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  • 201771010111李瑞红《面向对象的程序设计》第八周实验总结


    实验时间 2018-10


    6.1 接口:用interface声明,是抽象方法和常量值定义的集 合。从本质上讲,接口是一种特殊的抽象类。

    在Java程序设计语言中,接口不是类,而是对类 的一组需求描述,由常量和一组抽象方法组成。  接口中不包括变量和实现的方法。接口体中包含常量定义和方法定义,接口中只进 行方法的声明,不提供方法的实现。通常接口的名字以able或ible结尾;接口中的所有常量必须是public static final,方法必须是public abstract,这是 系统默认的,不管你在定义接时,写不写 修饰符都是一样的.接口的实现:一个类使用了某个接口,那么这个类必须实现该 接口的所有方法,即为这些方法提供方法体。一个类可以实现多个接口,接口间应该用逗号分 隔开。接口的使用:接口不能构造接口对象,但可以声明接口变量以指向一个实现了该接口的类对象。可以用instanceof检查对象是否实现了某个接口。

    抽象类:用abstract来声明,没有具体实例对象的类,不 能用new来创建对象。

    6.2 接口示例

    (回调(callback):一种程序设计模式,在这种模 式中,可指出某个特定事件发生时程序应该采取 的动作。Comparator接口所在包: java.util.*Object类的Clone方法:当拷贝一个对象变量时,原始变量与拷贝变量 引用同一个对象。这样,改变一个

    变量所引用 的对象会对另一个变量产生影响。如果要创建一个对象新的copy,它的最初状态与 original一样,但以后可以各自改变状态,就需 要使用Object类的clone方法。Object.clone()方法返回一个Object对象。必须进行强 制类型转换才能得到需要的类型。




    6.3 lambda表达式

    (1)Java Lambda 表达式是 Java 8 引入的一个新的功能,主 要用途是提供一个函数化的语法来简化编码。

    (2)Lambda 表达式的语法基本结构 (arguments) -> body

    (3)有如下几种情况: 1、参数类型可推导时,不需要指定类型,如 (a) -> System.out.println(a)  

    2、 只有一个参数且类型可推导时,不强制写 (), 如 a -> System.out.println(a)    

    3、 参数指定类型时,必须有括号,如 (int a) -> System.out.println(a)    

    4、参数可以为空,如 () -> System.out.println(“hello”)    

    5、 body 需要用 {} 包含语句,当只有一条语句时 {} 可省略

    6.4 内部类:是定义在一个类内部的类。

    使用内部类的原因有以下三个: –内部类方法可以访问该类定义所在的作用域中 的数据,包括私有数据。内部类能够隐藏起来,不为同一包中的其他类 所见。

    –想要定义一个回调函数且不想编写大量代码时, 使用匿名内部类比较便捷。

    内部类可以直接访问外部类的成员,包括 private成员,但是内部类的成员却不能被外部 类直接访问。内部类并非只能在类内定义,也可以在程序块内 定义局部内部类。如果构造参数的闭圆括号跟一个开花括号,表明正 在定义的就是匿名内部类。


    (1) 掌握接口定义方法;

    (2) 掌握实现接口类的定义要求;

    (3) 掌握实现了接口类的使用要求;

    (4) 掌握程序回调设计模式;

    (5) 掌握Comparator接口用法;

    (6) 掌握对象浅层拷贝与深层拷贝方法;

    (7) 掌握Lambda表达式语法;

    (8) 了解内部类的用途及语法要求。


    实验1: 导入第6章示例程序,测试程序并进行代码注释。


    l  编辑、编译、调试运行阅读教材214页-215页程序6-1、6-2,理解程序并分析程序运行结果;

    l  在程序中相关代码处添加新知识的注释。

    l  掌握接口的实现用法;

