Problem E: 点歌单
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1. Song类:歌曲类,具有:
(2)static int getCntOfSongs():获得创建的歌曲的总数。
2. Pop类:是Song类的子类,具有static int getCntOfPops()方法,返回该类型的歌曲的总数。
3. Folk类:是Song类的子类,具有static int getCntOfFolks()方法,返回该类型的歌曲的总数。
4. Bel类:是Song类的子类,具有static int getCntOfBels()方法,返回该类型的歌曲的总数。
5. Singer类:歌手类,具有:
(3)void addASong(string s, int t):添加一首该歌手演唱的歌曲,其中s为歌曲名,t为歌曲类型(1、2、3分别表示Pop、Folk和Bel类的歌曲)。
(4)void singASong(string):根据指定的歌曲名,演唱这首歌。分为两种情况:如果歌手所演唱的歌曲列表中有参数指定的歌曲名,则输出:
$ sings % in # style.
其中:$是歌手名字,%是歌曲名字,#是歌曲类型(为:popular、folk或Bel Canto之一)。
$ doesn’t sing %.
(5)static int getCntOfSingers():获得创建的歌手的人数。
之后的N行,每行是一个歌手及其演唱的歌曲,是一系列用空格分开的数据。每行的第一个字符串(不含空白符)是歌手的名字。第2个是整数M>0,表示该歌手演唱了M首歌曲。M后面有M组输入,每组输入包括1个整数K和1个不含空白符的字符串S,其中K=1、2或者3,分别对应于pop、folk和Bel Canto三种歌曲类型,S是歌曲名。
$ : %1 %2 …
(3)void Choose(string s1, string s2)方法:根据参数指定的歌手名s1、歌曲名s2输出。分三种情况:
Singer $ doesn't exist.
$ doesn’t sing %.
$ sings % in # style.
Sample Input
3 Tom 4 1 ChangJiu 2 DuanZan 3 Main 1 Object Jack 1 1 Output Mary 2 1 Input 3 GCC Tom DuanZan Jack Input Mary GCC CUI BIGDATA
Sample Output
In beginning, there are 0 singers, and 0 songs. LiuHuan sings XiongDi in popular style. LiuHuan sings SanGuo in folk style. LiuHuan sings SongBie in Bel Canto style. LiuHuan doesn't sing MeiYou. Tom : ChangJiu DuanZan Main Object Jack : Output Mary : Input GCC Now, there are 4 singers, and 10 songs. Including 5 pop songs, 2 folk songs, and 3 Bel Canto songs. Tom sings DuanZan in folk style. Jack doesn't sing Input. Mary sings GCC in Bel Canto style. Singer CUI doesn't exist.
Append Code
int main() { cout<<"In beginning, there are "; cout<<Singer::getCntOfSingers()<<" singers, and "; cout<<Song::getCntOfSongs()<<" songs."<<endl; Singer liuh("LiuHuan"); liuh.addASong("XiongDi", 1); liuh.addASong("SanGuo", 2); liuh.addASong("SongBie", 3); liuh.singASong("XiongDi"); liuh.singASong("SanGuo"); liuh.singASong("SongBie"); liuh.singASong("MeiYou"); SingerList lst; string s1, s2; cin>>lst; cout<<lst; cout<<"Now, there are "; cout<<Singer::getCntOfSingers()<<" singers, and "; cout<<Song::getCntOfSongs()<<" songs. Including "; cout<<Pop::getCntOfPops()<<" pop songs, "; cout<<Folk::getCntOfFolks()<<" folk songs, and "; cout<<Bel::getCntOfBels()<<" Bel Canto songs."<<endl; while(cin>>s1>>s2) { lst.Choose(s1, s2); } return 0; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; class Song { public : string nameSong; static int numSongs; Song(string arr):nameSong(arr){numSongs++;} static int getCntOfSongs() { return numSongs; } virtual string gettype_() = 0; }; class Pop:public Song { public : static int numPops; Pop(string arr):Song(arr){numPops++;} static int getCntOfPops() { return numPops; } string gettype_() { string type_="popular"; return type_; } }; class Folk:public Song { public : static int numFolks; Folk(string arr):Song(arr){numFolks++;} static int getCntOfFolks() { return numFolks; } string gettype_() { string