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  • 经济学人精读笔记13:火锅,中国人的最爱

    # 经济学人精读笔记13:火锅,中国人的最爱

    标签(空格分隔): 经济学人

    Part 1

    Regional cuisine

    But Sichuan-style broths are the most commonly savoured in China. In recent years their popularity has been booming. China has around 350,000 hotpot restaurants. About 40,000 of them are said to be in the Chongqing region alone.


    • broth n. thick soup made by boiling meat or fish and vegetables in water (加入蔬菜的)肉汤,鱼汤 chicken broth 鸡汤
    • savour [sāʹvər] v.If you savour an experience, you enjoy it as much as you can.尽情享受;充分体验There's something about the Loire Valley that makes you want to savour every moment. 卢瓦尔山谷有某种特殊气息,让人想要充分享受在这里的每时每刻。我们可以在写作中替换enjoy【写作推荐】

    【句子分析】In recent years their popularity has been booming.

    popularity n.流行,普及,受欢迎;声望
    gain / grow / increase in popularity 开始流行 Country music is growing in popularity.乡村音乐越来越流行了。
    popular adj.受喜爱的;受欢迎的;当红的

    boom [buːm] 常用于指经济活动的迅速发展或繁荣,比如boom in tourism旅游业的繁荣,a boom in car sales 汽车销售额的巨增
    boom 也可以作动词,比如经济很繁荣,我们可以说The economy is booming,销售额在快速增长,我们可以说Sales are booming.
    形容词booming也是外刊中的高频词,比如云南的旅游产业在蓬勃发展。Yunnan has a booming tourist industry.

    ③【语法点睛】have/has been doing 现在完成进行时:是英语中动词的一种基本时态,表示动作从某一时间开始,一直持续到现在,或者刚刚终止,或者可能仍然要继续下去。I have been learning English since three years ago.三年以来我一直在学英语。(动作还将继续下去)

    • hotpot n.火锅
      鲁菜 Lu Cuisine (Shandong Cuisine)
      川菜 Chuan Cuisine (Sichuan Cuisine)
      粤菜 Yue Cuisine (Guangdong Cuisine)
      闽菜 Min Cuisine (Fujian Cuisine)
      苏菜 Su Cuisine (Jiangsu Cuisine)
      浙菜 Zhe Cuisine (Zhejiang Cuisine)
      湘菜 Xiang Cuisine (Hunan Cuisine)
      徽菜 Hui Cuisine (Anhui Cuisine)

    我们可以观察到,每一种菜系有两种翻译:一是音译地名简称+Cuisine,比如Lu Cuisine,二是音译地名全称+Cuisine,比如:Shandong Cuisine
    cuisine是名词指“(一国或一地区的)菜肴,风味.”,比如上海菜我们说 Shanghai cuisine

    • sb/sth be said to be/do ... 据说…,人们认为…。由It is said that sb/sth do...转化而来的.
      除了said,这个句型还可以使用reported / belived / supposed等动词,意思是“据报导…;人们相信…;大家认为…”。
      It is said to be the most wonderful one this year. 据说是今年最精彩的一场。【写作推荐】

    • alone 不仅可以放在动词后修饰动词,还可以用于名词或代词后表示“唯一,只有” You can't blame anyone else; you alone made the decision. 你不能责怪任何人,是你一人做的决定;
      alone还可以表示“仅仅,单,只”The shoes alone cost £200. 仅鞋子一项就花了 200 英镑

    再拓展一个alone有关的地道表达:let alone used after a statement to emphasize that because the first thing is not true or possible, the next thing cannot be true or possible either更不用说
    There isn't enough room for us, let alone any guests.连我们都没有足够的空间,更不用说客人了。【写作推荐】

    Part 2

    Hotpot restaurants in China are more profitable than other kinds, according to iiMedia, a consultancy. Haidilao, a well-known Sichuan-based hotpot chain, raised nearly $1bn when it was listed on the Hong Kong exchange in September. The company is taking its hotpot global. It expanded into Canada in December. Branches are set to open in London later this year. The more adventurous tastes of younger Chinese are fuelling demand.


