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  • Samba结合AD实现域帐号认证的文件服务器

    准备一台Windows域控制器, 在Samba服务器上安装Webmin图形化管理工具, samba, krb5-user, winbind.


    default = FILE:/var/log/krb5libs.log
    kdc = FILE:/var/log/krb5kdc.log
    admin_server = FILE:/var/log/kadmind.log
    default_realm = HZVOBILE.LOCAL
    dns_lookup_kdc = false
       default_domain = hzvobile.local
       kdc = vobile-dc1.hzvobile.local:88
       admin_server = vobile-dc1.hzvobile.local:749
    .hzvobile.local = HZVOBILE.LOCAL
    hzvobile.local = HZVOBILE.LOCAL

    修改/etc/samba/smb.conf, 用testparm -s来检查smb.conf文件的合规性.

        winbind use default domain = yes
        pam password change = yes
    ;   winbind trusted domains only = yes       ##这行决定getent passwd是否能获得域帐号
        map to guest = bad user
        workgroup = HZVOBILE
        passdb backend = tdbsam
        log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
        idmap config * : range = 16777216-33554431       ##如果不指定用户的UID, 上传文件后通过ll命令会发现所上传的用户和组都是root; 指定之后, 就显示用户user和domain user组
        obey pam restrictions = yes
        os level = 20
        panic action = /usr/share/samba/panic-action %d
        realm = HZVOBILE.LOCAL
    ;   password server = vobile-dc1.hzvobile.local
        passwd chat = *Entersnews*spassword:* %n
     *Retypesnews*spassword:* %n
     *passwordsupdatedssuccessfully* .
        server string = %h server (Samba, Ubuntu)
        dns proxy = no
        passwd program = /usr/bin/passwd %u
        usershare allow guests = yes
        unix password sync = yes
        security = ads
        syslog = 0
        max log size = 1000
        server role = standalone server
        winbind offline logon = false
        winbind enum groups = yes
        winbind enum users = yes

    修改/etc/nsswitch.conf, 添加winbind验证方式.

    passwd:         compat winbind
    group:          compat winbind
    shadow:         compat winbind

    使用net ads join -U administrator命令将Samba服务器加入域.

    重启后用wbinfo -t和-u或-g检查连通性, 正常情况下你可以看到活动目录中的所有账号和组.

    checking the trust secret for domain HZVOBILE via RPC calls succeeded

    此时你应该可以通过getent passwd查看到所有域帐号.

    创建文件夹, 并将文件夹权限777(此处类似Windows权限控制, NTFS与Share权限共同作用于一个用户对文件的最终权限)

        valid users = hzvobilechen_chen
        path = /mnt/hd2/chen_chen
        writeable = yes
        path = /mnt/hd2/it
        writeable = yes
        valid users = @hzvobileit

    客户端访问: smbclient //ip/folder -W workgroup -U chen.


    我在Debian 8.2上安装了Samba 4.1.17, 发现wbinfo可以获取域帐号和组, 但是getent却不行, 经Google后找到解决方案

    apt-get install libnss-winbind


    域控设置的变更到winbind有一个刷新时间, 如果想缩短这个时间, 可以在smb.conf中加入以下设置:

    idmap cache time = 1
    idmap negative cache time = 1
    winbind cache time = 1


    首先, Linux的磁盘配额是对于整个分区生效的, 然后可以针对User或者Group进行限制, 下面对几种"矛盾"的情况作出分析:

    1. 同时设置了User1和PGroup1的配额 (User1属于PGroup1), 则User1的配额生效.

    2. 同时设置了PGroup2和SGroup2的配额 (User2同时属于PGroup2和SGroup2), 以User2的身份上传数据时, 哪个组是User2的Primary Group, 则哪个组的配额生效.

        2.1 在Windows活动目录中, 所有域帐号的Primary Group都是Domain Users, 一开始我希望通过usermod命令修改用户的Primary Group, 然后系统提示我: XXX用户不存在于/etc/passwd. 想想也是这样! Google后发现对于Winbind+ Active Directory的方式, 需要在Windows中修改用户的Primary Group, 具体方式是开启ADUC的高级功能, 然后在"隶属于"中"设置主要组". 注意: 如果组类型是本地域组, 则"设置主要组"按钮为灰色.






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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/IvanChen/p/4739092.html
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