Author: Heng-Jui Chang
Videos (Mandarin):
Video (English):
Solve a regression problem with deep neural networks (DNN).
Understand basic DNN training tips.
Get familiar with PyTorch.
If any questions, please contact the TAs via TA hours, NTU COOL, or email.
This code is completely written by Heng-Jui Chang @ NTUEE.
Copying or reusing this code is required to specify the original author.
Source: Heng-Jui Chang @ NTUEE (
Google colab + GPU加速 + PyTorch
tr_path = 'covid.train.csv' # path to training data
tt_path = 'covid.test.csv' # path to testing data
!gdown --id '19CCyCgJrUxtvgZF53vnctJiOJ23T5mqF' --output covid.train.csv
!gdown --id '1CE240jLm2npU-tdz81-oVKEF3T2yfT1O' --output covid.test.csv
# PyTorch
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from import Dataset, DataLoader
# For data preprocess
import numpy as np
import csv
import os
# For plotting
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.pyplot import figure
myseed = 42069 # set a random seed for reproducibility
torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True
torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = False
if torch.cuda.is_available():
Completely reproducible results are not guaranteed across PyTorch releases, individual commits, or different platforms. Furthermore, results may not be reproducible between CPU and GPU executions, even when using identical seeds.
不保证跨 PyTorch 版本、单个提交或不同平台的完全可重现的结果。此外,即使使用相同的种子,结果也可能无法在 CPU 和 GPU 执行之间重现。
However, there are some steps you can take to limit the number of sources of nondeterministic behavior for a specific platform, device, and PyTorch release. First, you can control sources of randomness that can cause multiple executions of your application to behave differently. Second, you can configure PyTorch to avoid using nondeterministic algorithms for some operations, so that multiple calls to those operations, given the same inputs, will produce the same result.
但是,您可以采取一些步骤来限制特定平台、设备和 PyTorch 版本的非确定性行为来源的数量。首先,您可以控制可能导致应用程序多次执行以不同方式运行的随机源。其次,您可以配置 PyTorch 以避免对某些操作使用非确定性算法,以便在给定相同输入的情况下对这些操作的多次调用将产生相同的结果。
您可以使用torch.manual_seed()为所有设备(CPU 和 CUDA)设置 RNG:
import torch
if torch.cuda.is_available():
对于自定义运算符,您可能还需要设置 python 种子:
import random
如果您或您使用的任何库依赖于 NumPy,您可以使用以下命令为全局 NumPy RNG 设置种子:
import numpy as np
CUDA 卷积操作使用的 cuDNN 库可能是应用程序多次执行的不确定性来源。当使用一组新的大小参数调用 cuDNN 卷积时,一个可选特征可以运行多个卷积算法,对它们进行基准测试以找到最快的算法。然后,最快的算法将在剩余的过程中一致地用于相应的大小参数集。由于基准测试噪声和不同的硬件,基准测试可能会在后续运行中选择不同的算法,即使是在同一台机器上。
禁用基准测试功能 会导致 cuDNN 确定性地选择算法,可能会以降低性能为代价。
torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = False
但是,如果您不需要跨应用程序的多次执行的可重复性,那么可以使用 .
torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True
允许您将 PyTorch 配置为使用确定性算法而不是可用的不确定性算法,并在已知操作为不确定性(并且没有确定性替代方案)时抛出错误。
While disabling CUDA convolution benchmarking (discussed above) ensures that CUDA selects the same algorithm each time an application is run, that algorithm itself may be nondeterministic, unless either torch.use_deterministic_algorithms(True)
or torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True
is set. The latter setting controls only this behavior, unlike torch.use_deterministic_algorithms()
which will make other PyTorch operations behave deterministically, too.
def get_device():
''' Get device (if GPU is available, use GPU) '''
return 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu'
def plot_learning_curve(loss_record, title=''):
''' Plot learning curve of your DNN (train & dev loss) '''
total_steps = len(loss_record['train'])
x_1 = range(total_steps)
x_2 = x_1[::len(loss_record['train']) // len(loss_record['dev'])]
figure(figsize=(6, 4))
plt.plot(x_1, loss_record['train'], c='tab:red', label='train')
plt.plot(x_2, loss_record['dev'], c='tab:cyan', label='dev')
plt.ylim(0.0, 5.)
