自动色阶、自动对比度以及直方图均衡这三个算法虽然很普通,也很简单,但是在实际应用中有着非常高的使用率,特别是在修图中,很多设计师打开一幅图,首先的的操作就是Shift+Ctrl+L(自动色阶)。在原理实现上,他们都属于基于直方图统计方面的算法,执行效率都非常之高。我在调整图像- 自动对比度、自动色阶算法一文中对他们的过程进行了详细的分析和解读,这里不在详述。
for (int Y = 0; Y < 256; Y++) { if (Y < Min) Table[Y] = 0; else if (Y > Max) Table[Y] = 255; else Table[Y] = IM_ClampToByte((float)(Y - Min) / (Max - Min) * 255); }
float Avg = 0, Mean = 0, Sum = 0; for (int Y = 0; Y < 256; Y++) { Sum += Histgram[Y]; Avg += Y * Histgram[Y]; } Mean = Avg / Sum; float Gamma = log(0.5f) / log((float)(Mean - Min) / (Max - Min)); if (Gamma < 0.1f) Gamma = 0.1f; else if (Gamma > 10) Gamma = 10; for (int Y = 0; Y < 256; Y++) { if (Y < Min) Table[Y] = 0; else if (Y > Max) Table[Y] = 255; else Table[Y] = IM_ClampToByte(pow((float)(Y - Min) / (Max - Min), Gamma) * 255); }
原图 标准的自动色阶 改进后的自动色阶
// Changes the tone curves of images. // It should bring up the detail in the flat regions of your image. // Histogram Equalization can enhance meaningless detail and hide important but small high-contrast features. This method uses a // similar algorithm, but uses the square root of the histogram values, so its effects are less extreme. Hold the alt key down // to use the standard histogram equalization algorithm. This code was contributed by Richard Kirk (rak@cre.canon.co.uk). // ImageJsourceijpluginContrastEnhancer.java
private void equalize(ImageProcessor ip, int[] histogram) { ip.resetRoi(); if (ip instanceof ShortProcessor) { // Short max = 65535; range = 65535; } else { //bytes max = 255; range = 255; } double sum; sum = getWeightedValue(histogram, 0); for (int i=1; i<max; i++) sum += 2 * getWeightedValue(histogram, i); sum += getWeightedValue(histogram, max); double scale = range/sum; int[] lut = new int[range+1]; lut[0] = 0; sum = getWeightedValue(histogram, 0); for (int i=1; i<max; i++) { double delta = getWeightedValue(histogram, i); sum += delta; lut[i] = (int)Math.round(sum*scale); sum += delta; } lut[max] = max; applyTable(ip, lut); }
private double getWeightedValue(int[] histogram, int i) { int h = histogram[i]; if (h<2 || classicEqualization) return (double)h; return Math.sqrt((double)(h)); }
原图 标准的直方图均衡化 改进后的直方图均衡化
本人的SSE算法优化合集DEMO: http://files.cnblogs.com/files/Imageshop/SSE_Optimization_Demo.rar。