1 监控代理安装 2 1.1 安装 2 1.1.1 解压安装包 2 1.1.2 安装 2 1.2 配置 5 1.2.1 给Agent授权 5 1.2.2 配置Oracle Agent 10
1 监控代理安装
1.1 安装
1.1.1 解压安装包
#将安装压缩包解压到 /data/ora_agent 目录下: [root@TEST144239 data]# tar -xvf oracleagent_10g11g_for_linux.tar -C /data/ora_agent |
[root@TEST144239 data]# cd ora_agent/ [root@TEST144239 ora_agent]# ll 总用量 432 -rwxr-xr-x 1 202 101 56 10月 12 2010 AUTORUN.INF drwxr-xr-x 2 202 101 4096 10月 12 2010 Deploy -rwxr-xr-x 1 202 101 1095 10月 12 2010 DeployLnk.sh drwxr-xr-x 3 202 101 4096 10月 12 2010 InstallITM -rwxr-xr-x 1 202 101 138175 10月 12 2010 install.sh -rwxr-xr-x 1 202 101 734 10月 12 2010 kcirunas.cfg drwxr-xr-x 2 202 101 4096 10月 12 2010 license -rwxr-xr-x 1 202 101 0 10月 12 2010 non_ibm_license -rwxr-xr-x 1 202 101 234204 10月 12 2010 notices -rwxr-xr-x 1 202 101 337 10月 12 2010 README.TXT -rwxr-xr-x 1 202 101 11550 10月 12 2010 silent_config.txt -rwxr-xr-x 1 202 101 3161 10月 12 2010 silent_install.txt drwxr-xr-x 5 202 101 12288 10月 12 2010 unix drwxr-xr-x 10 202 101 4096 10月 12 2010 WIA64 drwxr-xr-x 10 202 101 4096 10月 12 2010 WINDOWS |
1.1.2 安装
#创建安装目录:/u01/IBM/ITM [root@TEST144239 data2]# mkdir -p /u01/IBM/ITM [root@TEST144239 ora_agent]# ./install.sh INSTALL
请输入 IBM Tivoli Monitoring 目录的名称 [ 缺省值 = /opt/IBM/ITM ]: /u01/IBM/ITM ITM 主目录 "/u01/IBM/ITM" 已经存在。 确定使用它 [ 1-是, 2-否; "1" 为缺省值 ]? 1
1) 将产品安装到本地主机上。 2) 将产品安装到库以进行远程部署(需要 TEMS)。 3) 安装用于远程种子植入的 TEMS 支持 4) 退出安装。 1 正在初始化 ... 国际程序许可协议
第一部分 -- 通用条款
下载、安装、复制、访问、单击“接受”按钮,或以其他方式使用程序,即 表明被许可方同意本协议的条款。如果您代表被许可方接受此类条款,则您 陈述并保证您拥有完全的授权以使该被许可方接受此类条款的约束。如果您 不同意此类条款,
- 则请勿下载、安装、复制、访问、单击“接受”按钮,或使用程序;并 且
- 立即将未使用的介质、文档和权利证明退还至提供方,以便获得您所支 付金额的退款。如果下载了程序,那么请销毁程序的所有副本。
按 Enter 键继续查看本许可协议或按 "1" 接受本协议,按 "2" 拒绝本协议,按 "3" 打印本协议,按 "4" 阅读非 IBM 条款,按 "5" 用英语查看,或按 "99" 回到上一屏 幕。 1
输入 32 个字符的加密密钥,或者只按 Enter 来使用缺省值 缺省值 = IBMTivoliMonitoringEncryptionKey ....+....1....+....2....+....3.. 已设置 GSkit 加密密钥。 密钥文件目录:/u01/IBM/ITM/keyfiles /data/ora_agent/unix 中提供了产品软件包
IBM GSKit Security Interface V07.40.27.00 @ Linux Intel R2.4 (32 bit)/Intel R2.6 (32 bit)/x86_64 R2.6 (32 bit) IBM GSKit Security Interface V07.40.27.00 @ Linux x86_64 R2.6 (64 bit)
All agents require that application support files that contain agent-specific information be installed on the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server that the agents will connect to, Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server and Tivoli Enterprise Portal desktop and browser client. Install application support before starting to install any Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Agents.
