public class LiteHttpManager {// protected static LiteHttp liteHttp; public static LiteHttp getInstance() { if (liteHttp == null) { initLiteHttp(App.mContext); } return liteHttp; } private static void initLiteHttp(Context context) { HttpConfig config = new HttpConfig(context) // configuration quickly .setDebugged(true)// log output when debugged .setDetectNetwork(true) // detect network before connect .setDoStatistics(true) .setDefaultMaxRetryTimes(3) .setDefaultCharSet("UTF-8") .setDebugged(Utils.isDebug()) .setForRetry(3, false) // statistics of time and traffic //.setDisableNetworkFlags(HttpConfig.FLAG_NET_DISABLE_MOBILE) //不用2/3/4G网络 .setUserAgent("Mozilla/5.0 (...)") // set custom User-Agent .setTimeOut(8000, 50000); // connect and socket timeout: 2s liteHttp = LiteHttp.newApacheHttpClient(config); } }
liteHttp 请求网络:
public void requestInspectionPoolData(String time, String inspectiontype) { StringRequest postRequest = new StringRequest("url"); LinkedList<NameValuePair> pList = new LinkedList<NameValuePair>(); pList.add(new NameValuePair("User", ""); pList.add(new NameValuePair("possword", ""); postRequest.setHttpBody(new UrlEncodedFormBody(pList)); postRequest.setMethod(HttpMethods.Post); postRequest.setHttpListener(new HttpListener<String>() { @Override public void onSuccess(String s, Response<String> response) { super.onSuccess(s, response); Log.i(TAG, "onSuccess: " + s); //解析服务器返回数据 } @Override public void onFailure(HttpException e, Response<String> response) { super.onFailure(e, response); //网络请求失败 } });
//异步访问 LiteHttpManager.getInstance().executeAsync(postRequest); }
liteHttp 封装 HTTPBody:
/** * Created by Alen on 2017/2/11. * <p> * 请求接口的父类 */ public class ApiParameter { // 子类 如果要添加参数需要重写该方法, 否则默认为无 额外参数 // public ApiParamMap buildExterParameter() { return new ApiParamMap(); } // 子类, 如果需要添加sessionKey 需要覆盖此函数并且返回true public boolean needSessionKey() { return false; } public MultipartBody getRequestBody() { ApiParamMap apiParamMap = buildExterParameter(); apiParamMap.put("os", new ApiParamMap.ParamData("android")); apiParamMap.put("appVersion", new ApiParamMap.ParamData(Utils.getVersion())); apiParamMap.put("versionCode", new ApiParamMap.ParamData(Utils.getVersionCode() + "")); apiParamMap.put("channel", new ApiParamMap.ParamData(Utils.getChannelName())); apiParamMap.put("osVersion", new ApiParamMap.ParamData(android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT + "")); MultipartBody body = new MultipartBody(); List<String> lists = new ArrayList<String>(apiParamMap.keySet()); for (String key : lists) { if(apiParamMap.get(key).value == null) apiParamMap.get(key).value = "";//防止外面过来空对象 导致崩溃 body.addPart(new StringPart(key, apiParamMap.get(key).value)); } return body; } }
public class ApiParamMap extends LinkedHashMap<String, ApiParamMap.ParamData> {
public ApiParamMap() {
public static class ParamData {
public String value;
public ParamData(String value) {
this.value = value;
ApiParameter 子类:
public class ActionParmeter extends ApiParameter { private String user; private String password;
//方法参数为调用URL需要的参数 public ActionParmeter(String user, String password) { this.user= user; this.password= password; }
//重写父类方法 @Override public ApiParamMap buildExterParameter() { ApiParamMap map=new ApiParamMap(); map.put("user", new ApiParamMap.ParamData(this.user)); map.put("password", new ApiParamMap.ParamData(this.password)); return map; } }
stringRequest.setHttpBody(new ActionDetailsParmeter(user,password).getRequestBody());