zoukankan      html  css  js  c++  java
  • 微信小程序多图上传及后台处理(后台用thinkphp3.2)



     1 <view class="info">
     2     <form bindsubmit="save">
     3     <view class="info-list">
     4         <view class="list-left">店铺logo<text></text></view>
     5         <view class="list-right">
     6             <image src="{{store_logo?store_logo:'/images/add.png'}}" style=" 128rpx;height: 128rpx;" bindtap="uploadLogo"></image>
     7         </view>
     8     </view>
     9     <view class="info-list">
    10         <view class="list-left">店铺名称<text>*</text></view>
    11         <view class="list-right">
    12             <input placeholder="请输入店铺名称" name="store_name" value="{{store_info.store_name}}"></input>
    13         </view>
    14     </view>
    15     <view class="info-list">
    16         <view class="list-left">店铺地址<text>*</text></view>
    17         <view class="list-right">
    18             <picker bindchange="bindPadChange" value="{{index}}" range="{{position_list}}" class="picker" style="margin-left: 10rpx;">
    19                 <view class="picker" class="input-item">
    20                     {{position_list[index]}}
    21                 </view>
    22             </picker>
    23         </view>
    24     </view>
    25         <view class="info-list">
    26         <view class="list-left">店铺铺号<text>*</text></view>
    27         <view class="list-right">
    28             <input placeholder="请输入店铺铺号" name="store_num" value="{{store_info.store_num}}"></input>
    29         </view>
    30     </view>
    31     <view class="info-list">
    32         <view class="list-left">联系人<text>*</text></view>
    33         <view class="list-right">
    34             <input placeholder="请输入联系人" name="link_name" value="{{store_info.link_name}}"></input>
    35         </view>
    36     </view>
    37     <view class="info-list">
    38         <view class="list-left">联系方式<text>*</text></view>
    39         <view class="list-right">
    40             <input placeholder="请输入联系方式" name="link_tel" value="{{store_info.link_tel}}"></input>
    41         </view>
    42     </view>
    43     <view class="info-list list1">
    44         <view class="list-left">主营品牌及产品<text>*</text></view>
    45     </view>
    46     <view class="field">
    47         <textarea name="major_brand" value="{{store_info.major_brand}}" placeholder="请认真填写主营的品牌及产品,内容会在店铺头部显示" placeholder-class="font-size:24rpx"></textarea>
    48     </view>
    50     <view class="list1" style="border-top: 1px solid #ddd;">
    51         <view class="list-left">店铺照片:<text>(可以上传三张店铺图片) </text></view>
    52         <button class="Btn" type="file" accept="image/jpg,image/jpeg,image/png,image/gif" multiple="" bindtap='uploader' name="images">上传图片</button>
    53         <view class="goods-print">
    54             <view class="print-view" wx:for="{{imagesList}}">
    55                 <image src="{{item}}"></image>
    56                 <view class="detail" bindtap="delImg" data-index="{{index}}">×</view>
    57             </view>
    58         </view>
    59     </view>
    61     <view class="releaseBtn">
    62         <view class="redColor">带*号店铺属性为必填项</view>
    63         <button formType="submit">提交</button>
    64     </view>
    65     </form>
    66 </view>


      background-color: #fff;
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      color: #000;
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      color: #999;
    .goods-print {
    display: flex;
      flex-direction: row;
      flex-wrap: wrap;
      clear: both;
      margin-top: 20rpx;
    .goods-print .print-view{
      width:230rpx ;
      height: 230rpx;
      position: relative;
    .goods-print .print-view .detail{
      position: absolute;
      width: 30rpx;
      height: 30rpx;
      text-align: center;
      line-height: 30rpx;
      background-color: red;
      color: #fff;
      border-radius: 50%;
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      height: 220rpx;
      width: 200rpx;
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      margin:20rpx 0 ;
      float: left;
      color: #fff;
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      font-size: 24rpx;
