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  • C语言常用数学函数及其用法



      函数申明:acos  (double x);
       用途:用来返回给定的 X 的反余弦函数。


       函数申明:asin  (double x);
       用途:用来返回给定的 X 的反正弦函数。


       函数申明:atan  (double x);
       用途:用来返回给定的 X 的反正切函数。


       函数声明:sin   (double x);
       用途:用来返回给定的 X 的正弦值。


       函数声明:cos   (double x);
       用途:用来返回给定的 X 的余弦值。


       函数声明:tan   (double x);
       用途:用来返回给定的 X 的正切值。


       函数声明:atan2 (double y, double x);
       用途:返回给定的 X 及 Y 坐标值的反正切值


      函数名: atof  (const char *s);
      功  能: 把字符串转换成浮点数
      用  法: double atof(const char *nptr);
       #i nclude <stdlib.h>
       #i nclude <stdio.h>

       int main(void)

        float arg,*point=&arg;
        float f;
        char *str = "12345.67";

        f = atof(str);
        printf("string = %s float = %f ", str, f);
        return 0;

     9. ceil  和 floor

       函数名: ceil  
       功  能: 向上舍入
       用  法: double ceil(double x);
            double floor(double x);

       #i nclude<math.h>

       int main(void)
        double number = 123.54;
        double down, up;

        down = floor(number);
        up = ceil(number);

        printf("original number     %5.2lf ", number);
        printf("number rounded down %5.2lf ", down);
        printf("number rounded up   %5.2lf ", up);

        return 0;
      }该程序运行结果:original number     123.54
                       number rounded down 123.00
                       number rounded up   124.00


        用法:fabs  (double x);


        函数名: fmod
        功  能: 计算x对y的模, 即x/y的余数
        用  法: double fmod(double x, double y);

        #i nclude <stdio.h>
        #i nclude <math.h>

        int main(void)
         double x = 5.0, y = 2.0;
         double result;

         result = fmod(x,y);
         printf("The remainder of (%lf / %lf) is
              %lf ", x, y, result);
         return 0;


            number 参数可以是任意有效的数值表达式。如果 number 包含 Null,则返回 Null;如果是未初始化变量,则返回 0.



        功能:返回 e 的 n 次幂.
        用法:exp   (double x);


        函数名: frexp
        功  能: 把一个双精度数分解为尾数的指数
        用  法: double frexp(double value, int *eptr);

        #i nclude <math.h>
        #i nclude <stdio.h>

        int main(void)
          double mantissa, number;
          int exponent;
          number = 8.0;
          mantissa = frexp(number, &exponent);
          printf("The number %lf is ", number);
          printf("%lf times two to the ", mantissa);
          printf("power of %d ", exponent);
          return 0;


        功 能: 自然对数函数ln(x) 
        用 法: double log(double x); 

        #i nclude <math.h>
        #i nclude <stdio.h>
        int main(void) 
         double result; 
         double x = 8.6872; 
         result = log(x); 
         printf("The natural log of %lf is %lf ", x, result); 
         return 0; 



        函数名: ldexp 
        功 能: 计算value*(2的exp幂 ).
        用 法: double ldexp(double value, int exp); 
        #i nclude 
        #i nclude 
        int main(void) 
         double value; 
         double x = 2; 
         value = ldexp(x,3); 
         printf("The ldexp value is: %lf ", value); 
         return 0; 
        } 运行结果为:2*2^3=16.

        功能:返回以 10 为底的对数.
        用法:log10 (double x);


        用法:sqrt  (double x);


        功  能: 把数分为指数和尾数
        用  法: double modf(double value, double *iptr);
        #i nclude <math.h>
        #i nclude <stdio.h>
        int main(void)
        double fraction, integer;
        double number = 100000.567;
        fraction = modf(number, &integer);
        printf("The whole and fractional parts of %lf are %lf and %lf ",number, integer, fraction);
        return 0;


        用法:pow   (double x, double y);(将返回x的y次幂)

        用法:Double  Cosh(double x(以弧度计量的角度)) ;


        用法:sinh  (double x);(其中参数x必须为弧度制)

        用法:tanh  (double x);

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Konjakmoyu/p/5595668.html
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