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  • Linq to LLBL Gen Pro LLBL Gen的Linq程序设计

    继续讲解LLBL Gen的开发教程,这一篇学习Linq to LLBL Gen的应用。

    MSDN对Linq的解释如下:LINQ(语言级集成查询)的意图就是提供一种统一且对称的方式,让程序员在广义的数据上获取和操作数据。虽然Linq to SQL已经不再更新,但是Linq to xml,Linq to Object仍然很实用,它可以简化程序代码的编写。在没有Linq的.NET 2.0时代,通常只能用foreach循环遍历来查找满足条件的数据。


    如果要在LLBL Gen的项目中使用Linq,首先要保证你的项目属性是.NET 3.0/3.5以上,这会调用Linq的模板生成需要的元数据。在生成的DatabaseGeneric中会产生Linq的文件夹,并且增加类型LinqMetaData。它的定义如下所示

    public partial class LinqMetaData: ILinqMetaData
         #region Class Member Declarations
          private IDataAccessAdapter _adapterToUse;
          private FunctionMappingStore _customFunctionMappings;
          private Context _contextToUse;
         /// <summary>CTor. Using this ctor will leave the IDataAccessAdapter object to use empty. 
    /// To be able to execute the query, an IDataAccessAdapter instance
    /// is required, and has to be set on the LLBLGenProProvider2 object in the query to execute.
    public LinqMetaData() : this(null, null) { } }


    using(DataAccessAdapter adapter = new DataAccessAdapter())
        LinqMetaData metaData = new LinqMetaData(adapter);
        var q = from c in metaData.Customer
                where c.Country=="USA"
                select c;
        // enumerate over q here so it gets executed


    /// <summary>returns the datasource to use in a Linq query when targeting CustomerEntity instances in the database.</summary>
    public DataSource2<CustomerEntity> Customer
       get { return new DataSource2<CustomerEntity>(_adapterToUse, new ElementCreator(), 
                        _customFunctionMappings, _contextToUse); }

    LLBL Gen提供了两种模式的代码调用方式:Adapter和SelfServicing,导致同一种类型要定义二次。比如SelfServicing中实体定义为IEntity,而Adapter则定义于IEntity2,在名称后面加一个数字2。以此类推,凡是类型名后面有数字2的,表示它适用于Adapter模式。Customer属性是定义一个数据源对象。

    在这里,推荐安装测试工具软件TestDriven.NET,它的Personal版本完全免费。在任何一个.NET项目文件中,新建立一个方法,点击右键Test With->Debugger,很方便的调试一段代码。因为这个软件,我就再也没有使用很著名的代码片段编辑工具Snippet Compiler,TestDriven.NET会让带给你编写.NET测试代码非常便利的体验。

    转化Linq 查询结果

    使用Linq to LLBL Gen查询数据之后,如果要把数据绑定到界面中,则需要提供成Entity2或EntityCollection样式。


    var q = from c in metaData.Customer 
    where c.Country=="Germany"
    select c; EntityCollection<CustomerEntity> customers = ((ILLBLGenProQuery)q).Execute<EntityCollection<CustomerEntity>>();


    写到这里,发现Windows Live Writer的Insert Code有一个小bug:对Linq查询中的from/select关键字没有高亮显示。瑕不掩玉,这个Insert Code工具帮助我的博客中的规范化的代码方面产生了重要作用。

    Group by 分组


    var q = from c in metaData.Customer
            group c by new { c.Country, c.City } into g
            select new { g.Key, g.Count()};


    var q = from c in metaData.Customer
            group c by c.Country into g
            select g;

    Order By 排序

    var q = from c in metaData.Customer
            orderby c.CustomerId[1]
            select c;


