这几天iswc2005会议召开, Tim Bernerd Lee做了报告,可从http://www.w3.org/2005/Talks/1107-iswc-tbl/
另外,MIT的B. Grosof做了题为Semantic Web Rules with Ontologies, and their E-Services Applications的Tutorial,可以从Grosof本人的主页 http://ebusiness.mit.edu/bgrosof/#RecentPapersByTopic上下载到,这个报告很长,还没有读太懂。不过可以看出的是,在Semantic Web的蛋糕图中,现在正处在从ontology 到rules层过渡的阶段,这个Tutorial的作者分别是两个著名的开源rules系统项目SweetRules和Flora-2的leader。另外,值得一提的是,Grosof的一篇论文“Discription Logic Programs: Combining Logic Programs with Description Logic",提出并证明了一种"build rules on top of ontologies"的有效方法。
下面这个是plink.org被封的新闻,文中提到LiveJournal, Tribe.net, eCademy, and
Social Networks, Privacy, and the Semantic Web
Jennifer Golbeck, O'Reilly Developer Weblogs
A couple years ago, Plink.org was launched as a new kind of web-based social network. Instead of requiring users to register, input information, and add contacts to other people in their centralized network, Plink crawled the web for FOAF Files. FOAF (Friend-of-a-Friend) is a Semantic Web vocabulary for representing information about people and their relationships. Because FOAF is a Semantic Web project the files are written in OWL, a machine readable language. This means they can be easily read, processed, and aggregated from distributed sources. FOAF information is generated from a lot of places. People can create their own FOAF files by hand, or by using Foaf-a-Matic. The largest sources of FOAF data, however, are web-based social networks that choose to share their user's information in FOAF form, as well as in HTML form. LiveJournal, Tribe.net, eCademy, and Buzznet are just a few of the networks that publish users' data in FOAF. Plink encountered all of this information, freely available on the web, and displayed what it found as part of its website. The result was a nice website that showed all of the data about a person from a variety of sources. It also inspired a lot of angry email from people who never "signed up" for Plink and were very surprised to see their information there. As a result, Plink was forced to shut down.
See also: FOAF Project