    l  掌握内置接口Compareable的用法。

     1 package interfaces;
     3 import java.util.*;
     5 /**
     6  * This program demonstrates the use of the Comparable interface.
     7  * @version 1.30 2004-02-27
     8  * @author Cay Horstmann
     9  */
    10 public class EmployeeSortTest
    11 {
    12    public static void main(String[] args)
    13    {
    14       Employee[] staff = new Employee[3];
    16       staff[0] = new Employee("Harry Hacker", 35000);
    17       staff[1] = new Employee("Carl Cracker", 75000);
    18       staff[2] = new Employee("Tony Tester", 38000);
    20       Arrays.sort(staff);
    22       // 打印所有员工对象的信息
    23       for (Employee e : staff)
    24          System.out.println("name=" + e.getName() + ",salary=" + e.getSalary());
    25    }
    26 }
     1 package interfaces;
     3 public class Employee implements Comparable<Employee>
     4 {
     5    private String name;
     6    private double salary;
     8    public Employee(String name, double salary)
     9    {
    10       this.name = name;
    11       this.salary = salary;
    12    }
    14    public String getName()
    15    {
    16       return name;//name访问器
    17    }
    19    public double getSalary()
    20    {
    21       return salary;   //salary访问器
    22    }
    24    public void raiseSalary(double byPercent)
    25    {
    26       double raise = salary * byPercent / 100;
    27       salary += raise;
    28    }
    30    /**
    31     * Compares employees by salary
    32     * @param other another Employee object
    33     * @return a negative value if this employee has a lower salary than
    34     * otherObject, 0 if the salaries are the same, a positive value otherwise
    35     */
    36    public int compareTo(Employee other)
    37    {
    38       return Double.compare(salary, other.salary);
    39    }
    40 }


    interface  A
      double g=9.8;
      void show( );
    class C implements A
      public void show( )
    class InterfaceTest
      public static void main(String[ ] args)
           A a=new C( );
           a.show( );


    l  在elipse IDE中调试运行教材223页6-3,结合程序运行结果理解程序;测试程序3:

    l  26行、36行代码参阅224页,详细内容涉及教材12章。

    l  在程序中相关代码处添加新知识的注释。

    l  掌握回调程序设计模式;

     1 package timer;
     3 /**
     4    @version 1.01 2015-05-12
     5    @author Cay Horstmann
     6 */
     8 import java.awt.*;
     9 import java.awt.event.*;
    10 import java.util.*;
    11 import javax.swing.*;
    12 import javax.swing.Timer; 
    13 // to resolve conflict with java.util.Timer
    15 public class TimerTest
    16 {  
    17    public static void main(String[] args)
    18    {  
    19       ActionListener listener = new TimePrinter();
    21       // construct a timer that calls the listener
    22       // 间隔s
    23       Timer t = new Timer(10000, listener);//定义间隔
    24       t.start();
    26       JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Quit program?");
    27       System.exit(0);
    28    }
    29 }
    31 class TimePrinter implements ActionListener//内置接口
    32 {  
    33    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
    34    {  
    35       System.out.println("At the tone, the time is " + new Date());
    36       Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().beep();
    37    }
    38 }


    l  调试运行教材229页-231页程序6-4、6-5,结合程序运行结果理解程序;

    l  在程序中相关代码处添加新知识的注释。

    l  掌握对象克隆实现技术;