1) 该操作系统的 IBM Tivoli Monitoring 组件 2) Tivoli Enterprise Portal Browser Client 支持 3) Tivoli Enterprise Portal Desktop Client 支持 4) Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server 支持 5) Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server 支持 6) 其他操作系统
输入编号或输入“q”以退出选择 [ 编号“1”或“该操作系统的 IBM Tivoli Monitoring 组件”是缺省值 ]: 已选择编号“1”或“该操作系统的 IBM Tivoli Monitoring 组件” 以下产品可供安装:
1) Monitoring Agent for Oracle Database Extended V06.31.00.00 2) Tivoli Enterprise Services User Interface Extensions V06.22.02.00 3) 以上所有产品
输入想要安装的产品编号,输入“b”以更改操作系统,或输入“q”以退出选择。 如果输入多个编号,请用逗号或者空格进行分隔。
在此处输入选择: 3
Monitoring Agent for Oracle Database Extended V06.31.00.00 Tivoli Enterprise Services User Interface Extensions V06.22.02.00 将安装以下产品:
Monitoring Agent for Oracle Database Extended V06.31.00.00 Tivoli Enterprise Services User Interface Extensions V06.22.02.00
您的选择是否正确 [ 1=是,2=否;缺省值为“1”]? 1 ... 正在安装“Monitoring Agent for Oracle Database Extended V06.31.00.00 for Linux x86_64 R2.6 (64 bit)”;请等待。 => 已安装“Monitoring Agent for Oracle Database Extended V06.31.00.00 for Linux x86_64 R2.6 (64 bit)”。 ... 正在安装“Tivoli Enterprise Services User Interface Extensions V06.22.02.00 for Linux x86_64 R2.6 (64 bit)”;请等待。 => 已安装“Tivoli Enterprise Services User Interface Extensions V06.22.02.00 for Linux x86_64 R2.6 (64 bit)”。 正在初始化 Linux x86_64 R2.6 (64 bit) 的组件 Tivoli Enterprise Services User Interface Extensions V06.22.02.00...。 ... Linux x86_64 R2.6 (64 bit) 的 Tivoli Enterprise Services User Interface Extensions V06.22.02.00 已初始化。 是否要安装其他产品或产品支持软件包 [ 1=是,2=否;缺省值为“2”]? 2 ... 正在进行后处理;请等待。 ... 后处理已完成。 安装步骤已完成。
现在您可以通过 "/u01/IBM/ITM/bin/itmcmd config" 命令配置任何本地安装的 IBM Tivoli Monitoring 产品。 |
1.2 配置
1.2.1 给Agent授权
ITCAM for oracle agent 对Oracle的监控,需要在Oracle 数据库上给agent创建用户与角色,并给用户授权。用户和密码为了以后运维方便,统一为:tivoli/tivoli。同时还要运行agent提供的授权文件。授权文件的名称和oracle版本对应要求如下。此所有授权操作请数据库管理员进行操作。
安装前请确认oracle 的版本:
l Oracle 10.0和以上版本的:为krzgrant.sql文件(本次是oracle 11g r2)
l Oracle 9版本:为korgrant.sql文件
1) 找到你对应版本的授权文件,和名称,记下路径。参考:安装前请确认oracle 的版本
2) 切换到oracle用户下su – oracle
3) 进入1)找到的授权文件所在的路径
4) 运行sqlplus "/ as sysdba"
5) 创建用户,运行create user tivoli identified by tivoli;
SQL> create user tivoli identified by tivoli;
6) 授权运行grant resource,connect to tivoli;
SQL> grant resource,connect to tivoli;
7) 运行授权脚本,
n Oracle 10.0和以上版本的:
SQL> @krzgrant.sql tivoli /u01/IBM/ITM/tmp
[oracle@TEST144239 ~]$ cd /u01/IBM/ITM/lx8266/rz/bin [oracle@TEST144239 bin]$ ll 总用量 4372 -rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 2559942 11月 4 15:40 krzagent -rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 1083236 11月 4 15:40 krzclient -rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 11497 11月 4 15:40 krzgrant.sql -rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 2559 11月 4 15:40 krzmsgid.properties -rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 525278 11月 4 15:40 krz.ref -rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 247599 11月 4 15:40 krzsql.xml -rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 33734 11月 4 15:40 krzstart [oracle@TEST144239 ~]$ sqlplus /nolog
SQL*Plus: Release Production on Wed Nov 4 16:17:14 2015
Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved.
