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  • 一校 疑难汇总

    第6章 模块和程序集


    In this regard, the IL assembler differs from other managed compilers (VB, C#, VC++),
    as those compilers require the specification of referenced assemblies via the file path instead
    of querying the GAC. This might play a bad trick on a programmer, because the CLR loader
    always tries to load the assemblies from the GAC first (as is described in the next section), and
    in the unlikely event of a mismatch between referenced assemblies installed in the GAC and
    those specified by the file path, the application will be executed against assemblies different
    from those it was built against.


    第7章 命名可空间和类


    Can value types have virtual methods? Yes, they can. However, to call the virtual methods
    of a value type, you have to box this value type first. I must clarify, though, that you need to
    box the value type only if you are calling its virtual method as a virtual method, through the
    virtual table dispatch, using the callvirt instruction (methods and method call instructions
    are discussed in Chapters 10, 12, and 13).
    If you are calling a virtual method of a value type as
    simply an instance method, using the call instruction, you don’t need to box the value type.
    That’s why I didn’t need to box the variable J in the previous code snippet before calling the
    ToString() method despite that ToString() is a virtual method.



    Generally speaking, you can think of an enumeration as a restriction of its underlying
    type to a predefined, finite set of values
    (however, the CLR does not enforce this restriction).



    This method of class “bookkeeping” messes up royally the order of class declaration on
    round-tripping (disassembling and reassembling of a module), because the classes in the
    round-tripped module are emitted not in the order they were emitted in the original module,
    but rather in the order they were mentioned in the disassembly. This is a minor issue, because
    the order of class definitions (TypeDef records) does not really matter, except in the case of
    nested classes (enclosing class must be declared before the nested class), and this case is han-
    dled properly by the IL assembler.


    第8章 基本类型和签名


    Although the modreq and modopt modifiers have no effect on the managed types of the items
    to which they are attached, signatures with and without these modifiers are considered different.
    The same is true for signatures differing only in classes referenced by these modifiers. This
    allows, for example, the overloading of functions having arguments of type int and long.



    The pinned modifier is applicable to the method’s local variables only. Its use means that
    the object referenced by the local variable cannot be relocated by the garbage collector and
    must stay put throughout the method execution. If a local variable representing an object ref-
    erence or a managed pointer is “pinned,” it is safe to convert it to an unmanaged pointer and
    then to dereference this unmanaged pointer, because the unmanaged pointer is guaranteed to
    still be valid when it is dereferenced (it is safe in the sense of dereferencing, but it is still unver-
    ifiable, as is any usage of an unmanaged pointer



    To call methods indirectly, IL has the special instruction calli. This instruction takes argument
    values plus a function pointer from the stack and uses the StandAloneSig token as a parameter.
    The signature indexed by the token is the signature by which the call is made. Effectively,
    calli takes a function pointer and a signature and presumes that the signature is the correct one to
    use in calling this function:



    In the newobj instruction, we specified a MemberRef of the constructor method, parented
    not by a type but by a constructed type, int32[0...,0...]. The question is, “Whose .ctor is it, anyway?”



    And, of course, about the only possible way to represent a constructed type is by a signature.
    That’s why TypeSpec records have only one entry, containing an offset in the #Blob stream, pointing
     at the signature. Personally, I think it’s a pity the TypeSpec record contains only one entry; a
    Name entry could be of some use. We could go pretty far with named TypeSpecs.
     Most obvious possibilities include type aliasing and type forwarding.

     当然,表示这样一个结构化类型的唯一可能方式就是使用签名。这就是为什么TypeSpec记录只有一个字段,它包括了在#Blob流中的偏移量并指向这个签名。我个人认为,TypeSpec记录只包括一个字段是一个遗憾;Name字段多少会有些作用。使用命名TypeSpec会更好。极大可能是包括类型别名和类型转移(type forwarding


     The TypeSpec signature has no calling convention and consists of one SET, which, however,
    can be fairly long. Consider, for example, a multidimensional array of function pointers
    that have function pointers among their arguments.


    第9章 字段和数据常量

    The nonterminalsymbol <data_type> specifies the data type. (See Table 9-2.) The data
    type is used by the IL assembler exclusively for identifying the size and byte layout of
    (in order to emit the data correctly) and is not emitted as any part of metadata or the data
    itself. Having no way to know what the type was intended to be when the data was emitted,
    the IL disassembler always uses the most generic form, a byte array, for data representation.



    Although instancefields cannot be mapped to data, it is possible to specify the positioning of
    these fields directly. As you might remember from Chapter 7, a class or a value type can have
    an explicit flag—a special flag indicating that the metadata contains an exact recipe for the
    loader regarding the layout of this class
    . This information is kept in the FieldLayout metadata
    table, whose records contain these two entries:



    Fields declared outside the scope of any class are known as global
    fields. They don’t belong to a class but instead belong to the module in which they are declared. A module is represented
    by a special TypeDef record with RID=1 under the name <Module>, so all the formalities that
    govern how field records are identified by reference from their parent TypeDef records are observed.

