具体代码位置 中 processInlineBoxContent方法
private void processInlineBoxContent(InlineBox inlineBox, Styleable s, Map<String, CSSValue> cssMap) { if (inlineBox.getTextNode()==null) { if (s.getElement().getNodeName().equals("br") ) { // R run = Context.getWmlObjectFactory().createR(); // getListForRun().getContent().add(run); // run.getContent().add(Context.getWmlObjectFactory().createBr()); Element ele = s.getElement(); if(null != ele){ Attr attrNode = ele.getAttributeNode("style"); if (attrNode != null && attrNode.getValue().contains("page-break-after: always")) { Br br = Context.getWmlObjectFactory().createBr(); P p = Context.getWmlObjectFactory().createP(); // Create object for r R r = Context.getWmlObjectFactory().createR(); p.getContent().add(r); br.setType(STBrType.PAGE); r.getContent().add(br); this.contentContextStack.peek().getContent().add(p); } // wordMLPackage.getMainDocumentPart().addObject(p); } } else { log.debug("InlineBox has no TextNode, so skipping" ); // TODO .. a span in a span or a? // need to traverse, how? } } else { log.debug( inlineBox.getTextNode().getTextContent() ); // don't use .getText() String theText = inlineBox.getTextNode().getTextContent(); log.debug("Processing " + theText); paraStillEmpty = false; String cssClass = getClassAttribute(s.getElement()); if (cssClass!=null) { cssClass=cssClass.trim(); } addRun(cssClass, cssMap, theText); // else { // // Get it from the parent element eg p // //Map cssMap = styleReference.getCascadedPropertiesMap(e); // run.setRPr( // addRunProperties( cssMap )); // } } }