    Queryable: Contains 包含的查询

    // Query 1, 检查实体是否在集合中 simple entity check in entity list
    var q = from c in metaData.Customer
            where c.Orders.Where(o=>o.EmployeeId==3).Contains(order)
            select c;
    // Query 2, 操作数是查询结果的实体集 operand is entity which is result of query
    var q = from c in metaData.Customer
            where c.Orders.Contains(
                     (from o in metaData.Order 
                      where o.EmployeeId == 2 select o).First())
            select c;
    // Query 3, 操作数和源都是查询operand and source are both queries.
    var q = from c in metaData.Customer
            where c.Orders.Where(o => o.EmployeeId == 2).Contains(
                       (from o in metaData.Order 
                        where o.EmployeeId == 2 select o).First())
            select c;
    // Query 4, 查询中的常量比较 constant compare with value from query. Yes this is different.
    var q = from c in metaData.Customer
            where c.Orders.Where(o => o.EmployeeId > 3).Select(o => o.ShipVia).Contains(2)
            select c;
    // Query 5, 检查常量表是否在查询结果中 check if a constant tuple is in the result of a query
    var q = from c in metaData.Customer
            where c.Orders.Select(oc => new { EID = oc.EmployeeId, CID = oc.CustomerId }).Contains(
                             new { EID = (int?)1, CID = "CHOPS" })
            select c;
    // Query 6, as 5 but now compare with a tuple created with a query
    var q = from c in metaData.Customer
            where c.Orders.Select(oc => new { EID = oc.EmployeeId, CID = oc.CustomerId }).Contains(
                          (from o in metaData.Order where o.CustomerId == "CHOPS" 
                           select new { EID = o.EmployeeId, CID = o.CustomerId }).First())
            select c;
    // Query 7, 检查实体的属性是否包含指定的常量集合
       checking if the value of a field in an entity is in a list of constants
    List<string> countries = new List<string>() { "USA", "UK" };
    var q = from c in metaData.Customer
            where countries.Contains(c.Country)
            select c;
    // Query 8, 与7对比,换成IEnumerable。as 7 but now with an IEnumerable
    LinkedList<string> countries = new LinkedList<string>(new string[] { "USA", "UK"});
    var q = from c in metaData.Customer
            where countries.Contains(c.Country)
            select c;
    // Query 9, combination of 2 queries where the first is merged with the second and
    // only the second is executed. (this is one of the reasons why you have to write 
    // your own Funcletizer code.
    var q1 = (from c in metaData.Customer
              select c.Country).Distinct();
    var q2 = from c in metaData.Customer
             where q1.Contains(c.Country)
             select c;
    // Query 10, as 7 but now with an array obtained from another array.
    string[][] countries = new string[1][] { new string[] { "USA", "UK" } };
    var q = from c in metaData.Customer
            where countries[0].Contains(c.Country)
            select c;
    // Query 11, complex contains query with comparison of in-memory object list
    List<Pair<string, string>> countryCities = new List<Pair<string, string>>();
    countryCities.Add(new Pair<string, string>("USA", "Portland"));
    countryCities.Add(new Pair<string, string>("Brazil", "Sao Paulo"));
    // now fetch all customers which have a tuple of country/city in the list of countryCities.
    var q = from c in metaData.Customer
            where countryCities.Contains(
                       (from c2 in metaData.Customer
                        where c2.CustomerId == c.CustomerId
                        select new Pair<string, string>() 
                             { Value1 = c2.Country, Value2 = c2.City }).First())
            select c;



    Excluding / Including fields  不包含/包含字段

    这个需求很重要。在写SQL语句时,不要写SELECT *,而是用具体的字段名,Excluding / Including 也就是用来指定需要SELECT出来的字段名。下面的查询,在查询结果集中不包括Photo和Notes字段。

    var q = (from e in metaData.Employee
             select e).ExcludeFields(e=>e.Photo, e=>e.Notes);

    Calling an in-memory method in the projection 在Linq投影中调用方法

    /// Utility class which obtains value from a webservice
    public class InMemoryCallExample
        public static int GetInterestRate(string customerId)
             return MyService.GetInterestRate(customerId);
    // this class can now be used in the following query:
    var q = from o in metaData.Order
            select new 
                InterestRate = InMemoryCallExample.GetInterestRate(o.CustomerId)

    在Linq的返回结果中调用方法,select new产生一个匿名对象,可以对它进行再调用方法处理加工。


    Func<string, string> stringChopper = s=>s.Substring(0, 3);
    // this function can now be used in a query:
    var q = from c in metaData.Customer
            select stringChopper(c.CompanyName); 

    Prefetch paths 子查询

    方法 1: WithPath and PathEdges

    // query  A
    var q =  from c in metaData.Customer.WithPath(...) select c;
    // query  B
    var q =  (from c in metaData.Customer select c).WithPath(...);
    // query  C
    var q =  (from c in metaData.Customer.WithPath(...) where ... select c) join o in  metaData.Order on ...