SQL> conn / as sysdba Connected. SQL> create user tivoli identified by tivoli; SQL> grant resource,connect to tivoli; Grant succeeded. |
#运行授权脚本 |
SQL> @krzgrant.sql tivoli /u01/IBM/ITM/tmp SQL> set serveroutput on; SQL> spool &2/krzgrant.log SQL> declare 2 version integer; 3 userName varchar(20); 4 isExist integer; 5 begin 6 7 userName:='&1'; 8 isExist:=0; 9 10 select count(username) 11 into isExist 12 from dba_users where username=upper('&1'); 13 14 if isExist = 0 then 15 dbms_output.put_line('The user '||userName||' does not exist, please create it first!'); 16 return; 17 end if; 18 19 select to_number(substr(banner,instr(banner,'Release')+8,instr(banner,'.',1,2)-8-instr(banner,'Release')))*10 20 into version 21 from V$VERSION 22 where banner like 'Oracle%' and rownum < 2; 23 24 if version >=112 then 25 execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$ASM_DISKGROUP_STAT to '||userName; 26 execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$ASM_DISK_STAT to '||userName; 27 execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$CLUSTER_INTERCONNECTS to '||userName; 28 execute immediate 'grant select on V_$DATAGUARD_STATS to '||userName; 29 execute immediate 'grant select on V_$FLASHBACK_DATABASE_LOGFILE to '||userName; 30 execute immediate 'grant select on V_$FLASH_RECOVERY_AREA_USAGE to '||userName; 31 execute immediate 'grant select on V_$LOGSTDBY_PROCESS to '||userName; 32 execute immediate 'grant select on V_$LOGSTDBY_PROGRESS to '||userName; 33 execute immediate 'grant select on V_$LOGSTDBY_STATE to '||userName; 34 elsif version =111 then 35 execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$ASM_DISKGROUP_STAT to '||userName; 36 execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$ASM_DISK_STAT to '||userName; 37 execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$CLUSTER_INTERCONNECTS to '||userName; 38 execute immediate 'grant select on V_$DATAGUARD_STATS to '||userName; 39 execute immediate 'grant select on V_$FLASHBACK_DATABASE_LOGFILE to '||userName; 40 execute immediate 'grant select on V_$FLASH_RECOVERY_AREA_USAGE to '||userName; 41 execute immediate 'grant select on V_$LOGSTDBY_PROCESS to '||userName; 42 execute immediate 'grant select on V_$LOGSTDBY_PROGRESS to '||userName; 43 execute immediate 'grant select on V_$LOGSTDBY_STATE to '||userName; 44 elsif version =102 then 45 execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$ASM_DISKGROUP_STAT to '||userName; 46 execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$ASM_DISK_STAT to '||userName; 47 execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$CLUSTER_INTERCONNECTS to '||userName; 48 execute immediate 'grant select on V_$DATAGUARD_STATS to '||userName; 49 execute immediate 'grant select on V_$FLASH_RECOVERY_AREA_USAGE to '||userName; 50 execute immediate 'grant select on V_$LOGSTDBY_PROCESS to '||userName; 51 execute immediate 'grant select on V_$LOGSTDBY_PROGRESS to '||userName; 52 execute immediate 'grant select on V_$LOGSTDBY_STATE to '||userName; 53 elsif version =101 then 54 execute immediate 'grant select on DBA_LOGSTDBY_PROGRESS to '||userName; 55 execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$ASM_DISK to '||userName; 56 execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$ASM_DISKGROUP to '||userName; 57 execute immediate 'grant select on V_$LOGSTDBY to '||userName; 58 else 59 dbms_output.put_line('It is an unsupported version!'); 60 return; 61 end if; 62 63 --------------------------------------------- 64 -- Grant common objects 65 --------------------------------------------- 66 67 execute immediate 'grant select on DBA_CLUSTERS to '||userName; 68 execute immediate 'grant select on DBA_DATA_FILES to '||userName; 69 execute immediate 'grant select on DBA_EXTENTS to '||userName; 70 execute immediate 'grant select on DBA_FREE_SPACE to '||userName; 71 execute immediate 'grant select on DBA_HIST_SNAPSHOT to '||userName; 72 execute immediate 'grant select on DBA_HIST_SQLSTAT to '||userName; 73 execute immediate 'grant select on DBA_HIST_SQLTEXT to '||userName; 74 execute immediate 'grant select on DBA_HIST_SQL_PLAN to '||userName; 75 execute immediate 'grant select on DBA_HIST_SYSMETRIC_SUMMARY to '||userName; 76 execute immediate 'grant select on DBA_INDEXES to '||userName; 77 execute immediate 'grant select on DBA_OBJECTS to '||userName; 78 execute immediate 'grant select on DBA_SEGMENTS to '||userName; 79 execute immediate 'grant select on DBA_TABLES to '||userName; 80 execute immediate 'grant select on DBA_TABLESPACES to '||userName; 81 execute immediate 'grant select on DBA_TEMP_FILES to '||userName; 82 execute immediate 'grant select on DBA_UNDO_EXTENTS to '||userName; 83 execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$ARCHIVE_DEST to '||userName; 84 execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$ARCHIVE_DEST_STATUS to '||userName; 85 execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$ASM_CLIENT to '||userName; 86 execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$ASM_TEMPLATE to '||userName; 87 execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$BGPROCESS to '||userName; 88 execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$BUFFER_POOL_STATISTICS to '||userName; 89 execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$DATAFILE_HEADER to '||userName; 90 execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$DLM_MISC to '||userName; 91 execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$ENQUEUE_STAT to '||userName; 92 execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$FILEMETRIC to '||userName; 93 execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$FILESTAT to '||userName; 94 execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$GES_BLOCKING_ENQUEUE to '||userName; 95 execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$INSTANCE to '||userName; 96 execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$LATCH to '||userName; 97 execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$LATCH_CHILDREN to '||userName; 98 execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$LIBRARYCACHE to '||userName; 99 execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$LOCK to '||userName; 100 execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$LOCKED_OBJECT to '||userName; 101 execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$LOG to '||userName; 102 execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$OPTION to '||userName; 103 execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$OSSTAT to '||userName; 104 execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$PARAMETER to '||userName; 105 execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$PGASTAT to '||userName; 106 execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$PGA_TARGET_ADVICE to '||userName; 107 execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$PROCESS to '||userName; 108 execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$RESOURCE_LIMIT to '||userName; 109 execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$ROLLSTAT to '||userName; 110 execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$ROWCACHE to '||userName; 111 execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$SEGMENT_STATISTICS to '||userName; 112 execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$SERVICES to '||userName; 113 execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$SESSION to '||userName; 114 execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$SESSION_WAIT to '||userName; 115 execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$SESS_IO to '||userName; 116 execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$SGA to '||userName; 117 execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$SGAINFO to '||userName; 118 execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$SGASTAT to '||userName; 119 execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$SORT_SEGMENT to '||userName; 120 execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$SQL to '||userName; 121 execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$SYSMETRIC to '||userName; 122 execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$SYSMETRIC_HISTORY to '||userName; 123 execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$SYSMETRIC_SUMMARY to '||userName; 124 execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$SYSSTAT to '||userName; 125 execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$SYSTEM_PARAMETER to '||userName; 126 execute immediate 'grant select on GV_$UNDOSTAT to '||userName; 127 execute immediate 'grant select on SYS.OBJ$ to '||userName; 128 execute immediate 'grant select on SYS.TS$ to '||userName; 129 execute immediate 'grant select on SYS.UNDO$ to '||userName; 130 execute immediate 'grant select on V_$ACTIVE_INSTANCES to '||userName; 131 execute immediate 'grant select on V_$ARCHIVED_LOG to '||userName; 132 execute immediate 'grant select on V_$ARCHIVE_DEST to '||userName; 133 execute immediate 'grant select on V_$ARCHIVE_DEST_STATUS to '||userName; 134 execute immediate 'grant select on V_$ARCHIVE_GAP to '||userName; 135 execute immediate 'grant select on V_$BGPROCESS to '||userName; 136 execute immediate 'grant select on V_$DATABASE to '||userName; 137 execute immediate 'grant select on V_$DATAFILE to '||userName; 138 execute immediate 'grant select on V_$DATAFILE_HEADER to '||userName; 139 execute immediate 'grant select on V_$DATAGUARD_STATUS to '||userName; 140 execute immediate 'grant select on V_$FLASHBACK_DATABASE_LOG to '||userName; 141 execute immediate 