    • profitable adj.A profitable organization or practice makes a profit. 盈利的;有利润的;赚钱的 It was profitable for them to produce large amounts of food. 生产大量的食物能让他们获利。

    profitability n.获利,盈利; 利润
    a decline in company profitability 公司利润的下降
    【类似表达】profit-making 也是形容词“盈利的”

    lucrative [ˈluː.krə.tɪv] adj.获利多的;赚大钱的
    lucrative business / contract / market 利润丰厚的生意 / 合同 / 市场

    【Antonym】loss-making adj.a loss-making product or business does not make any money不盈利的,亏损的= non-profitable
    consultancy 咨询公司;咨询服务,专家咨询 a management consultancy from Switzerland. 来自瑞士的管理咨询公司

    • xx-based 与表示地点的名词连用表示“总部设在…的”,“以…为基地的”
      a Washington-based organization 总部设在华盛顿的机构
      American-based companies 总部设在美国的公司

    • listed adj.a listed company is one which offers its shares for sale on the stock exchange (公司)上市的

    public adj.有股上市的:由可在自由市场上交易的股份提供资金的 a public company 有股上市的公司

    go public 公开发售股票:通过把股票投入公开市场而使…成为公众所拥有:The company went public after having been closely held for 12 years.这个公司在被紧密地控制了十二年之后,终于公开召股了。

    float v.使(公司)发行股票;使上市
    He floated his firm on the stock market. 他让自己的公司上市了。
    【文化拓展】IPO initial public offering(公司股票的)首次公开发行,上市是指一家企业或公司(股份有限公司)第一次将它的股份向公众出售(首次公开发行,指股份公司首次向社会公众公开招股的发行方式)。

    • exchange n. A place where things are exchanged, especially a center where securities or commodities are bought and sold 交易所:交换物资的地方,特别是债券和商品的买卖中心【熟词僻义】
      a stock exchange 证券交易所

    • adventurous [ədˈventʃərəs] adj.Someone who is adventurous is willing to take risks and to try new methods. Something that is adventurous involves new things or ideas. 勇于冒险的;敢于创新的;新奇的 The menu could have been more adventurous. 菜单本可以做得更有新意。

    • fuel 作名词是“燃料”的意思,那么添加燃料就是使火焰更旺,所以作动词引申为“to increase sth; to make sth stronger 增加;加强;刺激”【写作推荐】

    to fuel speculation/ rumours/ fears 引起猜测/谣传/恐惧
    Fueling the citification of Indiana has been an expanding, remarkably diversified manufacturing and service company. 印地安那州极其多样化的制造业和服务业的不断扩大, 加速了该州城市化的进程.

    the rocket fuel 指的是“火箭燃料”,可以用来比喻某事的强力助推

    rocket-fuelled adj. [only before noun] happening, moving or increasing very fast 急剧发生的;急速移动的;飞涨的 There are already signs of rocket-fuelled growth. 已经出现迅猛增长的迹象。

    -Branches n. 分部;

    Part 3

    One-third of customers at hotpot restaurants in China are aged between 25 and 30, iiMedia says. They often have little time to cook at home and are unburdened by child-care duties. They like the social aspects of sharing hotpots. Round-the-clock restaurants are sprouting up to allow leisurely feasting.