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      background-color: #ff5d37;
      color: #fff;
      margin-top: 20rpx;
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    View Code


      1 var server = require('../../utils/server');
      2 var app = getApp();
      3 const API_URL = app.globalData.API_URL;
      4 Page({
      6   data: {
      7     position_list: [], //位置列表
      8     position_id: [], //位置id列表
      9     index: 0,
     10     store_info: {},
     11     store_logo: '',
     12     up_logo: '',
     13     imagesList: [],
     14   },
     15   onLoad: function (options) {
     17   },
     18   // 产品类型
     19   bindPadChange: function (e) {
     20     this.setData({
     21       index: e.detail.value,
     22     })
     23   },
     24   delImg: function (e) {
     25     var img_index = e.target.dataset.index;
     26     var imgs = this.data.imagesList;
     28     server.getJSON("/Home/delStoreImg",{img_url:imgs[img_index]},  function (res) {
     29       console.log('删除图片:',res);
     30     });
     32     imgs.forEach((item, index) => {
     33       if (index == img_index) {
     34         imgs.splice(index, 1);
     35       }
     36     });
     37     this.setData({
     38       imagesList: imgs,
     39     })
     40     console.log('删除后的图片合集', this.data.imagesList);
     41   },
     42   uploader: function () {
     43     var that = this;
     44     let imagesList = [];
     45     let maxSize = 1024 * 1024;
     46     let maxLength = 3;
     47     let flag = true;
     48     wx.chooseImage({
     49       count: 3, //最多可以选择的图片总数
     50       sizeType: ['original', 'compressed'], // 可以指定是原图还是压缩图,默认二者都有
     51       sourceType: ['album', 'camera'], // 可以指定来源是相册还是相机,默认二者都有
     52       success: function (res) {
     53         wx.showToast({
     54           title: '正在上传...',
     55           icon: 'loading',
     56           mask: true,
     57           duration: 500
     58         })
     59         for (let i = 0; i < res.tempFiles.length; i++) {
     60           if (res.tempFiles[i].size > maxSize) {
     61             flag = false;
     62             wx.showModal({
     63               content: '图片太大,不允许上传',
     64               showCancel: false,
     65               success: function (res) {
     66                 if (res.confirm) {
     67                   console.log('用户点击确定')
     68                 }
     69               }
     70             });
     71           }
     72         }
     73         if (res.tempFiles.length > maxLength) {
     74           wx.showModal({
     75             content: '最多能上传' + maxLength + '张图片',
     76             showCancel: false,
     77             success: function (res) {
     78               if (res.confirm) {
     79                 console.log('确定');
     80               }
     81             }
     82           })
     83         }
     84         if (flag == true && res.tempFiles.length <= maxLength) {
     85           that.data.imagesList = that.data.imagesList.concat(res.tempFilePaths);
     86           that.setData({
     87             // imagesList: res.tempFilePaths
     88             imagesList: that.data.imagesList
     89           })
     90         }
     91         console.log('上传图片合集', that.data.imagesList);
     92       },
     93       fail: function (res) {
     94         console.log('上传失败结果:', res);
     95       }
     96     })
     97   },
     98   uploadLogo: function () {
     99     var that = this;
    100     let maxSize = 1024 * 1024;
    101     let flag = true;
    102     wx.chooseImage({
    103       count: 1, //最多可以选择的图片总数
    104       sizeType: ['original', 'compressed'], // 可以指定是原图还是压缩图,默认二者都有
    105       sourceType: ['album', 'camera'], // 可以指定来源是相册还是相机,默认二者都有
    106       success: function (res) {
    107         wx.showToast({
    108           title: '正在上传...',
    109           icon: 'loading',
    110           mask: true,
    111           duration: 500
    112         })
    113         if (res.tempFiles[0].size > maxSize) {
    114           flag = false;
    115           wx.showModal({
    116             content: '图片太大,不允许上传',
    117             showCancel: false,
    118             success: function (res) {
    119               if (res.confirm) {
