public string GetRequestIP(bool tryUseXForwardHeader = true) { string ip = null; // todo support new "Forwarded" header (2014) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X-Forwarded-For if (tryUseXForwardHeader) ip = GetHeaderValueAs<string>("X-Forwarded-For").SplitCsv().FirstOrDefault(); // RemoteIpAddress is always null in DNX RC1 Update1 (bug). if (ip.IsNullOrWhitespace() && _httpContextAccessor.HttpContext?.Connection?.RemoteIpAddress != null) ip = _httpContextAccessor.HttpContext.Connection.RemoteIpAddress.ToString(); if (ip.IsNullOrWhitespace()) ip = GetHeaderValueAs<string>("REMOTE_ADDR"); // _httpContextAccessor.HttpContext?.Request?.Host this is the local host. if (ip.IsNullOrWhitespace()) throw new Exception("Unable to determine caller's IP."); return ip; } public T GetHeaderValueAs<T>(string headerName) { StringValues values; if (_httpContextAccessor.HttpContext?.Request?.Headers?.TryGetValue(headerName, out values) ?? false) { string rawValues = values.ToString(); // writes out as Csv when there are multiple. if (!rawValues.IsNullOrEmpty()) return (T)Convert.ChangeType(values.ToString(), typeof(T)); } return default(T); } public static List<string> SplitCsv(this string csvList, bool nullOrWhitespaceInputReturnsNull = false) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(csvList)) return nullOrWhitespaceInputReturnsNull ? null : new List<string>(); return csvList .TrimEnd(',') .Split(',') .AsEnumerable<string>() .Select(s => s.Trim()) .ToList(); } public static bool IsNullOrWhitespace(this string s) { return String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s); }