import xgboost as xgb import numpy as np import pandas as pd from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split if __name__ == '__main__': iris_feature_E = "sepal lenght", "sepal width", "petal length", "petal width" iris_feature = "the length of sepal", "the width of sepal", "the length of petal", "the width of petal" iris_class = "Iris-setosa", "Iris-versicolor", "Iris-virginica" data = pd.read_csv("", header=None) iris_types = data[4].unique() for i, type in enumerate(iris_types): data.set_value(data[4] == type, 4, i) x, y = np.split(data.values, (4,), axis=1) x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(x, y, test_size=0.7, random_state=1) data_train = xgb.DMatrix(x_train, label=y_train) data_test = xgb.DMatrix(x_test, label=y_test) watchlist = [(data_test, 'eval'), (data_train, 'train')] param = {'max_depth':3, 'eta':1, 'silent':1, 'objective':'multi:softmax', 'num_class':3} bst = xgb.train(param, data_train, num_boost_round=10, evals=watchlist) y_hat = bst.predict(data_test) result = y_test.reshape(1, -1) == y_hat print('the accuracy: ', float(np.sum(result)) / len(y_hat))