plt.xlabel('Training steps')
plt.ylabel('MSE loss')
plt.title('Learning curve of {}'.format(title))
def plot_pred(dv_set, model, device, lim=35., preds=None, targets=None):
''' Plot prediction of your DNN '''
if preds is None or targets is None:
preds, targets = [], []
for x, y in dv_set:
x, y =,
with torch.no_grad():
pred = model(x)
preds =, dim=0).numpy()
targets =, dim=0).numpy()
figure(figsize=(5, 5))
plt.scatter(targets, preds, c='r', alpha=0.5)
plt.plot([-0.2, lim], [-0.2, lim], c='b')
plt.xlim(-0.2, lim)
plt.ylim(-0.2, lim)
plt.xlabel('ground truth value')
plt.ylabel('predicted value')
plt.title('Ground Truth v.s. Prediction')
We have three kinds of datasets:
: for training
: for validation
: for testing (w/o target value)
The COVID19Dataset
below does:
- read
files - extract features
- split
into train/dev sets - normalize features
Finishing TODO
below might make you pass medium baseline.
class COVID19Dataset(Dataset):
''' Dataset for loading and preprocessing the COVID19 dataset '''
def __init__(self,
self.mode = mode
# Read data into numpy arrays
with open(path, 'r') as fp:
data = list(csv.reader(fp))
data = np.array(data[1:])[:, 1:].astype(float)
if not target_only:
feats = list(range(93))
# TODO: Using 40 states & 2 tested_positive features (indices = 57 & 75)
if mode == 'test':
# Testing data
# data: 893 x 93 (40 states + day 1 (18) + day 2 (18) + day 3 (17))
data = data[:, feats] = torch.FloatTensor(data)
# Training data (train/dev sets)
# data: 2700 x 94 (40 states + day 1 (18) + day 2 (18) + day 3 (18))
target = data[:, -1]
data = data[:, feats]
# Splitting training data into train & dev sets
if mode == 'train':
indices = [i for i in range(len(data)) if i % 10 != 0]
elif mode == 'dev':
indices = [i for i in range(len(data)) if i % 10 == 0]
# Convert data into PyTorch tensors = torch.FloatTensor(data[indices]) = torch.FloatTensor(target[indices])
# Normalize features (you may remove this part to see what will happen)[:, 40:] =
([:, 40:] -[:, 40:].mean(dim=0, keepdim=True))
/[:, 40:].std(dim=0, keepdim=True)
self.dim =[1]
print('Finished reading the {} set of COVID19 Dataset ({} samples found, each dim = {})'
.format(mode, len(, self.dim))
def __getitem__(self, index):
# Returns one sample at a time
if self.mode in ['train', 'dev']:
# For training
# For testing (no target)
def __len__(self):
# Returns the size of the dataset
return len(
必须提供方法 __getitem__ __len__以及 __init__ 作为接口向DataLoader提供服务。
A DataLoader
loads data from a given Dataset
into batches.
def prep_dataloader(path, mode, batch_size, n_jobs=0, target_only=False):
''' Generates a dataset, then is put into a dataloader. '''
dataset = COVID19Dataset(path, mode=mode, target_only=target_only) # Construct dataset
dataloader = DataLoader(
dataset, batch_size,
shuffle=(mode == 'train'), drop_last=False,
num_workers=n_jobs, pin_memory=True) # Construct dataloader
return dataloader
Deep Neural Network
is an nn.Module
designed for regression. The DNN consists of 2 fully-connected layers with ReLU activation. This module also included a function cal_loss
for calculating loss.
class NeuralNet(nn.Module):
''' A simple fully-connected deep neural network '''
def __init__(self, input_dim):
super(NeuralNet, self).__init__()
# Define your neural network here
# TODO: How to modify this model to achieve better performance? = nn.Sequential(
nn.Linear(input_dim, 64),
nn.Linear(64, 1)
# Mean squared error loss
self.criterion = nn.MSELoss(reduction='mean')
def forward(self, x):
''' Given input of size (batch_size x input_dim), compute output of the network '''
def cal_loss(self, pred, target):
''' Calculate loss '''
# TODO: you may implement L1/L2 regularization here
return self.criterion(pred, target)
def train(tr_set, dv_set, model, config, device):
''' DNN training '''
n_epochs = config['n_epochs'] # Maximum number of epochs
# Setup optimizer
optimizer = getattr(torch.optim, config['optimizer'])(
model.parameters(), **config['optim_hparas'])
min_mse = 1000.
loss_record = {'train': [], 'dev': []} # for recording training loss
early_stop_cnt = 0
epoch = 0
while epoch < n_epochs:
model.train() # set model to training mode
for x, y in tr_set: # iterate through the dataloader
optimizer.zero_grad() # set gradient to zero
x, y =, # move data to device (cpu/cuda)
pred = model(x) # forward pass (compute output)
mse_loss = model.cal_loss(pred, y) # compute loss
mse_loss.backward() # compute gradient (backpropagation)