    • aged adj.…岁的Alan has two children, aged eleven and nine.艾伦有两个孩子,分别为11岁和9岁。
      1.aged :a woman aged about 30 一个大约三十岁的妇女
      2.at the age of…: people at the age of 65六十五岁的人
      3.at…years of age : people at 65 years of age六十五岁的人
      4.at age ... : people at age 65六十五岁的人
      5.at … years old: people at 65 years old六十五岁的人
      6.at…: people at 65六十五岁的人
      7.…-year-olds:20-year-olds 20岁的人

    • 【复习】 unburdened adj. 无牵累的;不受累的
      I want therefore to set man free, rejoicing as the bird in the clear sky, unburdened/burdenless, independent, and ecstatic in that freedom. 所以,我想使人自由,像晴空中的小鸟一样欢欣,在那自由中轻松、独立、欣喜。
      unencumbered adj.没有阻碍的, 不受妨碍的, 没有负担的, 没有家累的, 没有子女的。

    • aspects n.An aspect of something is one of the parts of its character or nature. 方面;形态;特性
      Climate and weather affect every aspect of our lives. 气候和天气影响着我们生活的方方面面。

    • round-the-clock adj.全天的, 全天候的;连续不停的, 日夜24小时 Round - the - clock service features this store. 日夜服务是这家商店的特色。
      round-the-world adj.环球的,环游世界的 Parts for the aircraft will be made all round the world. 这架飞机的部件将在世界各地制造。

    • sprout [spraʊt] v.to produce leaves, hair and other new developing parts, or (of leaves, hair and other developing parts) to begin to grow 发(芽),抽(芽);长出(毛发等);(叶、毛发等)生长
      It takes about three days for the seeds to sprout.这些种子大概要三天时间才会发芽。

    sprout up 涌现;突然出现
    New factories have sprouted up everywhere.新工厂如雨后春笋般地四处涌现。【写作推荐】

    • leisurely 既是形容词,也是副词
      Lunch was a leisurely affair. 午饭吃得很悠闲。
      adv. 以不慌不忙的方式地,从容不迫地
      We walked leisurely into the hotel. 我们慢悠悠地走回酒店

    • feasting n. eating an elaborate meal (often accompanied by entertainment) 宴会,盛宴 The feasting, drinking, dancing and revelry continued for several days. 一连几天都是宴会、痛饮、舞蹈和狂欢。

    Part 4

    While younger Chinese are increasingly health-conscious, they seem to brush off regular hotpot-hygiene scandals. A viral video of a pregnant woman fishing a rat from her broth caused a cooling in the shares of Xiabuxiabu, a chain restaurant named after a Japanese style of hotpot, but they heated up again a few days later. Haidilao even won plaudits when it admitted that rats had been found in some kitchens and vowed to clean up its act. News of other businesses reusing weeks-old oil in the broth is greeted with a shrug.


    • increasingly adv. more and more all the time 越来越多地;不断增加地。
      常与形容词连用,可以应用到写作和翻译中,increasingly difficult/important/popular 越来越困难/重要/普及
      It is becoming increasingly clear that this problem will not be easily solved. 越来越明显的是,这个问题不会轻易解决。【写作推荐】

    • -conscious用于health, environmentally,fashion, politically,等词后构成形容词)表示“注重…的”,“关注…的”
      We're all becoming increasingly health-conscious these days.如今,我们都越来越注重健康。
      environmentally-conscious 关注环境的
      fashion-conscious 对流行敏感的

    • brush sb/sth off v.If someone brushes you off when you speak to them, they refuse to talk to you or be nice to you. 不理睬, 冷落, 对…视而不见

    When I tried to talk to her about it she just brushed me off.当我试图和她谈这件事时,她就是不理我。

    give sb the brush-off 拒绝某人,对…不理睬
    Paul asked Tara out to dinner but she gave him the brush-off.保罗邀请塔拉外出吃饭,但遭到拒绝。

    • hygiene [ˈhaɪdʒi:n] n. the practice of keeping yourself and your living and working areas clean in order to prevent illness and disease 卫生
      food hygiene食物卫生/personal hygiene 个人卫生

    • scandal [ˈskændl] n. A scandal is a situation or event that is thought to be shocking and immoral and that everyone knows about.丑行,丑闻;流言蜚语,关于丑闻的传言,谣言
      一般我们在新闻中听到的丑闻事件,都可以用scandal一次来形容,比如美国著名的“水门事件water gate scandal”。

