
1 1、查 2 输入:www.oldboy.org 3 获取当前backend下的所有记录 4 5 2、新建 6 输入: 7 arg = { 8 'bakend': 'www.oldboy.org', 9 'record':{ 10 'server': '', 11 'weight': 20, 12 'maxconn': 30 13 } 14 } 15 16 3、删除 17 输入: 18 arg = { 19 'bakend': 'www.oldboy.org', 20 'record':{ 21 'server': '', 22 'weight': 20, 23 'maxconn': 30 24 } 25 }

1 global 2 log local2 3 daemon 4 maxconn 256 5 log local2 info 6 defaults 7 log global 8 mode http 9 timeout connect 5000ms 10 timeout client 50000ms 11 timeout server 50000ms 12 option dontlognull 13 14 listen stats :8888 15 stats enable 16 stats uri /admin 17 stats auth admin:1234 18 19 frontend oldboy.org 20 bind 21 option httplog 22 option httpclose 23 option forwardfor 24 log global 25 acl www hdr_reg(host) -i www.oldboy.org 26 use_backend www.oldboy.org if www 27 28 backend www.oldboy.org 29 server weight 20 maxconn 3000

1 #! /usr/bin/env python 2 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- 3 # Author linux ku 4 #{'backend': 'www.oldboy.org','record':{ 'server': '','weight': 20,'maxconn': 30}} 5 #{'backend': 'www.cool2.org','record':{ 'server': '','weight': 30,'maxconn': 70}} 6 def recd_add(): 7 '''用来增加数据,暂时没有加入判断输入数据类型的内容''' 8 add_inf_tmp = input('请输入要增加的内容') 9 add_inf = eval(add_inf_tmp) 10 with open('G:学习Pythonlearnninghomework3Record.txt', 'r+') as file: #用可以读写的形式打开 11 for line in file: #用来判断是否数据已存在 12 if 'backend' in line: 13 line_ful = "backend {website} ".format(website=add_inf['backend']) 14 if line == line_ful: 15 return print('The record already exits.') 16 file.write(' backend {backend} '.format(backend = add_inf['backend'])) 17 file.write(' server {red1} weight {num1} maxconn {num2} '.format(red1=add_inf['record']['server'], #记得读取是要用这个形式的,不能用数字哦,数字那个是列表 18 num1=add_inf['record']['weight'], 19 num2=add_inf['record']['maxconn'])) 20 return print('Adding record successfully. ') 21 22 23 def recd_read(): 24 '''用来读取数据''' 25 read_inf = (input('请输入要读取的地址')) 26 with open('G:学习Pythonlearnninghomework3Record.txt', 'r') as file: #用可以读写的形式打开 27 for line in file: #用来判断是否数据已存在 28 if 'backend' in line: 29 line_ful ="backend {website} ".format(website=read_inf) 30 if line == line_ful: 31 rd = file.readline() 32 return print(rd) #这里要用print,不然输出不了 33 return 'The record do not exit. ' 34 35 36 def recd_delete_stupid(): 37 '''用来删除数据,先用个笨办法吧''' 38 del_inf = eval(input('请输入要删除的地址的内容')) 39 index_old_file = 0 #两个指针来记录行数变化,来判断输入数据是否正确 40 index_new_file = 0 41 with open('G:学习Pythonlearnninghomework3Record.txt', 'r+') as file: #用可以读写的形式打开 42 file_tmp = open('G:学习Pythonlearnninghomework3Record_tmp.txt', 'w') 43 line_ful = "backend {website} ".format(website=del_inf['backend']) 44 for line in file: #用来新的文件来记录不包含待删除行的内容 45 if 'backend' not in line: 46 file_tmp.write(line) 47 index_new_file += 1 48 index_old_file += 1 49 elif line != line_ful: 50 file_tmp.write(line) 51 index_new_file += 1 52 index_old_file += 1 53 else: 54 print('Delete {line} {content}'.format(line = line, content = file.readline())) 55 index_old_file += 1 56 file_tmp.close() #转换模式,不然无法读取 57 file_tmp = open('G:学习Pythonlearnninghomework3Record_tmp.txt', 'r') 58 if index_old_file == index_new_file: 59 file_tmp.close() #记得关闭 60 return print('The input content is wrong!') 61 else: 62 with open('G:学习Pythonlearnninghomework3Record.txt', 'w') as file: # 用写模式打开,准备覆盖 63 for line in file_tmp: 64 file.write(line) 65 file_tmp.close() #记得关闭 66 return print('The record has been delete. ') 67 68 69 choice_recd = ['add', 'delete', 'read','quit'] #用来判断输入的内容对不对 70 while True: 71 choice = input("Please input 'add', 'delete', 'read','quit'") 72 if choice in choice_recd: #判断输入的内容对不对 73 if choice == 'add': 74 recd_add() 75 elif choice == 'read': 76 recd_read() 77 elif choice == 'delete': 78 recd_delete_stupid() 79 elif choice == 'quit': 80 break