optimizer.step() # update model with optimizer
# After each epoch, test your model on the validation (development) set.
dev_mse = dev(dv_set, model, device)
if dev_mse < min_mse:
# Save model if your model improved
min_mse = dev_mse
print('Saving model (epoch = {:4d}, loss = {:.4f})'
.format(epoch + 1, min_mse)), config['save_path']) # Save model to specified path
early_stop_cnt = 0
early_stop_cnt += 1
epoch += 1
if early_stop_cnt > config['early_stop']:
# Stop training if your model stops improving for "config['early_stop']" epochs.
print('Finished training after {} epochs'.format(epoch))
return min_mse, loss_record
def dev(dv_set, model, device):
model.eval() # set model to evalutation mode
total_loss = 0
for x, y in dv_set: # iterate through the dataloader
x, y =, # move data to device (cpu/cuda)
with torch.no_grad(): # disable gradient calculation
pred = model(x) # forward pass (compute output)
mse_loss = model.cal_loss(pred, y) # compute loss
total_loss += mse_loss.detach().cpu().item() * len(x) # accumulate loss
total_loss = total_loss / len(dv_set.dataset) # compute averaged loss
return total_loss
def test(tt_set, model, device):
model.eval() # set model to evalutation mode
preds = []
for x in tt_set: # iterate through the dataloader
x = # move data to device (cpu/cuda)
with torch.no_grad(): # disable gradient calculation
pred = model(x) # forward pass (compute output)
preds.append(pred.detach().cpu()) # collect prediction
preds =, dim=0).numpy() # concatenate all predictions and convert to a numpy array
return preds
Setup Hyper-parameters
contains hyper-parameters for training and the path to save your model.
device = get_device() # get the current available device ('cpu' or 'cuda')
os.makedirs('models', exist_ok=True) # The trained model will be saved to ./models/
target_only = False # TODO: Using 40 states & 2 tested_positive features
# TODO: How to tune these hyper-parameters to improve your model's performance?
config = {
'n_epochs': 3000, # maximum number of epochs
'batch_size': 270, # mini-batch size for dataloader
'optimizer': 'SGD', # optimization algorithm (optimizer in torch.optim)
'optim_hparas': { # hyper-parameters for the optimizer (depends on which optimizer you are using)
'lr': 0.001, # learning rate of SGD
'momentum': 0.9 # momentum for SGD
'early_stop': 200, # early stopping epochs (the number epochs since your model's last improvement)
'save_path': 'models/model.pth' # your model will be saved here
Load data and model
tr_set = prep_dataloader(tr_path, 'train', config['batch_size'], target_only=target_only)
dv_set = prep_dataloader(tr_path, 'dev', config['batch_size'], target_only=target_only)
tt_set = prep_dataloader(tt_path, 'test', config['batch_size'], target_only=target_only)
model = NeuralNet(tr_set.dataset.dim).to(device) # Construct model and move to device
Start Training
model_loss, model_loss_record = train(tr_set, dv_set, model, config, device)
Saving model (epoch = 1, loss = 74.9742)
Saving model (epoch = 2, loss = 50.5313)
Saving model (epoch = 3, loss = 29.1148)
Saving model (epoch = 4, loss = 15.8134)
Saving model (epoch = 5, loss = 9.5430)
Saving model (epoch = 6, loss = 6.8086)
Saving model (epoch = 7, loss = 5.3892)
Saving model (epoch = 8, loss = 4.5267)
Saving model (epoch = 9, loss = 3.9454)
Saving model (epoch = 10, loss = 3.5560)
Saving model (epoch = 11, loss = 3.2303)
Saving model (epoch = 12, loss = 2.9920)
Saving model (epoch = 13, loss = 2.7737)
Saving model (epoch = 14, loss = 2.6181)
Saving model (epoch = 15, loss = 2.3987)
Saving model (epoch = 16, loss = 2.2712)
Saving model (epoch = 17, loss = 2.1349)
Saving model (epoch = 18, loss = 2.0210)
Saving model (epoch = 19, loss = 1.8848)
Saving model (epoch = 20, loss = 1.7999)
Saving model (epoch = 21, loss = 1.7510)
Saving model (epoch = 22, loss = 1.6787)
Saving model (epoch = 23, loss = 1.6450)
Saving model (epoch = 24, loss = 1.6030)
Saving model (epoch = 26, loss = 1.5052)
Saving model (epoch = 27, loss = 1.4486)
Saving model (epoch = 28, loss = 1.4069)
Saving model (epoch = 29, loss = 1.3733)
