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  • dubbo源码阅读-dubbo SPI实现原理(五)







     * 标识一个接口是否是@SPI接口
    public @interface SPI {
         * 默认的SPI实现key
        String value() default "";


    public interface Protocol {
        // ... 省略代码


    可以标记在类上 也可以标记在方法上

    标记在类上:表示是我们手动实现装饰类 只能有一个 具体可以看<1>例子

    标记在方法上:会通过javasist动态生成一个类 对于方法的实现会根据参数传过来的key动态获取url 具体可以看<1>例子

    @Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD})
    public @interface Adaptive {
         * Decide which target extension to be injected. The name of the target extension is decided by the parameter passed
         * in the URL, and the parameter names are given by this method.
         * <p>
         * If the specified parameters are not found from {@link URL}, then the default extension will be used for
         * dependency injection (specified in its interface's {@link SPI}).
         * <p>
         * For examples, given <code>String[] {"key1", "key2"}</code>:
         * <ol>
         * <li>find parameter 'key1' in URL, use its value as the extension's name</li>
         * <li>try 'key2' for extension's name if 'key1' is not found (or its value is empty) in URL</li>
         * <li>use default extension if 'key2' doesn't appear either</li>
         * <li>otherwise, throw {@link IllegalStateException}</li>
         * </ol>
         * If default extension's name is not give on interface's {@link SPI}, then a name is generated from interface's
         * class name with the rule: divide classname from capital char into several parts, and separate the parts with
         * dot '.', for example: for {@code com.alibaba.dubbo.xxx.YyyInvokerWrapper}, its default name is
         * <code>String[] {"yyy.invoker.wrapper"}</code>. This name will be used to search for parameter from URL.
         * @return parameter key names in URL
         *  用于打在方法上动态javasist动态生成的装饰类 方法 url.getParameter(key)就是这里配置 
        String[] value() default {};




    @Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD})
    public @interface Activate {
         * 激活当前扩展类的条件之一, 该group参数将会与ExtensionLoader#getActivateExtension方法传入的gruop参数进行匹配
         * @return 要匹配的组名
         * @see ExtensionLoader#getActivateExtension(URL, String, String)
        String[] group() default {};
         例如:@Activate("cache, validation")注释在一个接口上,当URL中有cache或者validation参数时激活
         * @return URL对应的参数的keys
         * @see ExtensionLoader#getActivateExtension(URL, String)
         * @see ExtensionLoader#getActivateExtension(URL, String, String)
        String[] value() default {};
         * 排序信息,可选
         * @return 在当前扩展类执行之前的扩展类
        String[] before() default {};
         * 排序信息,可选
         * @return 在当前扩展类执行之后的扩展类
        String[] after() default {};
         * 当前类执行的权重,越小越先执行
        int order() default 0;


     * LimitInvokerFilter
     * 当group group 同时配置了actives=*就会返回此过滤器 methodParameter含有actives
    @Activate(group = Constants.CONSUMER, value = Constants.ACTIVES_KEY)
    public class ActiveLimitFilter implements Filter {
     * CacheFilter
     * group为consumer或者provider 同时 含有cache=*的配置的时候 返回此过滤器 methodParametr含有activies
    @Activate(group = {Constants.CONSUMER, Constants.PROVIDER}, value = Constants.CACHE_KEY)
    public class CacheFilter implements Filter {


    //adaptive javasist生成例子  
    String extName = (url.getProtocol() == null ? "dubbo" : url.getProtocol());
            if (extName == null)
                throw new IllegalStateException("Fail to get extension(com.alibaba.dubbo.rpc.Protocol) name from url(" + url.toString() + ") use keys([protocol])");
            com.alibaba.dubbo.rpc.Protocol extension = (com.alibaba.dubbo.rpc.Protocol) 
            return extension.export(arg0);


         * 获取Protocol Spi实现对象
         * <2>getExtensionLoader   <3>getAdaptiveExtension
        private static final Protocol protocol = (Protocol)ExtensionLoader.getExtensionLoader(Protocol.class).getAdaptiveExtension();



     //<16>获取激活对象 参数如:key service.filter gruop=provider
            List<Filter> filters = ExtensionLoader.getExtensionLoader(Filter.class).getActivateExtension(invoker.getUrl(), key, group);



        private static final String SERVICES_DIRECTORY = "META-INF/services/";
        private static final String DUBBO_DIRECTORY = "META-INF/dubbo/";
        private static final String DUBBO_INTERNAL_DIRECTORY = DUBBO_DIRECTORY + "internal/";
        //[5]spi配置分割符号,分割 比如 key=fullClassName1,fullClassName2
        private static final Pattern NAME_SEPARATOR = Pattern.compile("\s*[,]+\s*");
         * [6]每个class类都会创建一个对应ExtensionLoader ExtnsionLoader实例不用每次都加载
         * 如我们常常在dubbo看到这样的代码
         *  private static final Protocol protocol =(Protocol)ExtensionLoader.getExtensionLoader(Protocol.class).getAdaptiveExtension();
        private static final ConcurrentMap<Class<?>, ExtensionLoader<?>> EXTENSION_LOADERS = new ConcurrentHashMap<Class<?>, ExtensionLoader<?>>();
         * [7]各个class和实现的定义 比如 key
         * key:com.alibaba.dubbo.rpc.Protocol vaue=实例对象
        private static final ConcurrentMap<Class<?>, Object> EXTENSION_INSTANCES = new ConcurrentHashMap<Class<?>, Object>();


