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  • 2243: [SDOI2011]染色

    2243: [SDOI2011]染色

    Time Limit: 20 Sec  Memory Limit: 512 MB
    Submit: 3113  Solved: 1204










    下面 行每行包含两个整数x和y,表示xy之间有一条无向边。

    下面 行每行描述一个操作:

    “C a b c”表示这是一个染色操作,把节点a到节点b路径上所有点(包括a和b)都染成颜色c;

    “Q a b”表示这是一个询问操作,询问节点a到节点b(包括a和b)路径上的颜色段数量。





    Sample Input

    6 5

    2 2 1 2 1 1

    1 2

    1 3

    2 4

    2 5

    2 6

    Q 3 5

    C 2 1 1

    Q 3 5

    C 5 1 2

    Q 3 5

    Sample Output





    数N<=10^5,操作数M<=10^5,所有的颜色C为整数且在[0, 10^9]之间。



    题解:又是一个树链剖分= =,其实越来越感觉链剖更多的是一种思想,通过树链剖分将树上的区间维护问题转化为线段树维护问题,比如这题就可以转化为一个区间覆盖与区间段数查询问题,关键在于合并区间信息


    2.事实上,求出两条支链后不需要把交点,也就是LCA点非要排除掉(HansBug:事实上保留也根本不影响结果,想想为什么= =)


