j]=' ';
    175         int t1=clock();/*Timer*/
    176         if(Dfs(rest))
    177             /*In case of costing too much time and disk storage,*/
    178             /*Dfs(int,int) will find at most 5000 kinds of solution.*/
    179         {
    180             fprintf(stderr,"
    		Error in Test Case #%d: ",T);
    181             fprintf(stderr,"Too much solution! Calculation has broken.
    182         }
    184         if(cnt==0) printf("
    	Filed: No Solution Found!
    185         else printf("
    	%d Solution Found In %ldms.
    186     }
    188     return 0;
    189 }
    View Code


     1 /*
     2     *This head defines the function to print a Sudoku by a 9*9 array
     3     *Map[9][9] is the munber matrix,C1,C2 are the characters to print on the left and
     4     *  right side of the numbers.
     5 */
     6 #include <stdio.h>
     7 /*Function for printing the Sudoku table.*/
     8 void    Print(int Map[9][9],char C1[9][9],char C2[9][9])
     9 {
    10     printf("	  || A | B | C || D | E | F || G | H | I ||
    11     printf("	==#########################################
    12     printf("	1-##%c%d%c|%c%d%c|%c%d%c||%c%d%c|%c%d%c|%c%d%c||%c%d%c|%c%d%c|%c%d%c##
    13         C1[0][0], Map[0][0], C2[0][0], C1[0][1], Map[0][1], C2[0][1],
    14         C1[0][2], Map[0][2], C2[0][2], C1[0][3], Map[0][3], C2[0][3],
    15         C1[0][4], Map[0][4], C2[0][4], C1[0][5], Map[0][5], C2[0][5],
    16         C1[0][6], Map[0][6], C2[0][6], C1[0][7], Map[0][7], C2[0][7],
    17         C1[0][8], Map[0][8], C2[0][8]);
    18     printf("	--##---+---+---||---+---+---||---+---+---##
    19     printf("	2-##%c%d%c|%c%d%c|%c%d%c||%c%d%c|%c%d%c|%c%d%c||%c%d%c|%c%d%c|%c%d%c##
    20         C1[1][0], Map[1][0], C2[1][0], C1[1][1], Map[1][1], C2[1][1],
    21         C1[1][2], Map[1][2], C2[1][2], C1[1][3], Map[1][3], C2[1][3],
    22         C1[1][4], Map[1][4], C2[1][4], C1[1][5], Map[1][5], C2[1][5],
    23         C1[1][6], Map[1][6], C2[1][6], C1[1][7], Map[1][7], C2[1][7],
    24         C1[1][8], Map[1][8], C2[1][8]);
    25     printf("	--##---+---+---||---+---+---||---+---+---##
    26     printf("	3-##%c%d%c|%c%d%c|%c%d%c||%c%d%c|%c%d%c|%c%d%c||%c%d%c|%c%d%c|%c%d%c##
    27         C1[2][0], Map[2][0], C2[2][0], C1[2][1], Map[2][1], C2[2][1],
    28         C1[2][2], Map[2][2], C2[2][2], C1[2][3], Map[2][3], C2[2][3],
    29         C1[2][4], Map[2][4], C2[2][4], C1[2][5], Map[2][5], C2[2][5],
    30         C1[2][6], Map[2][6], C2[2][6], C1[2][7], Map[2][7], C2[2][7],
    31         C1[2][8], Map[2][8], C2[2][8]);
    32     printf("	==##===========++===========++===========##
    33     printf("	4-##%c%d%c|%c%d%c|%c%d%c||%c%d%c|%c%d%c|%c%d%c||%c%d%c|%c%d%c|%c%d%c##
    34         C1[3][0], Map[3][0], C2[3][0], C1[3][1], Map[3][1], C2[3][1],
    35         C1[3][2], Map[3][2], C2[3][2], C1[3][3], Map[3][3], C2[3][3],
    36         C1[3][4], Map[3][4], C2[3][4], C1[3][5], Map[3][5], C2[3][5],
    37         C1[3][6], Map[3][6], C2[3][6], C1[3][7], Map[3][7], C2[3][7],
    38         C1[3][8], Map[3][8], C2[3][8]);
    39     printf("	--##---+---+---||---+---+---||---+---+---##
    40     printf("	5-##%c%d%c|%c%d%c|%c%d%c||%c%d%c|%c%d%c|%c%d%c||%c%d%c|%c%d%c|%c%d%c##
    41         C1[4][0], Map[4][0], C2[4][0], C1[4][1], Map[4][1], C2[4][1],
    42         C1[4][2], Map[4][2], C2[4][2], C1[4][3], Map[4][3], C2[4][3],
    43         C1[4][4], Map[4][4], C2[4][4], C1[4][5], Map[4][5], C2[4][5],