      // =============================成员变量
         *[8] ExtensionLoader.getExtensionLoader(Protocol.class)
         * 存的就是Protocol.class
        private final Class<?> type;
        //[9]创建对象工厂 默认2种实现SPIExtensionFactory SpringExtensionFactory 一个是扫描文件加载 一个在spring容器查找
        private final ExtensionFactory objectFactory;
         * [10]spi配置  key:class value:name
         * 比如 spi=com.alibaba.dubbo.common.extension.factory.SpiExtensionFactory
         * key:com.alibaba.dubbo.common.extension.factory.SpiExtensionFactory value:spi
        private final ConcurrentMap<Class<?>, String> cachedNames = new ConcurrentHashMap<Class<?>, String>();
        //[11]Holder内部维护了map 与cachedNames相反 key=spi配置key  vlaue:spi配置类的class
        private final Holder<Map<String, Class<?>>> cachedClasses = new Holder<Map<String, Class<?>>>();
        //[12]当前类的适配类集合如Filter的实现ExceptonFilter  CacheFitler等
        //key等于@Activate配置的value value等于注解信息
        private final Map<String, Activate> cachedActivates = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Activate>();
         * [12]存储当前接口class实现类的对象
         * 每次实例化都会存入缓存 避免重复创建 下次直接从缓存拿
         * ExtensionLoader.getExtensionLoader(Protocol.class).getExtension("injvm")
         * ExtensionLoader.getExtensionLoader(Protocol.class).getExtension("dubbo")
        private final ConcurrentMap<String, Holder<Object>> cachedInstances = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Holder<Object>>();
        private final Holder<Object> cachedAdaptiveInstance = new Holder<Object>();
        private volatile Class<?> cachedAdaptiveClass = null;
        //spi接口配置的 value 如:@SPI("jvalidation")
        private String cachedDefaultName;
        private volatile Throwable createAdaptiveInstanceError;
         * 拓展 Wrapper 实现类集合
         * <p>
         * 带唯一参数为拓展接口的构造方法的实现类
         * <p>
         * 通过 {@link #loadExtensionClasses} 加载
        private Set<Class<?>> cachedWrapperClasses;
        private Map<String, IllegalStateException> exceptions = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, IllegalStateException>();



        public static <T> ExtensionLoader<T> getExtensionLoader(Class<T> type) {
            if (type == null)
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Extension type == null");
            if (!type.isInterface()) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Extension type(" + type + ") is not interface!");
            if (!withExtensionAnnotation(type)) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Extension type(" + type +
                        ") is not extension, because WITHOUT @" + SPI.class.getSimpleName() + " Annotation!");
            //尝试从缓存获取 ExtentionLoader静态变量[6]
            ExtensionLoader<T> loader = (ExtensionLoader<T>) EXTENSION_LOADERS.get(type);
            if (loader == null) {
                EXTENSION_LOADERS.putIfAbsent(type, new ExtensionLoader<T>(type));
                loader = (ExtensionLoader<T>) EXTENSION_LOADERS.get(type);
            return loader;

    <3>ExtensionLoader(Class<T> type)

      private ExtensionLoader(Class<?> type) {
            this.type = type;
            //type实例的创建工厂 可以发现也是一个SPI扩展 如果不是ExtensionFactory.class才加载工厂 用于创建type实例 工厂定义请看<4>  getAdaptiveExtension请看<5>
            objectFactory = (type == ExtensionFactory.class ? null : ExtensionLoader.getExtensionLoader(ExtensionFactory.class).getAdaptiveExtension());


        public T getAdaptiveExtension() {
             * 从成员变量获取适配类 避免重复获取
             * 分为类上打:@Adaptive 打上Lee@Adaptive的对象
             * 和方法打:@Adaptive 方法打就是javasisit动态生成的装饰类对象
            Object instance = cachedAdaptiveInstance.get();
            if (instance == null) {
                //未加载成功的原因是发生了异常。为null表示未加载 非null表示加载过程中出现异常 直接抛出
                if (createAdaptiveInstanceError == null) {
                    //加锁 避免重复加载
                    synchronized (cachedAdaptiveInstance) {
                        instance = cachedAdaptiveInstance.get();
                        if (instance == null) {
                            try {
                                instance = createAdaptiveExtension();
                            } catch (Throwable t) {
                                //创建适配器对象出错 存起来 下次再加载直接抛错
                                createAdaptiveInstanceError = t;
                                throw new IllegalStateException("fail to create adaptive instance: " + t.toString(), t);
                } else {
                    throw new IllegalStateException("fail to create adaptive instance: " + createAdaptiveInstanceError.toString(), createAdaptiveInstanceError);
            return (T) instance;


