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  • 初学 python 之 模拟sql语句实现对员工表格的增删改查




      select name,age from staff_data where age > 22                  多个查询参数name,age 用','分割

      select * from staff_data where dept = 人事

      select * from staff_data where enroll_date like 2013



      insert into staff_data values record1/record2


      delete from staff_data where staff_id>=5andstaff_id<=10


      update staff_table set dept=Market,phone=13566677787  where dept = 运维   多个set值用','分割

    使用re模块,os模块,充分使用函数精简代码,熟练使用 str.split()来解析格式化字符串


    按照key_lis = ['select', 'insert', 'delete', 'update', 'from', 'into', 'set', 'values', 'where', 'limit']的元素顺序分割sql.  




    在这sql语句中,有可能成为最后一个分割元素的 'limit' ,'values', 'where',  按优先级别,先处理'limit' ,再处理'values'或 'where'.....


      1 # _*_coding:utf-8_*_
      2 # Author:Jaye He
      3 import re
      4 import os
      7 def sql_parse(sql, key_lis):
      8     '''
      9     解析sql命令字符串,按照key_lis列表里的元素分割sql得到字典形式的命令sql_dic
     10     :param sql:
     11     :param key_lis:
     12     :return:
     13     '''
     14     sql_list = []
     15     sql_dic = {}
     16     for i in key_lis:
     17         b = [j.strip() for j in sql.split(i)]
     18         if len(b) > 1:
     19             if len(sql.split('limit')) > 1:
     20                 sql_dic['limit'] = sql.split('limit')[-1]
     21             if i == 'where' or i == 'values':
     22                 sql_dic[i] = b[-1]
     23             if sql_list:
     24                 sql_dic[sql_list[-1]] = b[0]
     25             sql_list.append(i)
     26             sql = b[-1]
     27         else:
     28             sql = b[0]
     29         if sql_dic.get('select'):
     30             if not sql_dic.get('from') and not sql_dic.get('where'):
     31                 sql_dic['from'] = b[-1]
     32     if sql_dic.get('select'):
     33         sql_dic['select'] = sql_dic.get('select').split(',')
     34     if sql_dic.get('where'):
     35         sql_dic['where'] = where_parse(sql_dic.get('where'))
     36     return sql_dic
     39 def where_parse(where):
     40     '''
     41     格式化where字符串为列表where_list,用'and', 'or', 'not'分割字符串
     42     :param where:
     43     :return:
     44     '''
     45     casual_l = [where]
     46     logic_key = ['and', 'or', 'not']
     47     for j in logic_key:
     48         for i in casual_l:
     49             if i not in logic_key:
     50                 if len(i.split(j)) > 1:
     51                     ele = i.split(j)
     52                     index = casual_l.index(i)
     53                     casual_l.pop(index)
     54                     casual_l.insert(index, ele[0])
     55                     casual_l.insert(index+1, j)
     56                     casual_l.insert(index+2, ele[1])
     57                     casual_l = [k for k in casual_l if k]
     58     where_list = three_parse(casual_l, logic_key)
     59     return where_list
     62 def three_parse(casual_l, logic_key):
     63     '''
     64     处理临时列表casual_l中具体的条件,'staff_id>5'-->['staff_id','>','5']
     65     :param casual_l:
     66     :param logic_key:
     67     :return:
     68     '''
     69     where_list = []
     70     for i in casual_l:
     71         if i not in logic_key:
     72             b = i.split('like')
     73             if len(b) > 1:
     74                 b.insert(1, 'like')
     75                 where_list.append(b)
     76             else:
     77                 key = ['<', '=', '>']
     78                 new_lis = []
     79                 opt = ''
     80                 lis = [j for j in re.split('([=<>])', i) if j]
     81                 for k in lis:
     82                     if k in key:
     83                         opt += k
     84                     else:
     85                         new_lis.append(k)
     86                 new_lis.insert(1, opt)
     87                 where_list.append(new_lis)
     88         else:
     89             where_list.append(i)
     90     return where_list
     93 def sql_action(sql_dic, title):
     94     '''
     95     把解析好的sql_dic分发给相应函数执行处理
     96     :param sql_dic:
     97     :param title:
     98     :return:
     99     '''
    100     key = {'select': select,
    101            'insert': insert,
    102            'delete': delete,
    103            'update': update}
    104     res = []
    105     for i in sql_dic:
    106         if i in key:
    107             res = key[i](sql_dic, title)
    108     return res
    111 def select(sql_dic, title):
    112     '''
    113     处理select语句命令
    114     :param sql_dic:
    115     :param title:
    116     :return:
    117     '''
    118     with open('staff_data', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fh:
    119         filter_res = where_action(fh, sql_dic.get('where'), title)
    120         limit_res = limit_action(filter_res, sql_dic.get('limit'))
    121         search_res = search_action(limit_res, sql_dic.get('select'), title)
    122     return search_res
    125 def insert(sql_dic, title):
    126     '''
    127     处理insert语句命令
    128     :param sql_dic:
    129     :param title:
    130     :return:
    131     '''
    132     with open('staff_data', 'r+', encoding='utf-8') as f:
    133         data = f.readlines()
    134         phone_list = [i.strip().split(',')[4] for i in data]
    135         ins_count = 0
    136         if not data:
    137             new_id = 1
    138         else:
    139             last = data[-1]
    140             last_id = int(last.split(',')[0])
    141             new_id = last_id+1
    142         record = sql_dic.get('values').split('/')
    143         for i in record:
    144             if i.split(',')[3] in phone_list:
    145                 print('33[1;31m%s 手机号已存在33[0m' % i)
    146             else:
    147                 new_record = '%s,%s
    ' % (str(new_id), i)
