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  • mysql 随堂练习(2)

    create database a;
    use a;
    create table employee(
    empid varchar(10) primary key not null,
    name varchar(10),
    gender varchar(10),
    title varchar(20),
    birthday date,
    depid varchar(10));
    create table department(
    depid varchar(10) primary key not null,
    depname varchar(20));
    create table salary(
    empid varchar(10) primary key not null,
    base_salary decimal(8,2),
    title_salary decimal(8,2),
    deduction int);


    alter table employee add 部门简介 varchar(100);
    insert into employee values('1001','张三','','高级工程师','1980-01-01','1111',null);
    insert into employee values('1002','李四','','助理工程师','1980-11-01','1111',null);
    insert into employee values('1003','王五','','工程师','1980-01-21','2222',null);
    insert into employee values('1004','赵六','','工程师','1980-01-11','2222',null);
    insert into department(depid,depname) values
    insert into salary values


    update employee set title="工程师" where name="李四";
    update salary set base_salary=5700,title_salary=600 
    where empid=(select empid from employee where name="李四");


    select employee.empid,name,title,depname,(base_salary+title_salary-deduction) as 实发工资,
    (base_salary+title_salary) as 应发工资 from employee 
    left join salary on employee.empid=salary.empid
    left join department on department.depid=employee.depid;


    select * from employee where name like"张%" and (year(curdate())-year(birthday))<40;


    select employee.empid,name,title,depname,
    (base_salary+title_salary-deduction) as 实发工资 from employee 
    left join salary on employee.empid=salary.empid
    left join department on department.depid=employee.depid where depname="销售部";


    select title,count(*)as 人数 from employee group by title;

    #涉及三张表及group by分组

    select depname,sum(base_salary+title_salary-deduction)as 实发工资,
    avg(base_salary+title_salary-deduction) as 平均工资 from employee 
    left join salary on employee.empid=salary.empid
    left join department on department.depid=employee.depid group by depname;
    select * from employee;
    select * from salary;
    select * from department;
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Koi504330/p/11901736.html
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