我们先看什么是Delimited Text File
1. A delimited text file is one in which each line of text is a record, and the fields are separated by a known character.
2. Common delimiters include the tab character or various punctuation characters. The delimiter should always be one which does not appear in the data.
3. Delimited text files are easily produced by most desktop spreadsheet and database applications (eg Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access). You can usually choose "File" then "Save As" or "Export", then select the type of file you would like to save as.
这里的Pipe指的是Pipe Symbol,就是竖线符号"|"。所以这个其实就是“用竖线做分隔符的文本记录文件”,是不是觉得CSV如出一辙?分隔符号不同而已。