    120                 console.log('用户点击确定')
    121               }
    122             }
    123           });
    124         }
    125         if (flag == true) {
    126           wx.uploadFile({
    127             url: API_URL + '/Home/uploadStoreImg',
    128             filePath: res.tempFiles[0].path,
    129             name: 'uploadfile_ant',
    130             header: {
    131               "Content-Type": "multipart/form-data"
    132             },
    133             formData: {
    134               type: 1,
    135               id: 0,
    136             },
    137             success: function (result) {
    138               var e = JSON.parse(result.data);
    139               that.setData({
    140                 store_logo: e.img_url,
    141                 up_logo: e.result
    142               })
    143             },
    144             fail: function (data) {
    145               console.log(data);
    146             }
    147           });
    148         }
    149         console.log('店铺logo', that.data.store_logo);
    150       },
    151       fail: function (res) {
    152         console.log('上传失败结果:', res);
    153       }
    154     })
    155   },
    156   // 保存
    157   save(event) {
    158     let self = this,
    159       eventDA = event.detail.value;
    161     if (eventDA.store_name.length <= 0) {
    162       wx.showToast({
    163         title: '请输入店铺名称',
    164         icon: 'none',
    165         duration: 1000
    166       });
    167       return false;
    168     }
    169     if (eventDA.store_num.length <= 0) {
    170       wx.showToast({
    171         title: '请输入店铺铺号',
    172         icon: 'none',
    173         duration: 1000
    174       });
    175       return false;
    176     }
    177     if (self.data.index == 0) {
    178       wx.showToast({
    179         title: '请选择店铺地址',
    180         icon: 'none',
    181         duration: 1000
    182       });
    183       return false;
    184     }
    185     if (eventDA.link_name.length <= 0) {
    186       wx.showToast({
    187         title: '请输入联系人',
    188         icon: 'none',
    189         duration: 1000
    190       });
    191       return false;
    192     }
    193     if (eventDA.link_tel.length <= 0) {
    194       wx.showToast({
    195         title: '请输入联系方式',
    196         icon: 'none',
    197         duration: 1000
    198       });
    199       return false;
    200     }
    201     if (eventDA.major_brand.length <= 0) {
    202       wx.showToast({
    203         title: '请填写主营的品牌及产品',
    204         icon: 'none',
    205         duration: 1000
    206       });
    207       return false;
    208     }
    209     var user_id = wx.getStorageSync("user").user_id;
    210     if(!self.data.store_info || self.data.store_info.length <= 0){
    211       var store_id = 0;
    212     }else{
    213       var store_id = self.data.store_info.store_id;
    214     }
    216     server.postJSON('/Home/edit_info/',{
    217       store_id:store_id,
    218       user_id:user_id,
    219       position_id1:self.data.position_id[self.data.index],
    220       store_name:eventDA.store_name,
    221       store_num:eventDA.store_num,
    222       link_name:eventDA.link_name,
    223       link_tel:eventDA.link_tel,
    224       major_brand:eventDA.major_brand,
    225       store_logo:self.data.up_logo,
    226     },function(res){
    227       if(res.data.status == 1){
    228         if(store_id > 0){
    229           var id = store_id;
    230         }else{
    231           var id = res.data.list;
    232         }
    233         if (self.data.imagesList.length > 0) {
    234           console.log('图片合集:', self.data.imagesList);
    235           for (let i = 0; i < self.data.imagesList.length; i++) {
    236             if (self.data.imagesList[i].indexOf("tmp") > 0) {
    237               wx.uploadFile({
    238                 url: API_URL + '/Home/uploadStoreImg',
    239                 filePath: self.data.imagesList[i],
    240                 name: 'uploadfile_ant',
    241                 header: {
    242                   "Content-Type": "multipart/form-data"
    243                 },