Saving model (epoch = 30, loss = 1.3533)
Saving model (epoch = 31, loss = 1.3335)
Saving model (epoch = 32, loss = 1.3011)
Saving model (epoch = 33, loss = 1.2711)
Saving model (epoch = 35, loss = 1.2331)
Saving model (epoch = 36, loss = 1.2235)
Saving model (epoch = 38, loss = 1.2180)
Saving model (epoch = 39, loss = 1.2018)
Saving model (epoch = 40, loss = 1.1651)
Saving model (epoch = 42, loss = 1.1631)
Saving model (epoch = 43, loss = 1.1394)
Saving model (epoch = 46, loss = 1.1129)
Saving model (epoch = 47, loss = 1.1107)
Saving model (epoch = 49, loss = 1.1091)
Saving model (epoch = 50, loss = 1.0838)
Saving model (epoch = 52, loss = 1.0692)
Saving model (epoch = 53, loss = 1.0681)
Saving model (epoch = 55, loss = 1.0537)
Saving model (epoch = 60, loss = 1.0457)
Saving model (epoch = 61, loss = 1.0366)
Saving model (epoch = 63, loss = 1.0359)
Saving model (epoch = 64, loss = 1.0111)
Saving model (epoch = 69, loss = 1.0072)
Saving model (epoch = 72, loss = 0.9760)
Saving model (epoch = 76, loss = 0.9672)
Saving model (epoch = 79, loss = 0.9584)
Saving model (epoch = 80, loss = 0.9526)
Saving model (epoch = 82, loss = 0.9494)
Saving model (epoch = 83, loss = 0.9426)
Saving model (epoch = 88, loss = 0.9398)
Saving model (epoch = 89, loss = 0.9223)
Saving model (epoch = 95, loss = 0.9111)
Saving model (epoch = 98, loss = 0.9034)
Saving model (epoch = 101, loss = 0.9014)
Saving model (epoch = 105, loss = 0.9011)
Saving model (epoch = 106, loss = 0.8933)
Saving model (epoch = 110, loss = 0.8893)
Saving model (epoch = 117, loss = 0.8867)
Saving model (epoch = 118, loss = 0.8867)
Saving model (epoch = 121, loss = 0.8790)
Saving model (epoch = 126, loss = 0.8642)
Saving model (epoch = 130, loss = 0.8627)
Saving model (epoch = 137, loss = 0.8616)
Saving model (epoch = 139, loss = 0.8534)
Saving model (epoch = 147, loss = 0.8467)
Saving model (epoch = 154, loss = 0.8463)
Saving model (epoch = 155, loss = 0.8408)
Saving model (epoch = 167, loss = 0.8354)
Saving model (epoch = 176, loss = 0.8314)
Saving model (epoch = 191, loss = 0.8267)
Saving model (epoch = 200, loss = 0.8212)
Saving model (epoch = 226, loss = 0.8190)
Saving model (epoch = 230, loss = 0.8144)
Saving model (epoch = 244, loss = 0.8136)
Saving model (epoch = 258, loss = 0.8095)
Saving model (epoch = 269, loss = 0.8076)
Saving model (epoch = 285, loss = 0.8064)
Saving model (epoch = 330, loss = 0.8055)
Saving model (epoch = 347, loss = 0.8053)
Saving model (epoch = 359, loss = 0.7992)
Saving model (epoch = 410, loss = 0.7989)
Saving model (epoch = 442, loss = 0.7966)
Saving model (epoch = 447, loss = 0.7966)
Saving model (epoch = 576, loss = 0.7958)
Saving model (epoch = 596, loss = 0.7929)
Saving model (epoch = 600, loss = 0.7893)
Saving model (epoch = 683, loss = 0.7825)
Saving model (epoch = 878, loss = 0.7817)
Saving model (epoch = 904, loss = 0.7794)
Saving model (epoch = 931, loss = 0.7790)
Saving model (epoch = 951, loss = 0.7781)
Saving model (epoch = 965, loss = 0.7771)
Saving model (epoch = 1018, loss = 0.7717)
Saving model (epoch = 1168, loss = 0.7653)
Saving model (epoch = 1267, loss = 0.7645)
Saving model (epoch = 1428, loss = 0.7644)
Saving model (epoch = 1461, loss = 0.7635)
Saving model (epoch = 1484, loss = 0.7629)
Saving model (epoch = 1493, loss = 0.7590)
Finished training after 1694 epochs
plot_learning_curve(model_loss_record, title='deep model')
del model
model = NeuralNet(tr_set.dataset.dim).to(device)
ckpt = torch.load(config['save_path'], map_location='cpu') # Load your best model
plot_pred(dv_set, model, device) # Show prediction on the validation set
The predictions of your model on testing set will be stored at pred.csv
def save_pred(preds, file):
''' Save predictions to specified file '''
print('Saving results to {}'.format(file))
with open(file, 'w') as fp:
writer = csv.writer(fp)
writer.writerow(['id', 'tested_positive'])
for i, p in enumerate(preds):
writer.writerow([i, p])
preds = test(tt_set, model, device) # predict COVID-19 cases with your model
save_pred(preds, 'pred.csv') # save prediction file to pred.csv