     private T createAdaptiveExtension() {
            try {
                //获取SPI适配类 <15>injectExtension完成依赖注入 <7>getAdaptiveExtensionClass
                return injectExtension((T) getAdaptiveExtensionClass().newInstance());
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("Can not create adaptive extension " + type + ", cause: " + e.getMessage(), e);


    private Class<?> getAdaptiveExtensionClass() {
            //如果当前spi接口含有@Adaptive的实现类 则直接返回
            if (cachedAdaptiveClass != null) {
                return cachedAdaptiveClass;
            return cachedAdaptiveClass = createAdaptiveExtensionClass();


     private Map<String, Class<?>> getExtensionClasses() {
            //从缓存获取当前ExtensionLoader的所有spi配置映射  key为spi文件配置的key value为 spi文件配置的class全名称
            Map<String, Class<?>> classes = cachedClasses.get();
            if (classes == null) {
                synchronized (cachedClasses) {
                    classes = cachedClasses.get();
                    if (classes == null) {
                        classes = loadExtensionClasses();
            return classes;


     private Map<String, Class<?>> loadExtensionClasses() {
            //获得SPI注解 type对应成员变量[8]
            final SPI defaultAnnotation = type.getAnnotation(SPI.class);
            if (defaultAnnotation != null) {
                //获得spi配置的value 如Protocol 配置的"dubbo"
                String value = defaultAnnotation.value();
                if ((value = value.trim()).length() > 0) {
                    //防止,号分割配置多个 对应静态变量[5]
                    String[] names = NAME_SEPARATOR.split(value);
                    if (names.length > 1) {
                        throw new IllegalStateException("more than 1 default extension name on extension " + type.getName()
                                + ": " + Arrays.toString(names));
                    //设置到 对应成员变量 [12] +3
                    if (names.length == 1) cachedDefaultName = names[0];
            Map<String, Class<?>> extensionClasses = new HashMap<String, Class<?>>();
            //在一下几个目录扫描SPI配置 所以们自定义SPI配置可以定义在以下几个目录
            //<10>加载dubbo 内置spi META-INF/dubbo/internal/
            loadDirectory(extensionClasses, DUBBO_INTERNAL_DIRECTORY);
            loadDirectory(extensionClasses, DUBBO_DIRECTORY);
            loadDirectory(extensionClasses, SERVICES_DIRECTORY);
            return extensionClasses;


        private void loadDirectory(Map<String, Class<?>> extensionClasses, String dir) {
            //spi文件必须为 目录+SPI注解的fullName
            String fileName = dir + type.getName();
            try {
                Enumeration<java.net.URL> urls;
                ClassLoader classLoader = findClassLoader();
                if (classLoader != null) {
                    urls = classLoader.getResources(fileName);
                } else {
                    urls = ClassLoader.getSystemResources(fileName);
                if (urls != null) {
                    while (urls.hasMoreElements()) {
                        java.net.URL resourceURL = urls.nextElement();
                        //<11>这里最终会将SPI扫描 并将class封装到extensionClasses key为SPI文件key value为Spi文件配置的CLASS
                        loadResource(extensionClasses, classLoader, resourceURL);
            } catch (Throwable t) {
                logger.error("Exception when load extension class(interface: " +
                        type + ", description file: " + fileName + ").", t);


      private void loadResource(Map<String, Class<?>> extensionClasses, ClassLoader classLoader, java.net.URL resourceURL) {
            try {
                BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(resourceURL.openStream(), "utf-8"));
                try {
                    String line;
                    while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
                        //如果有#分割符号 则去掉#分隔符后之后数据
                        final int ci = line.indexOf('#');
                        if (ci >= 0) line = line.substring(0, ci);
                        line = line.trim();
                        if (line.length() > 0) {
                            try {
                                String name = null;
                                int i = line.indexOf('=');
                                if (i > 0) {
                                    name = line.substring(0, i).trim();
                                    line = line.substring(i + 1).trim();
                                if (line.length() > 0) {
                                    //<12>加载class 第一个参数为集合  第二个参数为反射创建 第三个参数为key
                                    loadClass(extensionClasses, resourceURL, Class.forName(line, true, classLoader), name);
                            } catch (Throwable t) {
                                IllegalStateException e = new IllegalStateException("Failed to load extension class(interface: " + type + ", class line: " + line + ") in " + resourceURL + ", cause: " + t.getMessage(), t);
                                exceptions.put(line, e);
                } finally {
            } catch (Throwable t) {
                logger.error("Exception when load extension class(interface: " +
                        type + ", class file: " + resourceURL + ") in " + resourceURL, t);