    44         C1[4][6], Map[4][6], C2[4][6], C1[4][7], Map[4][7], C2[4][7],
    45         C1[4][8], Map[4][8], C2[4][8]);
    46     printf("	--##---+---+---||---+---+---||---+---+---##
    47     printf("	6-##%c%d%c|%c%d%c|%c%d%c||%c%d%c|%c%d%c|%c%d%c||%c%d%c|%c%d%c|%c%d%c##
    48         C1[5][0], Map[5][0], C2[5][0], C1[5][1], Map[5][1], C2[5][1],
    49         C1[5][2], Map[5][2], C2[5][2], C1[5][3], Map[5][3], C2[5][3],
    50         C1[5][4], Map[5][4], C2[5][4], C1[5][5], Map[5][5], C2[5][5],
    51         C1[5][6], Map[5][6], C2[5][6], C1[5][7], Map[5][7], C2[5][7],
    52         C1[5][8], Map[5][8], C2[5][8]);
    53     printf("	==##===========++===========++===========##
    54     printf("	7-##%c%d%c|%c%d%c|%c%d%c||%c%d%c|%c%d%c|%c%d%c||%c%d%c|%c%d%c|%c%d%c##
    55         C1[6][0], Map[6][0], C2[6][0], C1[6][1], Map[6][1], C2[6][1],
    56         C1[6][2], Map[6][2], C2[6][2], C1[6][3], Map[6][3], C2[6][3],
    57         C1[6][4], Map[6][4], C2[6][4], C1[6][5], Map[6][5], C2[6][5],
    58         C1[6][6], Map[6][6], C2[6][6], C1[6][7], Map[6][7], C2[6][7],
    59         C1[6][8], Map[6][8], C2[6][8]);
    60     printf("	--##---+---+---||---+---+---||---+---+---##
    61     printf("	8-##%c%d%c|%c%d%c|%c%d%c||%c%d%c|%c%d%c|%c%d%c||%c%d%c|%c%d%c|%c%d%c##
    62         C1[7][0], Map[7][0], C2[7][0], C1[7][1], Map[7][1], C2[7][1],
    63         C1[7][2], Map[7][2], C2[7][2], C1[7][3], Map[7][3], C2[7][3],
    64         C1[7][4], Map[7][4], C2[7][4], C1[7][5], Map[7][5], C2[7][5],
    65         C1[7][6], Map[7][6], C2[7][6], C1[7][7], Map[7][7], C2[7][7],
    66         C1[7][8], Map[7][8], C2[7][8]);
    67     printf("	--##---+---+---||---+---+---||---+---+---##
    68     printf("	9-##%c%d%c|%c%d%c|%c%d%c||%c%d%c|%c%d%c|%c%d%c||%c%d%c|%c%d%c|%c%d%c##
    69         C1[8][0], Map[8][0], C2[8][0], C1[8][1], Map[8][1], C2[8][1],
    70         C1[8][2], Map[8][2], C2[8][2], C1[8][3], Map[8][3], C2[8][3],
    71         C1[8][4], Map[8][4], C2[8][4], C1[8][5], Map[8][5], C2[8][5],
    72         C1[8][6], Map[8][6], C2[8][6], C1[8][7], Map[8][7], C2[8][7],
    73         C1[8][8], Map[8][8], C2[8][8]);
    74     printf("	==#########################################
    75     return ;
    76 }
    View Code


     1 000010054
     2 800000000
     3 000000000
     4 650400000
     5 000002730
     6 000000000
     7 210000800
     8 700000300
     9 000350000
    11 008900070
    12 053000000
    13 000000000
    14 760100090
    15 200000000
    16 000080000
    17 000020805
    18 400007000
    19 000000300
    21 800000000
    22 003600000
    23 070090200
    24 050007000
    25 000045700
    26 000100030
    27 001000068
    28 008500010
    29 090000400
    31 000064000
    32 000000000
    33 910000070
    34 700000000
    35 000900010
    36 406008000
    37 000000408
    38 000002600
    39 500100000
    41 205600000
    42 100007003
    43 008000000
    44 040031000
    45 000000820
    46 000090000
    47 000000000
    48 030000001
    49 000200500
    51 005300000
    52 800000020
    53 070010500
    54 400005300
    55 010070006
    56 003200080
    57 060500009
    58 004000030
    59 000009700
    61 005890060
    62 001000005
    63 400010200
    64 700900006
    65 500000002
    66 060027050
    67 008005001
    68 040709500
    69 200000300
    View Code
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Gster/p/9248352.html
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