class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Person oneperson1 = new Person(15,"jack",160.00);//调用第一个构造函数
Person oneperson2 = new Person("jack", 15,160.00);//调用第二个构造函数
Person oneperson3 = new Person();//默认是隐式有一个不带参数的构造函数,但是如果自定义构造函数,不加参数会报错,所以要显式一个无参数构造函数
class Person
private int age;//这里只是声明,没有初始化实例,所以程序运行的时候不会经过这一步,直接进入构造函数
private string name;
private double height;
public Person()//不包含参数的构造函数
Console.WriteLine("The None !");
public Person(int him_age,string him_name,double him_height)
age = him_age;
name = him_name;
height = him_height;
Console.WriteLine("The First constructor !");
public Person(string him_name, int him_age, double him_height)
age = him_age;
name = him_name;
height = him_height;
Console.WriteLine("The Second constructor !");
public override string ToString()//对于对象的ToString方法必须重写
return string.Format(age+""+name+""+height); ;
The Result:
The First constructor !
15 jack 160
The Second constructor !
15 jack 160
The None !
0 0 //注意:0 与 0 之间有一个Empty是string name
This 引用:
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Time timetest = new Time();
Time timetest1 = new Time(10, 10, 10);
Time timetest2 = new Time(20,20);
Time timetest3 = new Time(timetest2);//调用对象作为构造函数的参数
static void D<T>(T timetest)//不想写Console.Writeline();这么长的代码
class Time
private int hour;
private int min;
private int second;
public Time() : this(0,0,0) { }//this 复用构造函数初始器,原本0个参数值直接是默认的0
public Time(int h) : this(h, 0, 0) { }//这里传入1个值,原则是是 到Get属性,但是这里复用了另一个构造函数(3个变量的构造函数)
public Time(int h, int m) : this(h, m, 0) { }
public Time(int h, int m, int s)
public Time(Time timetest) : this(timetest.Hour,timetest.Min,timetest.Second) { }//对象作为构造函数的参数
public void Settime(int h, int m, int s)
Hour = h;
Min = m;
Second = s;
public int Hour//属性是没有参数的
get { return hour; }
private set { hour = value; }//这么写为了只能在构造函数里给初始化实例
public int Min
get { return min; }
private set { min = value; }
public int Second
get { return second; }
private set { second = value; }
public override string ToString()//重写ToString方法
return string.Format("hour :{0} min :{1} second : {2}", hour, min, second); ;
The Result:
hour :0 min :0 second : 0
hour :10 min :10 second : 10
hour :20 min :20 second : 0
hour :20 min :20 second : 0