      1 /**************************************************************
      2     Problem: 2243
      3     User: HansBug
      4     Language: Pascal
      5     Result: Accepted
      6     Time:14940 ms
      7     Memory:55812 kb
      8 ****************************************************************/
     10 type
     11     color=record
     12                 lef,rig,mid:longint;
     13     end;
     14     point=^node;
     15     node=record
     16                g:longint;
     17                next:point;
     18     end;
     19 var
     20    d:array[0..1000005] of color;
     21    a:array[0..100005] of point;
     22    e,len,son,num,anum,top,siz,f:array[0..1000005] of longint;
     23    c:array[0..20,0..100005] of longint;
     24    i,j,k,l,m,n,tot,root:longint;ch:char;
     25 function min(x,y:longint):longint;
     26          begin
     27               if x<y then min:=x else min:=y;
     28          end;
     29 function max(x,y:longint):longint;
     30          begin
     31               if x>y then max:=x else max:=y;
     32          end;
     33 procedure swap(var x,y:longint);
     34           var z:longint;
     35           begin
     36                z:=x;x:=y;y:=z;
     37           end;
     38 function turn(x:color):color;
     39          begin
     40               swap(x.lef,x.rig);
     41               exit(x);
     42          end;
     43 function pure(x:color):boolean;
     44          begin
     45               exit((x.lef=x.rig) and (x.mid=0));
     46          end;
     47 function number(x:color):longint;
     48          begin
     49               if x.mid>0 then exit(x.mid+2) else
     50                  if x.lef=x.rig then exit(1) else exit(2);
     51          end;
     52 function empty(x:color):boolean;
     53          begin
     54               exit((x.lef=-1) and (x.rig=-1) and (x.mid=0))
     55          end;
     56 function getcolor(x,y,z:longint):color;
     57          var p:color;
     58          begin
     59               p.lef:=x;p.rig:=y;p.mid:=z;
     60               exit(p);
     61          end;
     62 function merge(x,y:color):color;
     63          var z:color;
     64          begin
     65               if empty(x) then exit(y);
     66               if empty(y) then exit(x);
     67               z:=getcolor(x.lef,y.rig,0);
     68               if not(pure(x)) then inc(z.mid,x.mid+1);
     69               if not(pure(y)) then inc(z.mid,y.mid+1);
     70               if (z.mid>0) and (x.rig=y.lef) then dec(z.mid);
     71               exit(z);
     72          end;
     73 procedure add(x,y:longint);
     74           var p:point;
     75           begin
     76                new(p);p^.g:=y;p^.next:=a[x];a[x]:=p;
     77           end;
     78 procedure dfs(y,x:longint);
     79           var p:point;
     80           begin
     81                len[x]:=len[y]+1;
     82                c[0,x]:=y;son[x]:=0;
     83                siz[x]:=1;p:=a[x];
     84                while p<>nil do
     85                      begin
     86                           if p^.g<>y then
     87                              begin
     88                                   dfs(x,p^.g);
     89                                   if (son[x]=0) or (siz[p^.g]>siz[son[x]]) then son[x]:=p^.g;
     90                                   inc(siz[x],siz[p^.g]);
     91                              end;
     92                           p:=p^.next;
     93                      end;
     94           end;
     95 procedure dfs2(y,x,z:longint);
     96           var p:point;
     97           begin
     98                top[x]:=z;inc(tot);num[x]:=tot;anum[tot]:=x;
     99                if son[x]<>0 then dfs2(x,son[x],z);
    100                p:=a[x];
    101                while p<>nil do
    102                      begin
    103                           if (p^.g<>y) and (p^.g<>son[x]) then dfs2(x,p^.g,p^.g);
    104                           p:=p^.next;
    105                      end;
    106           end;
    107 procedure built(z,x,y:longint);
    108           begin
    109                if x=y then
    110                   d[z]:=getcolor(f[anum[x]],f[anum[x]],0)
    111                else
    112                    begin
    113                         built(z*2,x,(x+y) div 2);
    114                         built(z*2+1,(x+y) div 2+1,y);
    115                         d[z]:=merge(d[z*2],d[z*2+1]);
    116                    end;
    117                e[z]:=-1;
    118           end;
    119 procedure ext(z,x,y:longint);
    120           begin
    121                if e[z]=-1 then exit;
    122                d[z]:=getcolor(e[z],e[z],0);
    123                if x<>y then
    124                   begin
    125                        e[z*2]:=e[z];
    126                        e[z*2+1]:=e[z];
    127                   end;
    128                e[z]:=-1;
    129           end;
    130 function cover(z,x,y,l,r,t:longint):color;
    131          var p1,p2:color;
    132           begin
    133                if l>r then if e[z]<>-1 then exit(getcolor(e[z],e[z],0)) else exit(d[z]);
    134                if (l=x) and (r=y) then
    135                   begin
    136                        e[z]:=t;
    137                        exit(getcolor(t,t,0));
    138                   end;
    139                ext(z,x,y);
    140                p1:=cover(z*2,x,(x+y) div 2,l,min(r,(x+y) div 2),t);
    141                p2:=cover(z*2+1,(x+y) div 2+1,y,max((x+y) div 2+1,l),r,t);
    142                d[z]:=merge(p1,p2);
    143                exit(d[z]);
    144           end;
    145 function doit(z,x,y,l,r:longint):color;
    146          var p1,p2:color;
    147          begin
    148               if l>r then exit(getcolor(-1,-1,0));
    149               if e[z]<>-1 then exit(getcolor(e[z],e[z],0));
    150               if (x=l) and (y=r) then exit(d[z]);
    151               p1:=doit(z*2,x,(x+y) div 2,l,min(r,(x+y) div 2));
    152               p2:=doit(z*2+1,(x+y) div 2+1,y,max((x+y) div 2+1,l),r);
    153               exit(merge(p1,p2));
    154          end;
    155 function getup(x,y:longint):longint;
    156          var i:longint;
    157          begin
    158               i:=0;
    159               while y>0 do
    160                     begin
    161                          if odd(y) then x:=c[i,x];
    162                          inc(i);y:=y div 2;
    163                     end;
    164               exit(x);
    165          end;
    166 function getcom(x,y:longint):longint;
    167          var i:longint;
    168          begin
    169               if len[x]<len[y] then swap(x,y);
    170               x:=getup(x,len[x]-len[y]);
    171               if x=y then exit(x);
    172               for i:=trunc(round(ln(len[x])/ln(2))) downto 0 do
    173                   if c[i,x]<>c[i,y] then
    174                      begin
    175                           x:=c[i,x];
    176                           y:=c[i,y];
    177                      end;
    178               exit(c[0,x]);
    179          end;
    180 procedure treecolor(x,y,t:longint);
    181           var z,i:longint;
    182           begin
    183                z:=getcom(x,y);
    184                repeat
    185                      if len[top[x]]<len[z] then i:=z else i:=top[x];
    186                      cover(1,1,n,num[i],num[x],t);
    187                      if i=z then break;
    188                      x:=c[0,i];
    189                until false;
    190                repeat
    191                      if len[top[y]]<len[z] then i:=z else i:=top[y];
    192                      cover(1,1,n,num[i],num[y],t);
    193                      if i=z then break;
    194                      y:=c[0,i];
    195                until false;
    196           end;
    197 function treecount(x,y:longint):longint;
    198          var z,i:longint;p1,p2:color;
    199          begin
    200               p1:=getcolor(-1,-1,0);p2:=getcolor(-1,-1,0);
    201               z:=getcom(x,y);
    202               repeat
    203                     if len[top[x]]<len[z] then i:=z else i:=top[x];
    204                     p1:=merge(p1,turn(doit(1,1,n,num[i],num[x])));
    205                     if i=z then break;
    206                     x:=c[0,i];
    207               until false;
    209               repeat
    210                     if len[top[y]]<len[z] then i:=z else i:=top[y];
    211                     p2:=merge(doit(1,1,n,num[i],num[y]),p2);
    212                     if i=z then break;
    213                     y:=c[0,i];
    214               until false;
    216               exit(number(merge(p1,p2)));
    217          end;
    218 begin
    219      readln(n,m);
    220      for i:=1 to n do a[i]:=nil;
    221      for i:=1 to n do read(f[i]);
    222      readln;
    223      for i:=1 to n-1 do
    224          begin
    225               readln(j,k);
    226               add(j,k);add(k,j);
    227          end;
    228      root:=1;dfs(0,root);dfs2(0,root,root);
    229      for i:=1 to trunc(round(ln(n)/ln(2)))+1 do
    230          for j:=1 to n do
    231              c[i,j]:=c[i-1,c[i-1,j]];
    232      built(1,1,n);
    234      for i:=1 to m do
    235          begin
    236               read(ch);
    237               case ch of
    238                    'Q':begin
    239                             readln(j,k);
    240                             writeln(treecount(j,k));
    241                    end;
    242                    'C':begin
    243                             readln(j,k,l);
    244                             treecolor(j,k,l);
    245                    end;
    246               end;
    247          end;
    248      readln;
    249 end.
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/HansBug/p/4496884.html
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