- 解析身份证号:生日、性别、出生地等。
def idption(): str_id= input("请输入身份证号:") if(len(str_id)!=18): print("你输入的身份证号有误,请重新输入") idption() else: print("你出生省份为:"+str_id[0:2]) print("你出生市区为:" + str_id[2:4]) print("你出生县区为:" + str_id[4:6]) print("你出生日期为:" + str_id[6:14]) print("你出生户口派出所为:" + str_id[14:16]) if(str_id[16:17]=='1'): print("你为男性且编码:" + str_id[16:17]) else: print("你为女性且编码:" + str_id[16:17]) print("校验码为:" + str_id[17:18]+" ")
- 凯撒密码编码与解码
def encryption(): print("导入文件中……") fo = open(r"..Linfile_textPlaintext", "r", encoding="utf-8") str1 = fo.read() print("明文为:",str1) fo.close() str_raw = str1 k = int(input("请输入位移值:")) str_change = str_raw.lower() str_list = list(str_change) str_list_encry = str_list i = 0 while i < len(str_list): if ord(str_list[i]) < 123 - k: str_list_encry[i] = chr(ord(str_list[i]) + k) else: str_list_encry[i] = chr(ord(str_list[i]) + k - 26) i = i + 1 print("加密结果为:" + "".join(str_list_encry)) print("保存密文……") te="".join(str_list_encry) fo = open(r"..Linfile_textCiphertext", "w") fo.write(te) def decryption(): fo = open(r"..Linfile_textCiphertext", "r", encoding="utf-8") str1 = fo.read() print("密文:", str1) fo.close() str_raw = str1 k = int(input("请输入位移值:")) str_change = str_raw.lower() str_list = list(str_change) str_list_decry = str_list i = 0 while i < len(str_list): if ord(str_list[i]) >= 97 + k: str_list_decry[i] = chr(ord(str_list[i]) - k) else: str_list_decry[i] = chr(ord(str_list[i]) + 26 - k) i = i + 1 print("解密结果为:" + "".join(str_list_decry))
- 网址观察与批量生成
def webption(): for i in range(1,5): url='http://news.gzcc.cn/html/xiaoyuanxinwen/{}.html'.format(i) print(url)
- 下载一首英文的歌词或文章或小说。
- 将所有大写转换为小写
- 将所有其他做分隔符(,.?!)替换为空格
- 分隔出一个一个的单词
- 并统计单词出现的次数。
def danciption(): text='''I'm a Big big girl in a Big big world It's not a Big big thing if you leave me but I do do feel that I too too will miss you much miss you much... I can see the first leaf falling it's all yellow and nice It's so very cold outside like the way I'm feeling inside I'm a Big big girl in a Big big world It's not a big big thing if you leave me but I do do feel that I too too will miss you much miss you much... Outside it's now raining and tears are falling from my eyes why did it have to happen why did it all have to end I'm a big big girl in a big big world It's not a big big thing if you leave me but I do do feel that I too too will miss you much miss you much... I have your arms around me ooooh like fire but when I open my eyes you're gone... I'm a big big girl in a big big world It's not a big big thing if you leave me but I do do feel that I too too will miss you much miss you much... I'm a big big girl in a big big world It's not a big big thing if you leave me but I do feel I will miss you much miss you much...''' s=',.!?:' for c in s: text=text.replace(c,'') print(text.split()) print("单词词频次数:") print("big:",text.count('big')) print("Big:",text.count('Big')) print("a:",text.count('a'))
- 同一目录、绝对路径、相对路径
- 凯撒密码:从文件读入密函,进行加密或解密,保存到文件。
- 词频统计:下载一首英文的歌词或文章或小说,保存为utf8文件。从文件读入文本进行处理。
f= open(r"Plaintext", 'r', encoding='utf8')
f2=open(r"..Linfile_textPlaintext", 'r', encoding='utf8')
f3=open(r"G:PycharmProjectsLinfile_textPlaintext", 'r', encoding='utf8')
- 加密函数
str_raw = input("请输入明文:") k = int(input("请输入位移值:")) str_change = str_raw.lower() str_list = list(str_change) str_list_encry = str_list i = 0 while i < len(str_list): if ord(str_list[i]) < 123-k: str_list_encry[i] = chr(ord(str_list[i]) + k) else: str_list_encry[i] = chr(ord(str_list[i]) + k - 26) i = i+1 print ("加密结果为:"+"".join(str_list_encry))
- 解密函数
str_change = str_raw.lower() str_list = list(str_change) str_list_decry = str_list i = 0 while i < len(str_list): if ord(str_list[i]) >= 97+k: str_list_decry[i] = chr(ord(str_list[i]) - k) else: str_list_decry[i] = chr(ord(str_list[i]) + 26 - k) i = i+1 print ("解密结果为:"+"".join(str_list_decry))
- 读文本函数
f= open(r"..Linfile_textPlaintext", 'r', encoding='utf8') text=f.read() f.close() t=text.find(',') print(text[0:t]) print(text[t+1:len(text)])