        private void loadClass(Map<String, Class<?>> extensionClasses, java.net.URL resourceURL, Class<?> clazz, String name) throws NoSuchMethodException {
             //判断spi配置 是不是当前SPI接口的实现类
            if (!type.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("Error when load extension class(interface: " +
                        type + ", class line: " + clazz.getName() + "), class "
                        + clazz.getName() + "is not subtype of interface.");
            //判断class是否打了@Adaptive注解 如果打了那么就是手动装饰类
            if (clazz.isAnnotationPresent(Adaptive.class)) {
                if (cachedAdaptiveClass == null) {
                    cachedAdaptiveClass = clazz;
                } else if (!cachedAdaptiveClass.equals(clazz)) {
                    throw new IllegalStateException("More than 1 adaptive class found: "
                            + cachedAdaptiveClass.getClass().getName()
                            + ", " + clazz.getClass().getName());
                //当前类是否含有构造函数 并且为当前SPI接口 装饰者 具体可以参考
            } else if (isWrapperClass(clazz)) {
                Set<Class<?>> wrappers = cachedWrapperClasses;
                if (wrappers == null) {
                    cachedWrapperClasses = new ConcurrentHashSet<Class<?>>();
                    wrappers = cachedWrapperClasses;
            } else {
                if (name == null || name.length() == 0) {
                    name = findAnnotationName(clazz);
                    if (name.length() == 0) {
                        throw new IllegalStateException("No such extension name for the class " + clazz.getName() + " in the config " + resourceURL);
                String[] names = NAME_SEPARATOR.split(name);
                if (names != null && names.length > 0) {
                    Activate activate = clazz.getAnnotation(Activate.class);
                    if (activate != null) {
                        cachedActivates.put(names[0], activate);
                    for (String n : names) {
                        if (!cachedNames.containsKey(clazz)) {
                            cachedNames.put(clazz, n);
                        //存入extensionClasses  key为name value为class 也就是成员变量[11]cachedClasses
                        Class<?> c = extensionClasses.get(n);
                        if (c == null) {
                            extensionClasses.put(n, clazz);
                        } else if (c != clazz) {
                            throw new IllegalStateException("Duplicate extension " + type.getName() + " name " + n + " on " + c.getName() + " and " + clazz.getName());


        private Class<?> createAdaptiveExtensionClass() {
            String code = createAdaptiveExtensionClassCode();
            ClassLoader classLoader = findClassLoader();
            com.alibaba.dubbo.common.compiler.Compiler compiler = ExtensionLoader.getExtensionLoader(com.alibaba.dubbo.common.compiler.Compiler.class).getAdaptiveExtension();
            return compiler.compile(code, classLoader);


