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  • python实现微信打飞机游戏

    环境:Ubuntu 16.04 LTS 

              Python 2.7.11 +  Pygame + Pycharm


      1 # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
      2 import pygame, random
      3 from sys import exit
      6 class Plane:
      7     def restart(self):
      8         self.x = 200
      9         self.y = 600
     11     def __init__(self):
     12         self.restart()
     13         self.image = pygame.image.load('plane.png').convert_alpha()
     15     def move(self):
     16         x, y = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
     17         x -= self.image.get_width() / 2
     18         y -= self.image.get_height() / 2
     19         self.x = x
     20         self.y = y
     23 class Enemy:
     24     def start(self):
     25         self.speed = random.random() + 0.1
     26         self.x = random.randint(0, 450)
     27         self.y = 0
     29     def __init__(self):
     30         self.start()
     31         self.image = pygame.image.load('enemy.png').convert_alpha()
     33     def move(self):
     34         if self.y < 800:
     35             self.y += self.speed
     36         if self.y > 800:
     37             self.start()
     40 class Bullet:
     41     def __init__(self):
     42         self.x = 0
     43         self.y = 0
     44         self.image = pygame.image.load('bullet.png').convert_alpha()
     45         self.active = False
     47     def move(self):
     48         if self.active:
     49             self.y -= 3
     50         if self.y < 0:
     51             self.active = False
     53     def start(self):
     54         mouseX, mouseY = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
     55         self.x = mouseX - self.image.get_width() / 2
     56         self.y = mouseY - self.image.get_height() / 2
     57         self.active = True
     60 def Shoot(bullet, enemy):
     61     if (bullet.x > enemy.x and bullet.x < enemy.x + enemy.image.get_width()) and bullet.y > enemy.y and (
     62                 bullet.y < enemy.y + enemy.image.get_height()):
     63         bullet.active = False
     64         enemy.start()
     65         return True
     66     else:
     67         return False
     70 def Crash(plane, enemy):
     71     if (plane.x + 0.7 * plane.image.get_width() > enemy.x) and (
     72                     plane.x + 0.3 * plane.image.get_width() < enemy.x + enemy.image.get_width()) and (
     73                     plane.y + 0.7 * plane.image.get_height() > enemy.y) and (
     74                     plane.y + 0.3 * plane.image.get_height() < enemy.y + enemy.image.get_height()):
     75         return True
     76     else:
     77         return False
     80 pygame.init()
     81 screen = pygame.display.set_mode((450, 800), 0, 32)
     82 pygame.display.set_caption('World of plane craft')
     83 bg = pygame.image.load('bg.jpg').convert_alpha()
    86 bullet = Bullet() 87 bullets = [] 88 for i in range(5): 89 bullets.append(bullet) 90 count_b = len(bullets) 91 index_b = 0 92 interval_b = 0 93 94 enemy = Enemy() 95 enemys = [] 96 for i in range(5): 97 enemys.append(enemy) 98 99 plane = Plane() 100 gameover = False 101 score = 0 102 font = pygame.font.Font(None, 32) 103 while True: 104 for event in pygame.event.get(): 105 if event.type == pygame.QUIT: 106 pygame.quit() 107 exit() 108 if gameover and event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP: 109 plane.restart() 110 for e in enemys: 111 e.start() 112 for b in bullets: 113 b.active = False 114 score = 0 115 gameover = False 116 screen.blit(bg, (0, 0)) 117 if not gameover: 118 interval_b -= 1 119 if interval_b < 0: 120 bullets[index_b].start() 121 interval_b = 100 122 index_b = (index_b + 1) % count_b 123 for b in bullets: 124 if b.active: 125 for e in enemys: 126 if Shoot(b, e): 127 score += 100 128 b.move() 129 screen.blit(b.image, (b.x, b.y)) 130 131 for e in enemys: 132 if Crash(plane, e): 133 gameover = True 134 e.move() 135 screen.blit(e.image, (e.x, e.y)) 136 137 plane.move() 138 screen.blit(plane.image, (plane.x, plane.y)) 139 text = font.render("Socre: %d" % score, 1, (0, 0, 0)) 140 screen.blit(text, (0, 0)) 141 else: 142 text = font.render("Socre : %d" % score, 1, (0, 0, 0)) 143 screen.blit(text, (150, 300)) 144 text = font.render("Click mouse and restart", 1, (0, 0, 0)) 145 screen.blit(text, (100, 330)) 146 pygame.display.update()


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/INnoVationv2/p/5683224.html
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