    任何在类的作用域之外声明的字段,都称为全局字段(global field)。全局字段不属于类,而是属于其声明所在的模块。因为模块是由名称<Module>中一笔RID=1的特殊的TypeDef记录表示的,所以可以观察到字段记录是如何被来自父一级的TypeDef记录的引用所标识的

    第10章 方法

    •reqsecobj(0x8000). This methodcalls another method containing
    security code, so it requires an additional stack slot for a security object.
    This flag is formally under the Reserved mask, so it cannot be set explicitly.
    Setting this flag requires emitting the pseudocustom attribute
    System.Security.DynamicSecurityMethodAttribute. When the IL assembler
    encounters the keyword reqsecobj, it does exactly that: emits the pseudocustom
    attribute and thus sets this “reserved” flag. Since anybody can set this flag by emit-
    ting the pseudocustom attribute, I wonder what the reason was for putting this
    flag under the Reserved mask. This flag could just as well been left as assignable.

    n         reqsecobj0x8000 因为这个方法调用了另一个包括安全代码的方法,所以它需要一个附加的栈槽给安全对象使用。从形式上讲,这个标志位于Reserved掩码之下,因此不能显示地设置它。设置该标志需要流出伪自定义特性System.Security.DynamicSecurityMethodAttribute。当IL汇编器遇到关键字reqsecobj时,它是这样严格执行的:流出伪定义特性进而设置这个保留标志。由于任何人都可以通过流出伪定义特性来设置这个标志,所以我很想知道为什么将这个标志放在保留标志下。这个标志还可以保留为可赋值的。

    15.这个relax怎么翻译比较“雅”? 还有红色字体也不是很清楚

    However, if the class has the beforefieldinit flag set (see Chapter 7), the invocation of
    .cctor happens on “relaxed” (as it is called in the Ecma International/ISO standard) schedule—the .cctor
    is supposed to be called any time, at CLR discretion, prior to the first access to a static field of the class.



    第11章 泛型类型

    •Constraint(coded token of type TypeDefOrRef). A token ofthe constraining type,
    which can reside in the TypeDef, TypeRef, or TypeSpec table. The nature of the con-
    straint (inheritance or implementation) is defined by the constraining type: if it is an
    interface, then it’s an implementation constraint; otherwise it’s an inheritance con-
    straint. (This reminds me of an old Navy adage: “Salute all that moves and paint all
    that doesn’t.”) Since the CLR supports only single inheritance, no more than one
    GenericParamConstraint record pertaining to a certain generic parameter can have
    its Constraint entry referencing a noninterface type.


    第12章 泛型方法
    17.virtually 怎么翻译?“虚”还是“实质上”?

    The type parameters of the overriding method cannot be constrained more restrictively
    than the type parameters of the overridden method. The reason for this requirement is simple.
    Suppose you override the method void A<T>() with the method void B<U>() and constrain
    Umore restrictively than T. Constraining a type parameter means narrowing the possible
    choices of instantiation arguments, which means there will be types {Xi} that can substitute
    for T but not for U. When you call virtually the instantiation of the overridden method, the CLR
    checks the type argument compliance with the overridden method’s constraints, because it’s
    the method that is called. So, you can call virtually void A<Xi>(), which means you will be
    calling in fact void B<Xi>(), violating the constraints of U.

    对覆写方法的类型参数的约束,不能比被覆写方法的类型参数更加严格。这种需求的原因很简单。假设使用方法void B<U>()覆写了方法void A<T>(),并且对U的约束比对T更加严格。对一个类型参数的约束表示缩小实例化参数的可择范围,这意味着存在类型{Xi}可以替代T但不能替代U当我们实质上调用被覆写方法的实例化时,CLR就会检查类型参数是否符合被覆写方法的约束,因为它是被调用的方法。所以,实质上我们可以调用void A<Xi>(),这意味着实际上我们将会调用void B<Xi>(),这就违反了U的约束。

    第13章 IL指令

    If the type is a reference type (and hence the this pointer is a managed pointer to
    object reference), then the this pointer is dereferenced yielding the object reference,
    and the virtual call is executed on this object reference.


    第18章 互操作

    C-style arrays can have a fixed length or a length specified by another parameter of the
    method or a combination thereof, the total length being a sum of fixed (base) length and the
    value of the length parameter.
    Both values, the base length and the length parameter’s zero-
    based ordinal, can be specified for the marshaler so that a vector of appropriate size can be
    allocated. Chapter 8 describes the ILAsm syntax for specifying the array length. For example:


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