#include<iostream> #include<string> using namespace std; //单个节点 struct Node { //Data string name; double score; //Pointer Node* next; }; typedef Node ListNode; //创建链表 ListNode* CreateList() { ListNode* head=new ListNode;//指向头结点指针 ListNode*p, *pre; head->next = NULL; pre = head; cout << "Input name of the student:" << endl; string name; cin >> name; cout << "Input his score:" << endl; double score; cin >> score; while (name!="q") { p = new ListNode; p->name=name; p->score=score; pre->next = p; pre = p; cout << "Input name of the student(q to quit input)" << endl; cin >> name; if (name != "q") { cout << "Input his score:" << endl; cin >> score; } } pre->next = NULL; return head; } //输出链表 void PrintList(ListNode *h) { ListNode*p; p = h->next; while (p) { cout << p->name << " " << p->score << endl; p = p->next; } } //在位置i插入链表 void InsertList(ListNode *L, int i, string name, double score) { ListNode *p, *q; p = L; int j = 0; while (p&&j < i - 1) { p = p->next; j++; } if (!p)return; q = new ListNode; q->name = name; q->score = score; q->next = p->next; p->next = q; } //删除节点 void Delete(ListNode*L, int i) { ListNode*p, *q; p = L; int j = 0; while (p&&j < i - 1) { p = p->next; j++; } if (!p)return; q = p->next; p->next = q->next; delete q; } //按位搜索节点 void Search(ListNode*L, int i) { ListNode*p=L; int j = 0; while (p&&j < i - 1) { p = p->next; j++; } if (!p)return; cout << "第" << i << "个学生" << ":"; cout << p->next->name << " " << p->next->score << endl; } //按名字搜索节点 void Searchz(ListNode*L, string name) { ListNode*p; p = L; int j = 0; while (p && (p->next->name) != name) { p = p->next; j++; } if (!p) { cout << "Not Found" << endl; return; } else { cout << p->next->name << " " << p->next->score << endl; } } //主函数 int main() { ListNode*head; head = CreateList(); string name1, name2; double score; int j, j1, j2; cout << "1--输出链表" << endl; cout << "2--添加元素" << endl; cout << "3--删除元素" << endl; cout << "4--按位输出元素" << endl; cout << "5--按名字输出元素" << endl; cout << "0--退出" << endl; int i; cin >> i; while (i) { switch (i) { case 1: PrintList(head); break; case 2: cout << "请输入学生位置:"; cin >> j; cout << "名字:"; cin >> name1; cout << "成绩:"; cin >> score; InsertList(head, i, name1, score); PrintList(head); break; case 3: cout << "输入要删除学生位置:"; cin >> j1; Delete(head, j1); PrintList(head); break; case 4: cout << "请输入学生位置:"; cin >> j2; Search(head, j2); break; case 5: cout << "请输入学生姓名:"; cin >> name2; Searchz(head, name2); break; default: cout << "ERROR! Try again!" << endl; } cin >> i; } delete head; return 0; }