'grant select on V_$INSTANCE to '||userName; 142 execute immediate 'grant select on V_$LOCK_TYPE to '||userName; 143 execute immediate 'grant select on V_$LOG to '||userName; 144 execute immediate 'grant select on V_$LOGFILE to '||userName; 145 execute immediate 'grant select on V_$LOGSTDBY_STATS to '||userName; 146 execute immediate 'grant select on V_$LOG_HISTORY to '||userName; 147 execute immediate 'grant select on V_$MANAGED_STANDBY to '||userName; 148 execute immediate 'grant select on V_$PARAMETER to '||userName; 149 execute immediate 'grant select on V_$RECOVERY_FILE_DEST to '||userName; 150 execute immediate 'grant select on V_$RECOVERY_PROGRESS to '||userName; 151 execute immediate 'grant select on V_$SPPARAMETER to '||userName; 152 execute immediate 'grant select on V_$STANDBY_LOG to '||userName; 153 execute immediate 'grant select on V_$TABLESPACE to '||userName; 154 execute immediate 'grant select on V_$TEMPFILE to '||userName; 155 execute immediate 'grant select on V_$VERSION to '||userName; 156 157 ------------------------------------------------ 158 -- Grant create session to the user 159 ------------------------------------------------ 160 execute immediate 'grant connect to '||userName; 161 execute immediate 'grant create session to '||userName; 162 163 ------------------------------------------------ 164 end; 165 / old 7: userName:='&1'; new 7: userName:='tivoli'; old 12: from dba_users where username=upper('&1'); new 12: from dba_users where username=upper('tivoli');
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
SQL> spool off SQL> set echo off;
#测试用户 SQL> conn tivoli/tivoli Connected. SQL> conn / as sysdba Connected. SQL> exit Disconnected from Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options #至此在Oracle 数据库上给agent创建用户与角色,并给用户授权,操作完毕 |
1.2.2 配置Oracle Agent
Oracle agent的配置也根据版本有不通的配置方法。
1) 进入Agent 安装目录的bin目录下。 [oracle@TEST144239 /]$ cd /u01/IBM/ITM/bin 2) 运行./itmcmd config –o <数据库实例名> -A rz 开始配置 [oracle@TEST144239 /]$ cd /u01/IBM/ITM/bin [oracle@TEST144239 bin]$ ./itmcmd config -o orcl -A rz 已启动代理程序配置... 要编辑“ITCAM Extended Agent for Oracle Database”设置吗? [1=是,2=否](缺省值为:1): 1
Default configuration :
The name of the default database user for the connection. This user must have sufficient privileges to perform the tasks that this agent perform while connected to the database, such as creating, editing, and deleting tables. If the username is not input for the Database Connection in the next step, the default username will be used. Default user name:(缺省值为:): tivoli The password associated with the specified default database user. If the password is not input for the Database Connection in the next step, the default password will be used. 输入 Default password:(缺省值为:): 重新输入:Default password:(缺省值为:): This is the Oracle database installation directory on the system where the agent is installed. If no Oracle database is installed, leave this field blank. If this item was not defined, 'Oracle Instant Client Installation Directory' must be defined. And if both the 2 items were not defined, the agent would be unable to work.
Oracle home directory:(缺省值为:): /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1 This is the Oracle instant client installation directory on the system where the agent is installed. The attribute does not support Oracle instant client that is located in a network drive. If no Oracle instant client is installed, leave this filed blank. If both the Oracle home directory and Oracle instant client installation directory are entered, the Oracle home directory is used. This is the full folder path of the directory that contains the Oracle Call Interface (OCI) library files. For example, on a Windows system, if the full path of the oci.dll file is C:instantclient_10_2oci.dll, C:instantclient_10_2 must be used for this field. On a Unix system, if the full path of the libocci.so.10.1 file is /home/tivoli/oci/libocci.so.10.1, /home/tivoli/oci must be used. If this item was not defined, 'Oracle Home Directory' must be defined. And if both the 2 items were not defined, the agent would be unable to work.
Oracle instant client installation directory:(缺省值为:): /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/bin
Advanced configuration :
This is the directory that contains Oracle database net configuration file. This directory is defined by the TNS_ADMIN environment variable for each Oracle database instance. The default directory is $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin on UNIX or Linux systems, and %ORACLE_HOME%NETWORKADMIN on Windows systems. If there are multiple net configuration file directories, use ";" on Windows systems, or ":" on UNIX systems, to separate the directories. If this item was not configured, the default directory would be used.