    244                 formData: {
    245                   type: 2,
    246                   id: id,
    247                 },
    248                 success: function (data) {
    249                   if ((self.data.imagesList.length - 1) == i) {
    252                   }
    253                 },
    254                 fail: function (data) {
    255                   console.log(data);
    256                 }
    257               });
    258             }
    259           }
    260         }
    262         wx.showToast({
    263           title: '保存成功',
    264           duration: 1000
    265         });
    266         setTimeout(function () {
    267           wx.redirectTo({
    268             url: '/pages/member/index/index'
    269           });
    270         }, 1000);
    271       }else{
    272         var msg = res.data.msg;
    273         wx.showToast({
    274           title: '' + msg,
    275           icon: 'none',
    276           duration: 1000
    277         });
    278       }
    279     });
    280   }
    281 })


     1 <?php
     3 namespace WXAPIController;
     5 use ThinkController;
     7 class HomeController extends BaseController
     8 {
    10     /**
    11      * 析构流函数
    12      */
    13     public function __construct()
    14     {
    15         parent::__construct();
    17     }
    18     /**
    19      * 上传店铺图片
    20      */
    21     public function uploadStoreImg()
    22     {
    23         $store_id = I('id', 0);
    24         $type = I('type', 1);
    25         $path = "Public/upload/store/";
    26         $path .= date('Y') . "/" . date('m-d') . "/";
    27         if (!is_dir($path)) { //判断目录是否存在 不存在就创建
    28             mkdir($path, 0777, true);
    29         }
    31         $allow = ["image/jpg", "image/jpeg", "image/bmp", "image/png",];
    32         if ($_FILES["uploadfile_ant"]["error"] > 0) {
    33             exit(json_encode(array('status' => -1, 'msg' => '上传失败,错误码:' . $_FILES["uploadfile_ant"]['error'], 'result' => '')));
    34         }
    36         if (!in_array($_FILES["uploadfile_ant"]["type"], $allow)) {
    37             exit(json_encode(array('status' => -1, 'msg' => '上传的文件类型不被允许', 'result' => '')));
    38         }
    40         if ($_FILES['uploadfile_ant']['size'] > 5 * 1024 * 1024) {
    41             exit(json_encode(array('status' => -1, 'msg' => '上传文件过大', 'result' => '')));
    42         }
    43         $imageName = date("YmdHis", time()) . rand(1111, 9999) . ".jpg";
    44         $filepath = $path . $imageName;
    46         if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['uploadfile_ant']['tmp_name'], $filepath)) {
    47             $data['store_id'] = $store_id;
    48             $data['img_url']  = "/" . $filepath;
    50             if ($type == 1) {
    51                 exit(json_encode(array('status' => 1, 'msg' => '上传成功', "result" => "/" . $filepath,'img_url'=>SITE_URL."/" . $filepath)));
    52             } else {
    53                 $res = M('store_images')->add($data);
    54                 exit(json_encode(array('status' => 1, 'msg' => '上传成功', "result" => $res)));
    55             }
    57         }
    58         exit(json_encode(array('status' => 1, 'msg' => '上传成功', "result" => "/" . $filepath,'img_url'=>SITE_URL."/" . $filepath)));
    59     }
    60     /**
    61      * 删除店铺图片
    62      */
    63     public function delStoreImg()
    64     {
    65         $img_url = I('img_url', '');
    66         $type = I('type', 1);
    68         if($img_url){
    69             $img_arr = explode(SITE_URL,$img_url);
    70             $img_info = M('store_images')->where(array('img_url'=>$img_arr[1]))->find();
    71             if($img_info){
    72                 unlink($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].$img_arr[1]);
    73                 M('store_images')->where(array('img_url'=>$img_arr[1]))->delete();
    74             }
    75             exit(json_encode(array('status' => 1, 'msg' => '删除成功', "result" => '')));
    76         }
    77     }
    78 }
  • 相关阅读:
    Spring 3.1新特性之一:spring注解之@profile
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Jessie-candy/p/13576882.html
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