1589: [Usaco2008 Dec]Trick or Treat on the Farm 采集糖果
Time Limit: 5 Sec Memory Limit: 64 MBSubmit: 419 Solved: 232
每年万圣节,威斯康星的奶牛们都要打扮一番,出门在农场的N(1≤N≤100000)个牛棚里转悠,来采集糖果.她们每走到一个未曾经过的牛棚,就会采集这个棚里的1颗糖果. 农场不大,所以约翰要想尽法子让奶牛们得到快乐.他给每一个牛棚设置了一个“后继牛棚”.牛棚i的后继牛棚是Xi.他告诉奶牛们,她们到了一个牛棚之后,只要再往后继牛棚走去,就可以搜集到很多糖果.事实上这是一种有点欺骗意味的手段,来节约他的糖果. 第i只奶牛从牛棚i开始她的旅程.请你计算,每一只奶牛可以采集到多少糖果.
Sample Input
4 //有四个点
1 //1有一条边指向1
3 //2有一条边指向3
2 //3有一条边指向2
Four stalls.
* Stall 1 directs the cow back to stall 1.
* Stall 2 directs the cow to stall 3
* Stall 3 directs the cow to stall 2
* Stall 4 directs the cow to stall 3
1 //1有一条边指向1
3 //2有一条边指向3
2 //3有一条边指向2
Four stalls.
* Stall 1 directs the cow back to stall 1.
* Stall 2 directs the cow to stall 3
* Stall 3 directs the cow to stall 2
* Stall 4 directs the cow to stall 3
Sample Output
Cow 1: Start at 1, next is 1. Total stalls visited: 1. Cow 2: Start at 2, next is 3, next is 2. Total stalls visited: 2. Cow 3: Start at 3, next is 2, next is 3. Total stalls visited: 2. Cow 4: Start at 4, next is 3, next is 2, next is 3. Total stalls visited: 3.
题解:N个月前刚刚开BZOJ权限的时候,看了这道题,毫无思路,甚至想过暴搜(实际上此题求的就是各点所能到达的点的个数),但是要是 ( N leq 1000 ) 的话倒还说的过去,( O({N}^{2} ) ) 的复杂度毕竟。。。
1 /************************************************************** 2 Problem: 1589 3 User: HansBug 4 Language: Pascal 5 Result: Accepted 6 Time:716 ms 7 Memory:7324 kb 8 ****************************************************************/ 9 10 type 11 point=^node; 12 node=record 13 g:longint; 14 next:point; 15 end; 16 map=array[0..100000] of point; 17 var 18 i,j,k,l,m,n,h,t,ans:longint; 19 low,dfn,f,b,d,e:array[0..100000] of longint; 20 a,c:map;p:point; 21 ss,s:array[0..100000] of boolean; 22 function min(x,y:longint):longint; 23 begin 24 if x<y then min:=x else min:=y; 25 end; 26 procedure add(x,y:longint;var a:map); 27 var p:point; 28 begin 29 new(p);p^.g:=y; 30 p^.next:=a[x];a[x]:=p; 31 end; 32 procedure tarjan(x:longint); 33 var p:point; 34 begin 35 inc(h);low[x]:=h;dfn[x]:=h; 36 inc(t);f[t]:=x; 37 ss[x]:=true;s[x]:=true; 38 p:=a[x]; 39 while p<>nil do 40 begin 41 if not(s[p^.g]) then 42 begin 43 tarjan(p^.g); 44 low[x]:=min(low[x],low[p^.g]); 45 end 46 else if ss[p^.g] then low[x]:=min(low[x],dfn[p^.g]); 47 p:=p^.next; 48 end; 49 if low[x]=dfn[x] then 50 begin 51 inc(ans); 52 while f[t+1]<>x do 53 begin 54 ss[f[t]]:=false; 55 b[f[t]]:=ans; 56 dec(t); 57 end; 58 end; 59 end; 60 procedure dfs(x:longint); 61 var p:point; 62 begin 63 p:=c[x]; 64 e[x]:=d[x]; 65 while p<>nil do 66 begin 67 if e[p^.g]=0 then dfs(p^.g); 68 e[x]:=e[x]+e[p^.g]; 69 p:=p^.next; 70 end; 71 end; 72 begin 73 readln(n); 74 for i:=1 to n do a[i]:=nil; 75 for i:=1 to n do 76 begin 77 readln(j); 78 add(i,j,a); 79 end; 80 fillchar(s,sizeof(s),false); 81 fillchar(ss,sizeof(ss),false); 82 fillchar(low,sizeof(low),0); 83 fillchar(dfn,sizeof(dfn),0); 84 fillchar(f,sizeof(f),0); 85 h:=0;t:=0;ans:=0; 86 for i:=1 to n do 87 if b[i]=0 then tarjan(i); 88 fillchar(d,sizeof(d),0); 89 for i:=1 to n do inc(d[b[i]]); 90 for i:=1 to ans do c[i]:=nil; 91 for i:=1 to n do 92 begin 93 p:=a[i]; 94 while p<>nil do 95 begin 96 if b[i]<>b[p^.g] then add(b[i],b[p^.g],c); 97 p:=p^.next; 98 end; 99 end; 100 fillchar(e,sizeof(e),0); 101 for i:=1 to ans do 102 if e[i]=0 then dfs(i); 103 for i:=1 to n do 104 writeln(e[b[i]]); 105 readln; 106 end.