Net configuration files directories:(缺省值为:): /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/network/admin The default dynamic listener is (PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=localhost)(PORT=1521). If the default dynamic listener is configured at this workstation, set this value to TRUE. Is default dynamic listener configured: [ 1=True, 2=False ](缺省值为:2): 1 This is the full file path name of the customized SQL definition file. The default file name is $CANDLEHOME/config/krzcussql.properties on UNIX or Linux systems, %CANDLEHOME%TMAITM6krzcussql.properties on Windows systems, and %CANDLEHOME%TMAITM6_x64krzcussql.properties on Windows x64 systems. If this item was not configured, the default file name would be used.
Customized SQL definition file name:(缺省值为:): /u01/IBM/ITM/config/krzcussql.properties
Database connection :
没有可用的“Database connection”设置。 编辑“Database connection”设置,[1 = 添加、2 = 编辑、3 = 删除、4 = 下一步、5 = 退出](缺省值为:5): 1 Database connection name:(缺省值为:): study The database connection string for OCI. It supports all Oracle net naming methods. As a SQL Connect URL string of the form: //host:[port][/service name] For example: //dlsun242:1521/bjava21 As an Oracle Net keyword-value pair. For example: "(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp) (HOST=dlsun242) (PORT=1521)) (CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=bjava21)))" It also supports TNSNAMES entries such as inst1, and so on, with TNS_ADMIN or ORACLE_HOME environment variable set and configuration files configured.
Oracle connection string:(缺省值为:): // The name of the database user for the connection. This user must have sufficient privileges to perform the tasks that the agent needs while connected to the database, such as creating, editing, and deleting tables. If this field is left blank, the agent uses the default user name in the default database configuration section. If this item was not configured, the default username would be used for this connection.
Database user name:(缺省值为:): tivoli The password associated with the specified database user. If this field is left blank, agent uses the default password in the default database configuration section. If this item was not configured, the default password would be used for this connection.
输入 Database password:(缺省值为:): 重新输入:Database password:(缺省值为:): The set of privileges to be associated with the connection. For a user that has been granted the SYSDBA system privilege, you can specify a connection that includes the privilege. If this item was not defined, 'DEFAULT' would be used as the role of the user. Role: [ 1=SYSDBA, 2=SYSOPER, 3=SYSASM, 4=DEFAULT ](缺省值为:4): The absolute file path of mapped alert log files of remote database instances in this database connection. Multiple files are separated by ";" on Windows systems, or ":" on UNIX systems. Each file is matched to a database instance, by the file name pattern alert_<instance>.log, or ignored if unmatched. Local database instance alert log files can be discovered automatically. If this item was not configured, the alter logs of remote database instances would be unable to be collected. Oracle alert log file paths:(缺省值为:): /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/orcl/orcl/alert The code page of the mapped alert log files. If this field is left blank, the system current locale is used. For examples: ISO8859_1: ISO 8859-1 Western European encoding UTF-8: UTF-8 encoding of Unicode GB18030:Simplified Chinese GB18030 encoding CP950: Traditional Chinese encoding EUC_JP: Japanese encoding Oracle alert log file charset:(缺省值为:): UTF-8
“Database connection”设置: Database connection name:=study 编辑“Database connection”设置,[1 = 添加、2 = 编辑、3 = 删除、4 = 下一步、5 = 退出](缺省值为:5): 5 此代理程序是否将与 TEMS 连接?[1=是,2=否] (缺省值为:1): 1 TEMS 主机名 (缺省值为:TEST144239):
网络协议 [ip、sna、ip.pipe 或 ip.spipe] (缺省值为:ip.pipe):
现在,请从这些编号中选择下一个协议号: - ip - sna - ip.spipe - 0 表示无 网络协议 2 (缺省值为:0): IP.PIPE 端口号 (缺省值为:1918): 输入 KDC_PARTITION 的名称 (缺省值为:null):
是否为辅助 TEMS 配置连接?[1=是,2=否] (缺省值为:2): 输入可选主网络名,或输入 0 表示“无” (缺省值为:0): KCIIN2569E 错误:您未在以 root 用户运行,并且该机器上未启用 rexec, 因此无法自动更新机器引导脚本。请作为 root 用户再次运行 该配置会话,或作为 root 用户手动运行 /u01/IBM/ITM/bin/UpdateAutoRun.sh已完成代理程序配置... |
[root@ZTE-TEST144239 u684cu9762]# cd /u01/IBM/ITM/bin [root@ZTE-TEST144239 bin]# export LANG=en_US.utf8 [root@ZTE-TEST144239 bin]# ./itmcmd manage 进入界面,启动服务 |