    148                 f.write(new_record)
    149                 new_id += 1
    150                 ins_count += 1
    151         f.flush()
    152     return ['insert successful'], [str(ins_count)]
    155 def delete(sql_dic, title):
    156     '''
    157     处理delete语句命令
    158     :param sql_dic:
    159     :param title:
    160     :return:
    161     '''
    162     with open('staff_data', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as r_file,
    163             open('staff_data_bak', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as w_file:
    164         del_count = 0
    165         for line in r_file:
    166             dic = dict(zip(title.split(','), line.split(',')))
    167             filter_res = logic_action(dic, sql_dic.get('where'))
    168             if not filter_res:
    169                 w_file.write(line)
    170             else:
    171                 del_count += 1
    172         w_file.flush()
    173     os.remove('staff_data')
    174     os.rename('staff_data_bak', 'staff_data')
    175     return ['delete successful'], [str(del_count)]
    178 def update(sql_dic, title):
    179     '''
    180     处理update语句命令
    181     :param sql_dic:
    182     :param title:
    183     :return:
    184     '''
    185     set_l = sql_dic.get('set').strip().split(',')
    186     set_list = [i.split('=') for i in set_l]
    187     update_count = 0
    188     with open('staff_data', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as r_file,
    189             open('staff_data_bak', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as w_file:
    190         for line in r_file:
    191             dic = dict(zip(title.split(','), line.strip().split(',')))
    192             filter_res = logic_action(dic, sql_dic.get('where'))
    193             if filter_res:
    194                 for i in set_list:
    195                     k = i[0]
    196                     v = i[-1]
    197                     dic[k] = v
    198                 line = [dic[i] for i in title.split(',')]
    199                 update_count += 1
    200                 line = ','.join(line)+'
    201             w_file.write(line)
    202         w_file.flush()
    203     os.remove('staff_data')
    204     os.rename('staff_data_bak', 'staff_data')
    205     return ['update successful'], [str(update_count)]
    208 def where_action(fh, where_list, title):
    209     '''
    210     具体处理where_list里的所有条件
    211     :param fh:
    212     :param where_list:
    213     :param title:
    214     :return:
    215     '''
    216     res = []
    217     if len(where_list) != 0:
    218         for line in fh:
    219             dic = dict(zip(title.split(','), line.strip().split(',')))
    220             if dic['name'] != 'name':
    221                 logic_res = logic_action(dic, where_list)
    222                 if logic_res:
    223                     res.append(line.strip().split(','))
    224     else:
    225         res = [i.split(',') for i in fh.readlines()]
    226     return res
    227     pass
    230 def logic_action(dic, where_list):
    231     '''
    232     判断数据文件中每一条是否符合where_list条件
    233     :param dic:
    234     :param where_list:
    235     :return:
    236     '''
    237     logic = []
    238     for exp in where_list:
    239         if type(exp) is list:
    240             exp_k, opt, exp_v = exp
    241             if exp[1] == '=':
    242                 opt = '=='
    243             logical_char = "'%s'%s'%s'" % (dic[exp_k], opt, exp_v)
    244             if opt != 'like':
    245                 exp = str(eval(logical_char))
    246             else:
    247                 if exp_v in dic[exp_k]:
    248                     exp = 'True'
    249                 else:
    250                     exp = 'False'
    251         logic.append(exp)
    252     res = eval(' '.join(logic))
    253     return res
    256 def limit_action(filter_res, limit_l):
    257     '''
    258     用列表切分处理显示符合条件的数量
    259     :param filter_res:
    260     :param limit_l:
    261     :return:
    262     '''
    263     if limit_l:
    264         index = int(limit_l[0])
    265         res = filter_res[:index]
    266     else:
    267         res = filter_res
    268     return res
    271 def search_action(limit_res, select_list, title):
    272     '''
    273     处理需要查询并显示的title和相应数据
    274     :param limit_res:
    275     :param select_list:
    276     :param title:
    277     :return:
    278     '''
    279     res = []
    280     fields_list = title.split(',')
    281     if select_list[0] == '*':
    282         res = limit_res
    283     else:
    284         fields_list = select_list
    285         for data in limit_res:
    286             dic = dict(zip(title.split(','), data))
    287             r_l = []
    288             for i in fields_list:
    289                 r_l.append((dic[i].strip()))
    290             res.append(r_l)
    291     return fields_list, res
    294 if __name__ == '__main__':
    295     with open('staff_data', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
    296         title = f.readline().strip()
    297     key_lis = ['select', 'insert', 'delete', 'update', 'from', 'into', 'set', 'values', 'where', 'limit']
    298     while True:
    299         sql = input('请输入sql命令,退出请输入exit:').strip()
    300         sql = re.sub(' ', '', sql)
    301         if len(sql) == 0:continue
    302         if sql == 'exit':break
    303         sql_dict = sql_parse(sql, key_lis)
    304         fields_list, fields_data = sql_action(sql_dict, title)
    305         print('33[1;33m结果如下:33[0m')
    306         print('-'.join(fields_list))
    307         for data in fields_data:
    308             print('-'.join(data))
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/JayeHe/p/6846524.html
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