     private String createAdaptiveExtensionClassCode() {
            StringBuilder codeBuilder = new StringBuilder();
            Method[] methods = type.getMethods();
            boolean hasAdaptiveAnnotation = false;
            for (Method m : methods) {
                if (m.isAnnotationPresent(Adaptive.class)) {
                    hasAdaptiveAnnotation = true;
            // no need to generate adaptive class since there's no adaptive method found.
            //如果SPI接口没有打上了@Adaptive的方法 则抛出异常
            if (!hasAdaptiveAnnotation)
                throw new IllegalStateException("No adaptive method on extension " + type.getName() + ", refuse to create the adaptive class!");
            codeBuilder.append("package ").append(type.getPackage().getName()).append(";");
    import ").append(ExtensionLoader.class.getName()).append(";");
    public class ").append(type.getSimpleName()).append("$Adaptive").append(" implements ").append(type.getCanonicalName()).append(" {");
            for (Method method : methods) {
                Class<?> rt = method.getReturnType();
                Class<?>[] pts = method.getParameterTypes();
                Class<?>[] ets = method.getExceptionTypes();
                Adaptive adaptiveAnnotation = method.getAnnotation(Adaptive.class);
                StringBuilder code = new StringBuilder(512);
                if (adaptiveAnnotation == null) {
                    code.append("throw new UnsupportedOperationException("method ")
                            .append(method.toString()).append(" of interface ")
                            .append(type.getName()).append(" is not adaptive method!");");
                } else {
                    int urlTypeIndex = -1;
                    for (int i = 0; i < pts.length; ++i) {
                        if (pts[i].equals(URL.class)) {
                            urlTypeIndex = i;
                    // found parameter in URL type
                    if (urlTypeIndex != -1) {
                        // Null Point check 如:if (arg1 == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("url == null");
                        String s = String.format("
    if (arg%d == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("url == null");",
                        //如:com.alibaba.dubbo.common.URL url = arg1;
                        s = String.format("
    %s url = arg%d;", URL.class.getName(), urlTypeIndex);
                    // did not find parameter in URL type
                    else {
                        String attribMethod = null;
                        // find URL getter method
                        for (int i = 0; i < pts.length; ++i) {
                            Method[] ms = pts[i].getMethods();
                            for (Method m : ms) {
                                String name = m.getName();
                                if ((name.startsWith("get") || name.length() > 3)
                                        && Modifier.isPublic(m.getModifiers())
                                        && !Modifier.isStatic(m.getModifiers())
                                        && m.getParameterTypes().length == 0
                                        && m.getReturnType() == URL.class) {
                                    urlTypeIndex = i;
                                    attribMethod = name;
                                    break LBL_PTS;
                        if (attribMethod == null) {
                            throw new IllegalStateException("fail to create adaptive class for interface " + type.getName()
                                    + ": not found url parameter or url attribute in parameters of method " + method.getName());
                        // Null point check
                        String s = String.format("
    if (arg%d == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("%s argument == null");",
                                urlTypeIndex, pts[urlTypeIndex].getName());
                        s = String.format("
    if (arg%d.%s() == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("%s argument %s() == null");",
                                urlTypeIndex, attribMethod, pts[urlTypeIndex].getName(), attribMethod);
                        s = String.format("%s url = arg%d.%s();", URL.class.getName(), urlTypeIndex, attribMethod);
                    String[] value = adaptiveAnnotation.value();
                    // value is not set, use the value generated from class name as the key
                    if (value.length == 0) {
                        char[] charArray = type.getSimpleName().toCharArray();
                        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(128);
                        for (int i = 0; i < charArray.length; i++) {
                            if (Character.isUpperCase(charArray[i])) {
                                if (i != 0) {
                            } else {
                        value = new String[]{sb.toString()};
                    boolean hasInvocation = false;
                    for (int i = 0; i < pts.length; ++i) {
                        if (pts[i].getName().equals("com.alibaba.dubbo.rpc.Invocation")) {
                            // Null Point check
                            String s = String.format("
    if (arg%d == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("invocation == null");", i);
                            s = String.format("
    String methodName = arg%d.getMethodName();", i);
                            hasInvocation = true;
                    String defaultExtName = cachedDefaultName;
                    String getNameCode = null;
                    for (int i = value.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
                        if (i == value.length - 1) {
                            if (null != defaultExtName) {
                                if (!"protocol".equals(value[i]))
                                    if (hasInvocation)
                                        getNameCode = String.format("url.getMethodParameter(methodName, "%s", "%s")", value[i], defaultExtName);
                                        getNameCode = String.format("url.getParameter("%s", "%s")", value[i], defaultExtName);
                                    getNameCode = String.format("( url.getProtocol() == null ? "%s" : url.getProtocol() )", defaultExtName);
                            } else {
                                if (!"protocol".equals(value[i]))
                                    if (hasInvocation)
                                        getNameCode = String.format("url.getMethodParameter(methodName, "%s", "%s")", value[i], defaultExtName);
                                        getNameCode = String.format("url.getParameter("%s")", value[i]);
                                    getNameCode = "url.getProtocol()";
                        } else {
                            if (!"protocol".equals(value[i]))
                                if (hasInvocation)
                                    getNameCode = String.format("url.getMethodParameter(methodName, "%s", "%s")", value[i], defaultExtName);
                                    getNameCode = String.format("url.getParameter("%s", %s)", value[i], getNameCode);
                                getNameCode = String.format("url.getProtocol() == null ? (%s) : url.getProtocol()", getNameCode);
    String extName = ").append(getNameCode).append(";");
                    // check extName == null?
                    String s = String.format("
    if(extName == null) " +
                                    "throw new IllegalStateException("Fail to get extension(%s) name from url(" + url.toString() + ") use keys(%s)");",
                            type.getName(), Arrays.toString(value));
                    s = String.format("
    %s extension = (%<s)%s.getExtensionLoader(%s.class).getExtension(extName);",
                            type.getName(), ExtensionLoader.class.getSimpleName(), type.getName());
                    // return statement
                    if (!rt.equals(void.class)) {
    return ");
                    s = String.format("extension.%s(", method.getName());
                    for (int i = 0; i < pts.length; i++) {
                        if (i != 0)
                            code.append(", ");
    public ").append(rt.getCanonicalName()).append(" ").append(method.getName()).append("(");
                for (int i = 0; i < pts.length; i++) {
                    if (i > 0) {
                        codeBuilder.append(", ");
                    codeBuilder.append(" ");
                if (ets.length > 0) {
                    codeBuilder.append(" throws ");
                    for (int i = 0; i < ets.length; i++) {
                        if (i > 0) {
                            codeBuilder.append(", ");
                codeBuilder.append(" {");
            if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            return codeBuilder.toString();
    View Code