    • viral adj. A viral disease or infection is caused by a virus. 病毒性的;病毒引起的
      A 65-year-old patient suffering from severe viral pneumonia.感染了严重病毒性肺炎的65岁病人。
      viral 在文章中的意思引申为“火爆的,流行的”,是指像病毒一样传播、流行开来的意思。virus是它的名词形式,表示“病毒”。

    • pregnant [ˈpregnənt] adj.If a woman or female animal is pregnant, she has a baby or babies developing in her body. 怀孕的;妊娠的
      Tina was pregnant with their first daughter.蒂娜怀了他们的第一个女儿。

    • fish v.If you fish something out from somewhere, you take or pull it out, often after searching for it for some time. (从…中)取出,拿出,拖出【熟词僻义】
      Kelly fished out another beer from his cooler.凯莉从他的冷藏箱里又拿出一瓶啤酒。

    • sth caused a cooling in …使某事热度下降、进入低迷期 The new housing policy that restricts house purchases have caused a cooling in real estate market. 新的房产限购政策出台,房地产市场也随之冷静下来。【写作推荐】
    • broth n. 肉汤;

    • heat up 激化;加剧;变得激烈或热烈 Then in the last couple of years, the movement for democracy began to heat up.然后在过去几年里,民主运动开始升温。

    • plaudit [ˈplɔːdit]n.拍手喝彩, 称赞, 赞美

    receive/ earn/ win plaudit 获得赞扬
    The quality of his photography won him plaudits from the experts.他的摄影作品品质很高,赢得了专家的赞扬。【写作推荐】

    sb. speak highly of sth. 某人对某事高度评价/赞扬
    Many business people speak highly of your commercial integrity. 很多商界人士对贵公司的商业信誉评价极高.

    【同义词】praise/ acclaim/ commend/ extol/ laud这些动词表达赞同或敬慕。

    1. praise 是指表达赞同、赞扬或敬重:“I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him” (Shakespeare). “我来是为了埋葬凯撒而不是赞颂他”(莎士比亚)
      2.acclaim 常表示公开且热情地表达出来的衷心赞美:
      The restoration of the frescoes is being widely but not universally acclaimed by art historians.壁画的修复在艺术史学家那里得到了广泛但非一致的称颂。
    2. commend 表示类似于上级所给予的温和而有节制的赞扬:The judge commended the jury for their patience and hard work. 法官赞扬了陪审团耐心及辛勤的工作。
    3. extol 指高度赞扬;该词表达了一种赞扬和赞颂的意思:“that sign of old age,extolling the past at the expense of the present” (Sydney Smith).“那年迈的标记以现时为代价颂扬了过去”(西德尼·史密斯)。
    4. laud意指尊敬或崇高的或常为过度的赞美:“aspirations which are lauded up to the skies” (Charles Kingsley).“被吹捧上天的宏愿”(查尔斯·金斯利)
    • vow v.If you vow to do something, you make a serious promise or decision that you will do it. 发誓;起誓;立誓

    vow to do sth发誓做某事
    While many models vow to go back to college, few do.很多模特发誓要重回大学校园,但很少有人做到。

    • clean up本意是“打扫;清扫;把…弄干净”,文中的意思是“ (警方或当局)肃清,整肃(犯罪、腐败等)”可以应用到写作中,After years of neglect and decline the city was cleaning itself up. 多年的玩忽职守和经济萧条过后,这个城市在进行自我整顿。【写作推荐】
    • xx days/weeks/months/years old xx天/周/月/年大的

    • reusing n. 再用, 重新使用

    • be greeted with … 对…作出反应;回应
      The European Court's decision has been greeted with dismay by fishermen. 渔民对欧洲法庭的裁决感到失望。

    • greet sth with sth 对…报以…
      greet a joke with laughter对笑话报以笑声
      is greeted with a shrug 人们对此耸耸肩,也就是 “不以为然,无所谓”的意思

    • shrug vt. & vi. 耸肩(以表示冷淡, 怀疑等)

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