    方法2:WithPath and Lambda expressions

    var q = (from c in metaData.Customer
             where c.Country=="UK"
             select c).WithPath(p=>p.Prefetch(c=>c.Orders));

    Function mappings 函数映射

    从开头的一段代码中我们看到,Linq to LLBL Gen会产生直接的数据库查询动作。查询数据库时,ORM框架也会调用一些数据库系统的函数,比如SUM,AVG或是自定义的函数,这就要求有一种机制来定义函数的调用方法。


    ALTER   FUNCTION fn_CalculateOrderTotal(@orderID int, @useDiscounts bit)
        DECLARE @toReturn DECIMAL
        SELECT @toReturn = SUM((UnitPrice-(Discount * @useDiscounts)) * Quantity)
        FROM [Order Details] 
        WHERE OrderID = @orderID
        GROUP BY OrderID
        RETURN @toReturn

    LLBL Gen的代码生成工具会对这个函数进行.NET封装调用,产生如下所示的代码以调用数据库中的fn_CalculateOrderTotal

    public class NorthwindFunctions
         public static decimal CalculateOrderTotal(int orderId, bool useDiscounts)
            // empty body, as it's just here to make the query compile. The call is converted to a SQL function.
            return 0.0M;
    public class NorthwindFunctionMappings : FunctionMappingStore
        public NorthwindFunctionMappings() : base()
            this.Add(new FunctionMapping(typeof(NorthwindFunctions), "CalculateOrderTotal", 2, 
                            "fn_CalculateOrderTotal({0}, {1})", "Northwind", "dbo"));

    NorthwindFunctions类型会根据数据库中的函数,生成.NET调用代码。NorthwindFunctionMappings 则把这个函数转化为Linq to LLBL Gen的映射定义方式,最后看到应用代码是这样的

    metaData.CustomFunctionMappings = new NorthwindFunctionMappings();
    var q = from o in metaData.Order
                 where o.CustomerId == "CHOPS"
                 select new { o.OrderId, OrderTotal = NorthwindFunctions.CalculateOrderTotal(o.OrderId, true) };

    Full-text search 全文索引

    以上面为基础,实现Linq中的全文索引就比较容易,对于SQL Server,在自定义的数据库函数中调有数据Contains。

    public class NorthwindFunctions
        public static bool FullTextSearch(string fieldToSearch, string toFind)
            // empty body, as it's just here to make the query compile. The call is converted to a SQL function.
            return true;
    /// Class which defines the custom mapping between NorthwindFunctions.FullTextSearch and CONTAINS()
    public class NorthwindFunctionMappings : FunctionMappingStore
        public NorthwindFunctionMappings() : base()
             // FullTextSearch(2) on 1 field
             this.Add(new FunctionMapping(typeof(NorthwindFunctions), "FullTextSearch", 2, "CONTAINS({0}, {1})"));


    metaData.CustomFunctionMappings = new NorthwindFunctionMappings();
    // fetch the employees which have 'BA' in their Notes field which is Full text search enabled.
    var q = from e in metaData.Employee
            where NorthwindFunctions.FullTextSearch(e.Notes, "BA")
            select e;

    经过这两个例子,就引伸出关于调用数据库中函数的方法,也就是如何调用我们经常用到的SQL函数SUM/AVG。请参考帮助文档中的Supported default method / property mappings to functions。

    一般来说,调用数据库的函数比前面的调用自定义函数更简单,ORM框架会预先设置好这些函数的映射。对于SQL Server 2005及以上的版本,因为引入了CLR Host技术,会略有些不同。如果我们的SQL代码不涉及CLR 函数和类型,调用方法和前面的一样。如果有涉及,要确保添加正确的的Function Mapping。

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