       /* 完成动态注入
         * @param instance
         * @return
        private T injectExtension(T instance) {
            try {
                if (objectFactory != null) {
                    //获得SPI类所有包含一个参数的Set方法 同时是公共的
                    for (Method method : instance.getClass().getMethods()) {
                        if (method.getName().startsWith("set")
                                && method.getParameterTypes().length == 1
                                && Modifier.isPublic(method.getModifiers())) {
                             * Check {@link DisableInject} to see if we need auto injection for this property
                             * 如果打了DisableInject注解则不注入
                            if (method.getAnnotation(DisableInject.class) != null) {
                            Class<?> pt = method.getParameterTypes()[0];
                            try {
                                //剔除set 比如setDefaultCompiler 取出defaultCompiler
                                String property = method.getName().length() > 3 ? method.getName().substring(3, 4).toLowerCase() + method.getName().substring(4) : "";
                                Object object = objectFactory.getExtension(pt, property);
                                if (object != null) {
                                    method.invoke(instance, object);
                            } catch (Exception e) {
                                logger.error("fail to inject via method " + method.getName()
                                        + " of interface " + type.getName() + ": " + e.getMessage(), e);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
            return instance;


     public List<T> getActivateExtension(URL url, String key, String group) {
            //从url获取指定key的参数 比如provider传入的filter就是server.filter
            String value = url.getParameter(key);
            //<17>传入url 指定key获取的value 多个,号隔开
            return getActivateExtension(url, value == null || value.length() == 0 ? null : Constants.COMMA_SPLIT_PATTERN.split(value), group);


      public List<T> getActivateExtension(URL url, String[] values, String group) {
            List<T> exts = new ArrayList<T>();
            List<String> names = values == null ? new ArrayList<String>(0) : Arrays.asList(values);
            //加载默认的 是否包含指定key value=-default的配置 -default忽略默认配置
            if (!names.contains(Constants.REMOVE_VALUE_PREFIX + Constants.DEFAULT_KEY)) {
                for (Map.Entry<String, Activate> entry : cachedActivates.entrySet()) {
                    String name = entry.getKey();
                    Activate activate = entry.getValue();
                    //2个group做匹配 映证了@Activate的说法
                    if (isMatchGroup(group, activate.group())) {
                        T ext = getExtension(name);
                        if (!names.contains(name)
                                //因为-name表示移除 同时未移除
                                && !names.contains(Constants.REMOVE_VALUE_PREFIX + name)
                                //如果配置了value 则必须在url判断是否有配置value激活
                                //比如配置@Activate("limit") n那么url必须传入limit=*
                                && isActive(activate, url)) {
                Collections.sort(exts, ActivateComparator.COMPARATOR);
            List<T> usrs = new ArrayList<T>();
            for (int i = 0; i < names.size(); i++) {
                String name = names.get(i);
                //不加载-name的 因为表示剔除 上面默认配置也不会加载
                if (!name.startsWith(Constants.REMOVE_VALUE_PREFIX)
                        && !names.contains(Constants.REMOVE_VALUE_PREFIX + name)) {
                    /// 将配置的自定义在自动激活的拓展对象们前面。例如,<dubbo:service filter="demo,default,demo2" /> ,则 DemoFilter 就会放在默认的过滤器前面。i
                    if (Constants.DEFAULT_KEY.equals(name)) {
                        if (!usrs.isEmpty()) {
                            exts.addAll(0, usrs);
                    } else {
                        T ext = getExtension(name);
            if (!usrs.isEmpty()) {
            return exts;


        public T getExtension(String name) {
            if (name == null || name.length() == 0)
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Extension name == null");
            if ("true".equals(name)) {
                return getDefaultExtension();
            Holder<Object> holder = cachedInstances.get(name);
            if (holder == null) {
                cachedInstances.putIfAbsent(name, new Holder<Object>());
                holder = cachedInstances.get(name);
            Object instance = holder.get();
            if (instance == null) {
                synchronized (holder) {
                    instance = holder.get();
                    if (instance == null) {
                        instance = createExtension(name);
            return (T) instance;


        private T createExtension(String name) {
            Class<?> clazz = getExtensionClasses().get(name);
            if (clazz == null) {
                throw findException(name);
            try {
                //获取对应class 的缓存实例对象
                T instance = (T) EXTENSION_INSTANCES.get(clazz);
                if (instance == null) {
                    EXTENSION_INSTANCES.putIfAbsent(clazz, clazz.newInstance());
                    instance = (T) EXTENSION_INSTANCES.get(clazz);
                //获取wapper代理 <12> 处初始化
                Set<Class<?>> wrapperClasses = cachedWrapperClasses;
                if (wrapperClasses != null && !wrapperClasses.isEmpty()) {
                    for (Class<?> wrapperClass : wrapperClasses) {
                        instance = injectExtension((T) wrapperClass.getConstructor(type).newInstance(instance));
                return instance;
            } catch (Throwable t) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("Extension instance(name: " + name + ", class: " +
                        type + ")  could not be instantiated: " + t.getMessage(), t);




