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  • 1657: [Usaco2006 Mar]Mooo 奶牛的歌声

    1657: [Usaco2006 Mar]Mooo 奶牛的歌声

    Time Limit: 5 Sec  Memory Limit: 64 MB
    Submit: 526  Solved: 365


    Farmer John's N (1 <= N <= 50,000) cows are standing in a very straight row and mooing. Each cow has a unique height h in the range 1..2,000,000,000 nanometers (FJ really is a stickler for precision). Each cow moos at some volume v in the range 1..10,000. This "moo" travels across the row of cows in both directions (except for the end cows, obviously). Curiously, it is heard only by the closest cow in each direction whose height is strictly larger than that of the mooing cow (so each moo will be heard by 0, 1 or 2 other cows, depending on not whether or taller cows exist to the mooing cow's right or left). The total moo volume heard by given cow is the sum of all the moo volumes v for all cows whose mooing reaches the cow. Since some (presumably taller) cows might be subjected to a very large moo volume, FJ wants to buy earmuffs for the cow whose hearing is most threatened. Please compute the loudest moo volume heard by any cow.

    Farmer John的N(1<=N<=50,000)头奶牛整齐地站成一列“嚎叫”。每头奶牛有一个确定的高度h(1<=h<=2000000000),叫的音量为v (1<=v<=10000)。每头奶牛的叫声向两端传播,但在每个方向都只会被身高严格大于它的最近的一头奶牛听到,所以每个叫声都只会 被0,1,2头奶牛听到(这取决于它的两边有没有比它高的奶牛)。 一头奶牛听到的总音量为它听到的所有音量之和。自从一些奶牛遭受巨大的音量之后,Farmer John打算买一个耳罩给被残害得最厉 害的奶牛,请你帮他计算最大的总音量。


    * Line 1: A single integer, N.

    * Lines 2..N+1: Line i+1 contains two space-separated integers, h and v, for the cow standing at location i.




    * Line 1: The loudest moo volume heard by any single cow.


    Sample Input

    4 2
    3 5
    6 10


    Three cows: the first one has height 4 and moos with volume 2, etc.

    Sample Output







     1 var
     2    i,j,k,l,m,n:longint;
     3    a,b,c,e:array[0..500000] of longint;
     4 function max(x,y:longint):longint;
     5          begin
     6               if x>y then max:=x else max:=y;
     7          end;
     8 function min(x,y:longint):longint;
     9          begin
    10               if x<y then min:=x else min:=y;
    11          end;
    12 procedure build(x,y,z:longint);
    13           begin
    14                if (x=y) then
    15                   begin
    16                        a[z]:=c[x];
    17                        b[z]:=x;
    18                   end
    19                else
    20                    begin
    21                         build(x,(x+y) div 2,z*2);
    22                         build((x+y) div 2+1,y,z*2+1);
    23                         a[z]:=max(a[z*2],a[z*2+1]);
    24                    end;
    25           end;
    26 function getright(x,y,z,l,r,t:longint):longint;
    27          var
    28             i,j,k:longint;
    29          begin
    30               if l>r then exit(-1);
    31               if c[l]>t then exit(l);
    32               if a[z]<=t then exit(-1);
    33               if (l=r) or (x=y) then exit(-1);
    35               i:=getright(x,(x+y) div 2,z*2,l,min(r,(x+y) div 2),t);
    36               if i=-1 then
    37                  getright:=getright((x+y) div 2+1,y,z*2+1,max(l,(x+y) div 2+1),r,t)
    38               else
    39                   getright:=i;
    40          end;
    41 function getleft(x,y,z,l,r,t:longint):longint;
    42          var
    43             i,j,k:longint;
    44          begin
    45               if l>r then exit(-1);
    46               if a[z]<=t then exit(-1);
    47               if c[r]>t then exit(r);
    48               if (x=y) or (l=r) then exit(-1);
    50               i:=getleft((x+y) div 2+1,y,z*2+1,max(l,(x+y) div 2+1),r,t);
    51               if i=-1 then
    52                  getleft:=getleft(x,(x+y) div 2,z*2,l,min(r,(x+y) div 2),t)
    53               else
    54                   getleft:=i;
    55          end;
    56 begin
    57      readln(n);
    58      for i:=1 to n do
    59          readln(c[i],e[i]);
    60      build(1,n,1);
    61      fillchar(b,sizeof(b),0);
    62      for i:=1 to n do
    63          begin
    64               j:=getleft(1,n,1,1,i-1,c[i]);
    65               k:=getright(1,n,1,i+1,n,c[i]);
    66               if j<>-1 then b[j]:=b[j]+e[i];
    67               if k<>-1 then b[k]:=b[k]+e[i];
    68          end;
    69      l:=0;
    70      for i:=1 to n do
    71          l:=max(l,b[i]);
    72      writeln(l);
    73 end.
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