type_="folk"; return type_; } }; class Bel:public Song { public : static int numBels; Bel(string arr):Song(arr){numBels++;} static int getCntOfBels() { return numBels; } string gettype_() { string type_="Bel Canto"; return type_; } }; int Song::numSongs=0; int Pop::numPops=0; int Folk::numFolks=0; int Bel::numBels=0; class Singer { public : string nameSinger; static int numSingers; vector<Song*> lists;//定义的是指针向量,调用每个单元的具体内容时必须用 ”->“ Song *S;//通过定义指针可以方便进行初始化内容 Singer(string arr):nameSinger(arr){numSingers++;} void addASong(string s, int t) { if(t==1) S=new Pop(s); else if(t==2) S=new Folk(s); else if(t==3) S=new Bel(s); lists.push_back(S);//插入的必须是一个完整的类的对象。 } void singASong(string arr) { int t=0; for(int i=0; i<lists.size(); i++) { if(lists[i]->nameSong==arr) t=i+1; } if(t!=0) cout<<nameSinger<<" sings "<<arr<<" in "<<lists[t-1]->gettype_()<<" style."<<endl; if(t==0) cout<<nameSinger<<" doesn't sing "<<arr<<"."<<endl; } static int getCntOfSingers() { return numSingers; } }; int Singer::numSingers=0; class SingerList { public : vector<Singer*> Lists; friend istream &operator>>(istream &is, SingerList &p) { int N; cin>>N; for(int i=0; i<N; i++) { Singer *singer; string names; int num; cin>>names>>num; singer=new Singer(names);//定义歌手名 for(int j=0; j<num; j++) { string songname; int type_s; cin>>type_s>>songname; singer->addASong(songname, type_s);//添加歌手的歌曲列表 } p.Lists.push_back(singer);//将初始化好的歌手添加到向量表中去。 } return is; } friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, SingerList &p) { for(int i=0; i<p.Lists.size(); i++) { os<<p.Lists[i]->nameSinger<<" : ";//输出歌手名 for(int j=0; j<p.Lists[i]->lists.size(); j++) { if(j==0) os<<p.Lists[i]->lists[j]->nameSong;//输出歌名 else os<<" "<< p.Lists[i]->lists[j]->nameSong;//输出歌名 } os<<endl; } return os; } void Choose(string s1, string s2) { int t1=0, i, j; for(i=0; i<Lists.size(); i++) if(s1==Lists[i]->nameSinger) t1=i+1; if(t1==0) cout<<"Singer "<<s1<<" doesn't exist."<<endl; else { int t2=0; for(j=0; j<Lists[t1-1]->lists.size(); j++) if(Lists[t1-1]->lists[j]->nameSong==s2) t2=j+1; if(t2==0) cout<<s1<<" doesn't sing "<<s2<<"."<<endl; else cout<<s1<<" sings "<<s2<<" in "<<Lists[t1-1]->lists[t2-1]->gettype_()<<" style."<<endl; } } }; int main() { cout<<"In beginning, there are "; cout<<Singer::getCntOfSingers()<<" singers, and "; cout<<Song::getCntOfSongs()<<" songs."<<endl; Singer liuh("LiuHuan"); liuh.addASong("XiongDi", 1); liuh.addASong("SanGuo", 2); liuh.addASong("SongBie", 3); liuh.singASong("XiongDi"); liuh.singASong("SanGuo"); liuh.singASong("SongBie"); liuh.singASong("MeiYou"); SingerList lst; string s1, s2; cin>>lst; cout<<lst; cout<<"Now, there are "; cout<<Singer::getCntOfSingers()<<" singers, and "; cout<<Song::getCntOfSongs()<<" songs. Including "; cout<<Pop::getCntOfPops()<<" pop songs, "; cout<<Folk::getCntOfFolks()<<" folk songs, and "; cout<<Bel::getCntOfBels()<<" Bel Canto songs."<<endl; while(cin>>s1>>s2) { lst.Choose(s1, s2); } return 0; }