1. Often there are multiple shortest paths between two nodes of a graph. Give a linear-time algorithm for the following task.
- Input: A undirected graph G = (V, E) with unit edge lengths; nodes u, v ∈ V.
- Output: The number of distinct shortest paths from u to v.
find_num_paths(Graph): number = 0 For all u in V, and v in V: distance(u) = 0 distance(v) = infinity distance_queue = createQueue(V)
// Store the distance(v) values as key in distance_queue . while (distance_queue.isEmpty() == false) v=deleteMin(distance_queue) // Extract the vertex with minimum key value and set it as v. For all edges (v,i) in E: if (distance(i) == distance(v)+length(v,i) ) number++ return number
should point out using a variable to count the number of paths for each node,
not just using one variable for the whole graph to record the number of paths.
Should point out updating the number of paths variable by summing the number of paths of its parent nodes
2. There’s a natural intuition that two nodes that are far apart in a communication
network—separated by many hops—have a more tenuous
connection than two nodes that are close together. There are a number
of algorithmic results that are based to some extent on different ways of
making this notion precise. Here’s one that involves the susceptibility of
paths to the deletion of nodes.
Suppose that an n-node undirected graph G = (V, E) contains two
nodes s and t such that the distance between s and t is strictly greater
than n/2. Show that there must exist some node v, not equal to either s
or t, such that deleting v from G destroys all s-t paths. (In other words,
the graph obtained from G by deleting v contains no path from s to t.)
Give an algorithm with running time O(m + n) to find such a node v.
假设一个n节点无向图G = (V, E)包含两个节点s和t,使得s和t之间的距离严格大于n/2。
给出一个运行时间为O(m + n)的算法来寻找这样的节点v。
Proof by contradiction: Assume that if d > n/2, all layers have at least 2 nodes. Let s be in one layer L(n), and t in another layer L(n+d). Between L(n) and L(n+d-1), there are at least 2 nodes in each layer, Thus, there are at least 2(n/2) = n nodes, Before counting for s and t, there are already n nodes in the assumed graph, but G has in total n nodes, so our assumption is false, which means that there must exist one layer with only one single node v. Thus, if we delete v, we are stuck in the layer before v and cannot reach t. Thus, the statement is proved. // Algorithm in pseudocode: find_node_v(Graph, s): create set Set = null create queue Q = null Q.enqueue(s) Num_Nodes = 0 node = null while (Q.isEmpty() == false) { current = Q.dequeue() if (current == t) return for (each node n that is adjacent to current) { Num_Nodes += 1 // count the number of nodes in each layer Node = n if (Set.contains(n) == false ) { Set.add(n) n.parent = current Q.enqueue(n) } } if (Num_Nodes == 1) return node }
You are given a set of cities, along with the pattern of highways between them, in the form of an undirected graph G = (V, E).
Each stretch of highway e ∈ E connects two of the cities, and you know its length in miles, le.
You want to get from city s to city t.
There’s one problem: your car can only hold enough gas to cover L miles. There are gas stations in each city, but not between cities.
给定一组城市,以及它们之间的高速公路模式,以无向图G = (V, E)的形式给出。
e∈E 公路的每一段都连接着两个城市,你知道它的长度是多少英里。
Therefore, you can only take a route if every one of its edges has length le ≤ L.
Given the limitation on your car’s fuel tank capacity, show how to determine in linear time whether there is a feasible route from s to t.
给出一个运行时间为O(m + n)的算法来判断e是否包含在G的最小生成树中。
(1) e必须是切割的最小成本和
(2) e不应是循环的最大值边。
假设e = (u, v),去掉G中代价≥ce的所有边,u和v将不再连通。