That wraps up the Big, Strange How-To. You now know a lot about how Strange works and what it can do to make your world a better place. I suggest you try out the multiplecontexts example since that’ll open you up to more possibilities. I also suggest you build something with Strange, since there’s nothing like making for learning. If you’ve never used an IoC framework before, I guarantee it will improve your approach to coding. If you have, I hope it lives up to the experience you’ve had so far.
Finally, Strange was written to be extended. An endless number of Binders can be made to allow anything to trigger anything else. As others turn their minds to this way of thinking, I hope we’ll see loads of amazing (and Strange) add-ons.
After all, doesn’t everyone love a Strange world?
好戏不散场 这阵子我会开源出一个StrageIOC的实践项目 到时候我会放出GIT地址,欢迎加入QQ群 137728654 ,我们可以一起聊聊技术上的那些事儿。