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  • c# 条件编译 Conditional ("DEBUG")

    c# 条件编译 Conditional ("DEBUG")

    简而言之:可以通过Conditional 指定函数和属性是否编译到最终产品中去。同时还应该看看 AttributeUsage Obsolete

    C# Language Specification

    • System.AttributeUsageAttribute (Section 17.4.1), which is used to describe the ways in which an attribute class can be used.
    • System.Diagnostics.ConditionalAttribute (Section 17.4.2), which is used to define conditional methods.
    • System.ObsoleteAttribute (Section 17.4.3), which is used to mark a member as obsolete.
    //z 2012-2-24 17:47:38 PM is2120@csdn
    利用 Conditional 属性,程序员可以定义条件方法。Conditional 属性通过测试条件编译符号来确定适用的条件。当运行到一个条件方法调用时,是否执行该调用,要根据出现该



    条件方法必须是类声明或结构声明中的方法。如果在接口声明中的方法上指定 Conditional 属性,将出现编译时错误。
    条件方法必须具有 void 返回类型。
    不能用 override 修饰符标记条件方法。但是,可以用 virtual 修饰符标记条件方法。此类方法的重写方法隐含为有条件的方法,而且不能用 Conditional 属性显式标记。

    A conditional method is subject to the following restrictions:

    • The conditional method must be a method in a class or struct declaration. A compile-time error occurs if theConditional attribute is specified on a method in an interface declaration.
    • The conditional method must have a return type of void.
    • The conditional method must not be marked with the override modifier. A conditional method may be marked with thevirtual modifier, however. Overrides of such a method are implicitly conditional, and must not be explicitly marked with aConditional attribute.
    • The conditional method must not be an implementation of an interface method. Otherwise, a compile-time error occurs.
    In addition, a compile-time error occurs if a conditional method is used in a delegate-creation-expression.

    //z 2012-2-24 17:47:38 PM is2120@csdn
    // CondMethod.cs
    // compile with: /target:library /d:DEBUG
    using System;
    using System.Diagnostics;
    namespace TraceFunctions
       public class Trace
           public static void Message(string traceMessage)
               Console.WriteLine("[TRACE] - " + traceMessage);


    using System;
    using System.Diagnostics;
    public classTrace
            Console.WriteLine(" [Trace - "+ msg);
    public classProgram

    //z 2012-2-24 17:47:38 PM is2120@csdn
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/IS2120/p/6745939.html
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