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  • 1.2用户统计页面实现






      1 <!DOCTYPE html>
      2 <html lang="en">
      3 <head>
      4     <meta charset="UTF-8">
      5     <title>新经资讯后台管理</title>
      6     <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../static/admin/css/reset.css">
      7     <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../static/admin/css/main.css">
      8     <script type="text/javascript" src="../../static/admin/js/echarts.min.js"></script>
      9 </head>
     10 <body>
     11     <div class="breadcrub">
     12         当前位置:用户管理>用户统计
     13     </div>
     14     <div class="spannels">
     15         <div class="spannel scolor01">
     16             <em>{{ context.total_count }}</em><span></span>
     17             <b>用户总数</b>
     18         </div>
     19         <div class="spannel scolor02">
     20             <em>{{ context.month_count }}</em><span></span>
     21             <b>用户月新增数</b>
     22         </div>
     23         <div class="spannel2 scolor03">
     24             <em>{{ context.day_count }}</em><span></span>
     25             <b>用户日新增数</b>
     26         </div>        
     27     </div>
     29     <div class="pannel">
     30         <div id="chart_show" class="chart_show"></div>
     31     </div>
     32     <script>
     33         var oChart = echarts.init(document.getElementById('chart_show'));
     34         var chartopt = {
     35                         title:{
     36                             text: '用户登录活跃数',
     37                             left: 'center',
     38                             top: '10'
     39                         },
     40                         tooltip:{
     41                             trigger: 'axis'
     42                         },
     43                         legend: {
     44                             data:['active'],
     45                             top: '40'
     46                         },
     47                         toolbox: {
     48                             show : true,
     49                             feature : {
     50                                 mark : {show: true},
     51                                 dataView : {show: true, readOnly: false},
     52                                 magicType : {show: true, type: ['line','bar']},
     53                                 restore : {show: true},
     54                                 saveAsImage : {show: true}
     55                             }
     56                         },
     57                         calculable : true,               
     58                         xAxis : [
     59                             {
     60                                 name: '今天',
     61                                 type : 'category',
     62                                 boundaryGap : false,
     63                                 data : ["08:15","09:15","10:15","11:15","12:15","13:15","14:15","15:15","16:15","17:15","18:15","19:15"]
     64                             }
     65                         ],        
     66                         yAxis : [
     67                             {
     68                                 name: '活跃用户数量',
     69                                 type : 'value'
     70                             }
     71                         ],      
     72                         series : [
     73                             {
     74                                 name:'active',
     75                                 type:'line',
     76                                 smooth:true,
     77                                 itemStyle: {normal: {areaStyle: {type: 'default'}, color: '#f80'}, lineStyle: {color: '#f80'}},
     78                                 data:[14951,14861,7186,15861,14951,14861,7186,14951,14861,7186,15861,14951]
     79                             }],
     80                         areaStyle:{
     81                                 normal:{
     82                                     color: new echarts.graphic.LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 1, [{
     83                                         offset: 0,
     84                                         color: 'rgba(255,136,0,0.39)'
     85                                     }, {
     86                                         offset: .34,
     87                                         color: 'rgba(255,180,0,0.25)'
     88                                     },{
     89                                         offset: 1,
     90                                         color: 'rgba(255,222,0,0.00)'
     91                                     }])
     93                                 }
     94                             }
     96                         };
     98             oChart.setOption(chartopt);
    100     </script>
    101 </body>
    102 </html>


     1 @admin_blue.route('/user_count')
     2 def user_count():
     3     #总人数统计,先给个默认值为0(以防数据库查询不到
     4     total_count = 0
     5     try:
     6         #从数据中获取is_admin值为0也就是为false的用户;.count()函数用于统计个数
     7         total_count = User.query.filter(User.is_admin == False).count()
     8     except Exception as e:
     9         current_app.logger.error(e)
    10     #本月新增人数统计
    11     month_count = 0
    12     #获取当前本地的时间
    13     t = time.localtime()
    14     #获取年月
    15     month_begin_time = "%s-%02s-01"%(t.tm_year,t.tm_mon)
    16     #用datatime包中的strptime进行时间的格式转化
    17     month_begin_time_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(month_begin_time,"%Y-%m-%d")
    18     try:
    19         #从数据库中获取is_admin为false以及创建时间大于本月的0.00分的用户数据;count()统计个数
    20         month_count = User.query.filter(User.is_admin ==False,User.create_time>month_begin_time_date).count()
    21     except Exception as e:
    22         current_app.logger.error(e)
    23     #今日新增的人数
    24     day_count = 0
    25     day_begin_time = "%s-%02s-01" % (t.tm_year, t.tm_mon)
    26     day_begin_time_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(day_begin_time, "%Y-%m-%d")
    27     try:
    28         #同上
    29         day_count = User.query.filter(User.is_admin == False, User.create_time > month_begin_time_date).count()
    30     except Exception as e:
    31         current_app.logger.error(e)
    32     #传递上下文
    33     context = {
    34         "total_count":total_count,
    35         "month_count":month_count,
    36         "day_count":day_count,
    37     }
    38     return render_template("admin/user_count.html",context=context)

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Hdwmsyqdm/p/13952747.html
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