    public interface ExtensionFactory {
         * Get extension.
         * @param type object type.
         * @param name object name.
         * @return object instance.
        <T> T getExtension(Class<T> type, String name);






    public class SpringExtensionFactory implements ExtensionFactory {
        public <T> T getExtension(Class<T> type, String name) {
            //遍历spring 容器 根据beanName获取
            for (ApplicationContext context : contexts) {
                if (context.containsBean(name)) {
                    Object bean = context.getBean(name);
                    if (type.isInstance(bean)) {
                        return (T) bean;
            logger.warn("No spring extension (bean) named:" + name + ", try to find an extension (bean) of type " + type.getName());
            if (Object.class == type) {
                return null;
            //根据根据BeanName未获取到 再根据Type获取
            for (ApplicationContext context : contexts) {
                try {
                    return context.getBean(type);
                } catch (NoUniqueBeanDefinitionException multiBeanExe) {
                    logger.warn("Find more than 1 spring extensions (beans) of type " + type.getName() + ", will stop auto injection. Please make sure you have specified the concrete parameter type and there's only one extension of that type.");
                } catch (NoSuchBeanDefinitionException noBeanExe) {
                    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        logger.debug("Error when get spring extension(bean) for type:" + type.getName(), noBeanExe);
            logger.warn("No spring extension (bean) named:" + name + ", type:" + type.getName() + " found, stop get bean.");
            return null;


     * SpiExtensionFactory
    public class SpiExtensionFactory implements ExtensionFactory {
        public <T> T getExtension(Class<T> type, String name) {
            //必须是接口类型 同时打上了@SPI注解
            if (type.isInterface() && type.isAnnotationPresent(SPI.class)) {
                ExtensionLoader<T> loader = ExtensionLoader.getExtensionLoader(type);
                if (!loader.getSupportedExtensions().isEmpty()) 
                    return loader.getAdaptiveExtension();
            return null;


     * AdaptiveExtensionFactory
     * 打了@Adaptive注解是一个手动装饰类
    public class AdaptiveExtensionFactory implements ExtensionFactory {
        private final List<ExtensionFactory> factories;
        public AdaptiveExtensionFactory() {
            //加载 spi配置的ExtensionFactory配置实现
            ExtensionLoader<ExtensionFactory> loader = ExtensionLoader.getExtensionLoader(ExtensionFactory.class);
            List<ExtensionFactory> list = new ArrayList<ExtensionFactory>();
            for (String name : loader.getSupportedExtensions()) {
            factories = Collections.unmodifiableList(list);
        public <T> T getExtension(Class<T> type, String name) {
            for (ExtensionFactory factory : factories) {
                //动态适配前面2种工厂 创建对象
                T extension = factory.getExtension(type, name);
                if (extension != null) {
                    return extension;
            return null;




    public interface ExtensionFactory {
         * Get extension.
         * @param type object type.
         * @param name object name.
         * @return object instance.
        <T> T getExtension(Class<T> type, String name);


    public class AdaptiveExtensionFactory implements ExtensionFactory {
        private final List<ExtensionFactory> factories;
        public AdaptiveExtensionFactory() {
            //加载 spi配置的ExtensionFactory配置实现
            ExtensionLoader<ExtensionFactory> loader = ExtensionLoader.getExtensionLoader(ExtensionFactory.class);
            List<ExtensionFactory> list = new ArrayList<ExtensionFactory>();
            for (String name : loader.getSupportedExtensions()) {
            factories = Collections.unmodifiableList(list);
        public <T> T getExtension(Class<T> type, String name) {
            for (ExtensionFactory factory : factories) {
                T extension = factory.getExtension(type, name);
                if (extension != null) {
                    return extension;
            return null;


