ORA-01628:max # of extents num reached for rollback segment num
解决方法:使用SQL命令ALTER TABLESPACE…STORAGE(MAXEXTENTS XXXX)来增加 MAXEXTENTS,其中“XXXX”值必须大于错误信息中所指的数值,但不能大于LARGEST MAXEXTENT的值,如果已经达到了LARGEST MAXEXTENT VALUE,解决的办法就是重新创建较大的范围尺寸,使用带有选项COMPRESS=Y的Export工具导出表,如果表空间有可用空间,先给表做一个备份,用alter tablespace tablespace_name更改其名字,然后再装载表回数据库。
ORA-1628:max # extents 50 reached for rollback segment RBS_1
Cause: An attempt was made to extend a rollback segment that already has reached its maximum size or space could not be allocated in the data dictionary to contain the definition of the object.
Action:If possible,increase the value of either the MAXEXTENTS or PCTINCREASE initialization parameters or find the data dictionary table lacking space and alter the storage parameters,as described in the Oracle8 Server Administrator’s Guide