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  • Luogu3191 HNOI2007 紧急疏散 二分答案、最大流




      1 #include<bits/stdc++.h>
      2 #define MAXN 7010
      3 #define XX now.x + dir[i][0]
      4 #define YY now.y + dir[i][1]
      5 #define INF 0x7fffffff
      6 using namespace std;
      8 struct Edge{
      9     int end , upEd , flow;
     10 }Ed[MAXN << 6];
     11 struct node{
     12     int x , y , flo;
     13 }now;
     14 const int dir[4][2] = {0,1,0,-1,1,0,-1,0};
     15 int head[MAXN] , flo[MAXN] , cur[MAXN] , cntEd , cntBlock , N , M , cntDoor , dis[401][161] , mid;
     16 map < pair < int , int > , int > door;
     17 char c[21][21];
     18 bool vis[21][21] , be[MAXN];
     19 queue < int > q1;
     20 queue < node > q2;
     22 void bfs(int x , int y){
     23     cntBlock++;
     24     memset(dis[cntBlock] , 0x3f , sizeof(dis[cntBlock]));
     25     q2.push((node){x , y , 0});
     26     memset(vis , 0 , sizeof(vis));
     27     vis[x][y] = 1;
     28     while(!q2.empty()){
     29         now = q2.front();
     30         q2.pop();
     31         for(int i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++)
     32             if(c[XX][YY] != 'X' && !vis[XX][YY]){
     33                 vis[XX][YY] = 1;
     34                 if(c[XX][YY] == 'D')
     35                     dis[cntBlock][door.find(make_pair(XX , YY))->second] = now.flo + 1;
     36                 else
     37                     q2.push((node){XX , YY , now.flo + 1});
     38             }
     39     }
     40 }
     42 bool div(){
     43     while(!q1.empty())
     44         q1.pop();
     45     memset(be , 0 , sizeof(be));
     46     q1.push(0);
     47     be[0] = flo[0] = 1;
     48     while(!q1.empty()){
     49         int t = q1.front();
     50         q1.pop();
     51         for(int i = head[t] ; i ; i = Ed[i].upEd){
     52             if(!be[Ed[i].end] && Ed[i].flow){
     53                 flo[Ed[i].end] = flo[t] + 1;
     54                 be[Ed[i].end] = 1;
     55                 if(Ed[i].end == cntBlock + cntDoor * mid + 1){
     56                     memcpy(cur , head , sizeof(head));
     57                     return 1;
     58                 }
     59                 q1.push(Ed[i].end);
     60             }
     61         }
     62     }
     63     return 0;
     64 }
     66 bool dinic(int now){
     67     if(now == cntBlock + cntDoor * mid + 1)
     68         return 1;
     69     for(int &i = cur[now] ; i ; i = Ed[i].upEd)
     70         if(flo[Ed[i].end] == flo[now] + 1 && Ed[i].flow)
     71             if(dinic(Ed[i].end)){
     72                 Ed[i].flow--;
     73                 Ed[i ^ 1].flow++;
     74                 return 1;
     75             }
     76     return 0;
     77 }
     79 inline void addEd(int a , int b , int c){
     80     Ed[++cntEd].end = b;
     81     Ed[cntEd].flow = c;
     82     Ed[cntEd].upEd = head[a];
     83     head[a] = cntEd;
     84 }
     86 bool check(){
     87     memset(head , 0 , sizeof(head));
     88     cntEd = 1;
     89     int T = cntDoor * mid + cntBlock + 1;
     90     for(int i = 0 ; i < cntDoor ; i++)
     91         for(int j = 1 ; j < mid ; j++){
     92             addEd(mid * i + j + cntBlock , mid * i + j + cntBlock + 1 , INF);
     93             addEd(mid * i + j + cntBlock + 1 , mid * i + j + cntBlock , 0);
     94         }
     95     for(int i = 0 ; i < cntDoor ; i++)
     96         for(int j = 1 ; j <= mid ; j++){
     97             addEd(mid * i + j + cntBlock , T , 1);
     98             addEd(T , mid * i + j + cntBlock , 0);
     99         }
    100     int cnt = 0;
    101     for(int i = 2 ; i < N ; i++)
    102         for(int j = 2 ; j < M ; j++)
    103             if(c[i][j] == '.'){
    104                 cnt++;
    105                 for(int k = 1 ; k <= cntDoor ; k++)
    106                     if(dis[cnt][k] <= mid){
    107                         addEd(cnt , mid * (k - 1) + dis[cnt][k] + cntBlock , 1);
    108                         addEd(mid * (k - 1) + dis[cnt][k] + cntBlock , cnt , 0);
    109                     }
    110                 addEd(0 , cnt , 1);
    111                 addEd(cnt , 0 , 0);
    112             }
    113     int ans = 0;
    114     while(div())
    115         while(dinic(0))
    116             ans++;
    117     return ans == cntBlock;
    118 }
    120 int main(){
    121     cin >> N >> M;
    122     for(int i = 1 ; i <= N ; i++)
    123         for(int j = 1 ; j <= M ; j++){
    124             cin >> c[i][j];
    125             if(c[i][j] == 'D')
    126                 door.insert(make_pair(make_pair(i , j) , ++cntDoor));
    127         }
    128     for(int i = 2 ; i < N ; i++)
    129         for(int j = 2 ; j < M ; j++)
    130             if(c[i][j] == '.')
    131                 bfs(i , j);
    132     int L = 0 , R = N * M;
    133     while(L < R){
    134         mid = L + R >> 1;
    135         check() ? R = mid : L = mid + 1;
    136     }
    137     if(R == N * M)
    138         cout << "impossible";
    139     else
    140         cout << R;
    141     return 0;
    142 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Itst/p/9889482.html
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