    public interface Protocol {
        int getDefaultPort();
        <T> Exporter<T> export(Invoker<T> invoker) throws RpcException;
        <T> Invoker<T> refer(Class<T> type, URL url) throws RpcException;
        void destroy();
    package com.alibaba.dubbo.rpc;
    import com.alibaba.dubbo.common.extension.ExtensionLoader;
    public class Protocol$Adpative implements com.alibaba.dubbo.rpc.Protocol {
        public void destroy() {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("method public abstract void com.alibaba.dubbo.rpc.Protocol.destroy() of interface com.alibaba.dubbo.rpc.Protocol is not adaptive method!");
        public int getDefaultPort() {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("method public abstract int com.alibaba.dubbo.rpc.Protocol.getDefaultPort() of interface com.alibaba.dubbo.rpc.Protocol is not adaptive method!");
        public com.alibaba.dubbo.rpc.Exporter export(com.alibaba.dubbo.rpc.Invoker arg0) throws com.alibaba.dubbo.rpc.Invoker {
            if (arg0 == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("com.alibaba.dubbo.rpc.Invoker argument == null");
            if (arg0.getUrl() == null)
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("com.alibaba.dubbo.rpc.Invoker argument getUrl() == null");
            com.alibaba.dubbo.common.URL url = arg0.getUrl();
            String extName = (url.getProtocol() == null ? "dubbo" : url.getProtocol());
            if (extName == null)
                throw new IllegalStateException("Fail to get extension(com.alibaba.dubbo.rpc.Protocol) name from url(" + url.toString() + ") use keys([protocol])");
            com.alibaba.dubbo.rpc.Protocol extension = (com.alibaba.dubbo.rpc.Protocol) ExtensionLoader.getExtensionLoader(com.alibaba.dubbo.rpc.Protocol.class).getExtension(extName);
            return extension.export(arg0);
        public com.alibaba.dubbo.rpc.Invoker refer(java.lang.Class arg0, com.alibaba.dubbo.common.URL arg1) throws java.lang.Class {
            if (arg1 == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("url == null");
            com.alibaba.dubbo.common.URL url = arg1;
            String extName = (url.getProtocol() == null ? "dubbo" : url.getProtocol());
            if (extName == null)
                throw new IllegalStateException("Fail to get extension(com.alibaba.dubbo.rpc.Protocol) name from url(" + url.toString() + ") use keys([protocol])");
            com.alibaba.dubbo.rpc.Protocol extension = (com.alibaba.dubbo.rpc.Protocol) ExtensionLoader.getExtensionLoader(com.alibaba.dubbo.rpc.Protocol.class).getExtension(extName);
            return extension.refer(arg0, arg1);
    public interface ProxyFactory {
         * create proxy.
         * @param invoker
         * @return proxy
        <T> T getProxy(Invoker<T> invoker) throws RpcException;
         * create proxy.
         * @param invoker
         * @return proxy
        <T> T getProxy(Invoker<T> invoker, boolean generic) throws RpcException;
         * create invoker.
         * @param <T>
         * @param proxy
         * @param type
         * @param url
         * @return invoker
        <T> Invoker<T> getInvoker(T proxy, Class<T> type, URL url) throws RpcException;
    package com.alibaba.dubbo.rpc;
    import com.alibaba.dubbo.common.extension.ExtensionLoader;
    public class ProxyFactory$Adpative implements com.alibaba.dubbo.rpc.ProxyFactory {
        public java.lang.Object getProxy(com.alibaba.dubbo.rpc.Invoker arg0) throws com.alibaba.dubbo.rpc.Invoker {
            if (arg0 == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("com.alibaba.dubbo.rpc.Invoker argument == null");
            if (arg0.getUrl() == null)
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("com.alibaba.dubbo.rpc.Invoker argument getUrl() == null");
            com.alibaba.dubbo.common.URL url = arg0.getUrl();
            String extName = url.getParameter("proxy", "javassist");
            if (extName == null)
                throw new IllegalStateException("Fail to get extension(com.alibaba.dubbo.rpc.ProxyFactory) name from url(" + url.toString() + ") use keys([proxy])");
            com.alibaba.dubbo.rpc.ProxyFactory extension = (com.alibaba.dubbo.rpc.ProxyFactory) ExtensionLoader.getExtensionLoader(com.alibaba.dubbo.rpc.ProxyFactory.class).getExtension(extName);
            return extension.getProxy(arg0);
        public com.alibaba.dubbo.rpc.Invoker getInvoker(java.lang.Object arg0, java.lang.Class arg1, com.alibaba.dubbo.common.URL arg2) throws java.lang.Object {
            if (arg2 == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("url == null");
            com.alibaba.dubbo.common.URL url = arg2;
            String extName = url.getParameter("proxy", "javassist");
            if (extName == null)
                throw new IllegalStateException("Fail to get extension(com.alibaba.dubbo.rpc.ProxyFactory) name from url(" + url.toString() + ") use keys([proxy])");
            com.alibaba.dubbo.rpc.ProxyFactory extension = (com.alibaba.dubbo.rpc.ProxyFactory) ExtensionLoader.getExtensionLoader(com.alibaba.dubbo.rpc.ProxyFactory.class).getExtension(extName);
            return extension.getInvoker(arg0, arg1, arg2);


    1.dubbo默认会从META-INF/dubbo/internal/  ,META-INF/dubbo/,META-INF/services/ 加载SPI扩展文件


    3.dubboSPI注入 会在反射获取SPI实例的set方法 获取方法名字 比如setAppliation 则会在spi和spring容器获取key="application"的spi实例

    4.之所以会获取SPI和spring的实例是因为对象工厂的实现AdaptiveExtensionFactory 内部整合了2种容器

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/LQBlog/p/12453900.html
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