    l  掌握浅拷贝和深拷贝的差别。

     1 package clone;
     3 /**
     4  * This program demonstrates cloning.
     5  * @version 1.10 2002-07-01
     6  * @author Cay Horstmann
     7  */
     8 public class CloneTest
     9 {
    10    public static void main(String[] args)
    11    {
    12       try
    13       {
    15          Employee original = new Employee("John Q. Public", 50000);
    16          //Employee是一个自定义类
    17          original.setHireDay(2000, 1, 1);
    18          Employee copy = original.clone();
    19          copy.raiseSalary(10);//原有对象不会发生变化
    20          copy.setHireDay(2002, 12, 31);//更改器
    21          System.out.println("original=" + original);//字符串连接
    22          System.out.println("copy=" + copy);
    23       }
    24       catch (CloneNotSupportedException e)
    25       {
    26          e.printStackTrace();
    27       }
    28    }
    29 }
     1 package clone;
     3 import java.util.Date;
     4 import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
     6 public class Employee implements Cloneable
     7 {
     8    private String name;
     9    private double salary;
    10    private Date hireDay;
    12    public Employee(String name, double salary)
    13    {
    14       this.name = name;
    15       this.salary = salary;
    16       hireDay = new Date();
    17    }
    19    public Employee clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException
    20    {
    21       // 调用object.clone()
    22       Employee cloned = (Employee) super.clone();
    24       // 克隆可变的字段
    25       cloned.hireDay = (Date) hireDay.clone();
    27       return cloned;
    28    }
    30    /**
    31     * Set the hire day to a given date. 
    32     * @param year the year of the hire day
    33     * @param month the month of the hire day
    34     * @param day the day of the hire day
    35     */
    36    public void setHireDay(int year, int month, int day)
    37    {
    38       Date newHireDay = new GregorianCalendar(year, month - 1, day).getTime();
    40       // 实力字段突变的例子
    41       hireDay.setTime(newHireDay.getTime());
    42    }
    44    public void raiseSalary(double byPercent)
    45    {
    46       double raise = salary * byPercent / 100;
    47       salary += raise;
    48    }
    50    public String toString()
    51    {
    52       return "Employee[name=" + name + ",salary=" + salary + ",hireDay=" + hireDay + "]";
    53    }

    实验2: 导入第6章示例程序6-6,学习Lambda表达式用法。

    l  调试运行教材233页-234页程序6-6,结合程序运行结果理解程序;

    l  在程序中相关代码处添加新知识的注释。

    l  将27-29行代码与教材223页程序对比,将27-29行代码与此程序对比,体会Lambda表达式的优点。

     1 package lambda;
     3 import java.util.*;
     5 import javax.swing.*;
     6 import javax.swing.Timer;
     8 /**
     9  * This program demonstrates the use of lambda expressions.
    10  * @version 1.0 2015-05-12
    11  * @author Cay Horstmann
    12  */
    13 public class LambdaTest
    14 {
    15    public static void main(String[] args)
    16    {
    17       String[] planets = new String[] { "Mercury", "Venus", "Earth", "Mars", 
    18             "Jupiter", "Saturn", "Uranus", "Neptune" };
    19       System.out.println(Arrays.toString(planets));
    20       System.out.println("Sorted in dictionary order:");
    21       Arrays.sort(planets);
    22       System.out.println(Arrays.toString(planets));
    23       System.out.println("Sorted by length:");
    24       Arrays.sort(planets, (first, second) -> first.length() - second.length());
    25       System.out.println(Arrays.toString(planets));
    27       Timer t = new Timer(1000, event ->
    28          System.out.println("The time is " + new Date()));
    29       t.start();   
    31       // 持续运行程序直到按下ok键
    32       JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Quit program?");
    33       System.exit(0);         
    34    }
    35 }


    实验3: 编程练习

    l  编制一个程序,将身份证号.txt 中的信息读入到内存中;

    l  按姓名字典序输出人员信息;

    l  查询最大年龄的人员信息;

    l  查询最小年龄人员信息;

    l  输入你的年龄,查询身份证号.txt中年龄与你最近人的姓名、身份证号、年龄、性别和出生地;

    l  查询人员中是否有你的同乡。

      1 package ID;
      2 import java.io.BufferedReader;
      3 import java.io.File;
      4 import java.io.FileInputStream;
      5 import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
      6 import java.io.IOException;
      7 import java.io.InputStreamReader;
      8 import java.util.ArrayList;
      9 import java.util.Arrays;
     10 import java.util.Collections;
     11 import java.util.Scanner;
     13 public class Main{
     14     private static ArrayList<People> Peoplelist;
     15     public static void main(String[] args) {
     16          Peoplelist = new ArrayList<>();
     17         Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in);
     18         File file = new File("D:\java\1\身份证号.txt");
     19         try {
     20             FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file);
     21             BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(fis));
     22             String temp = null;
     23             while ((temp = in.readLine()) != null) {
     25                 Scanner linescanner = new Scanner(temp);
     27                 linescanner.useDelimiter(" ");    
     28                 String name = linescanner.next();
     29                 String ID = linescanner.next();
     30                 String sex = linescanner.next();
     31                 String age = linescanner.next();
     32                 String place =linescanner.nextLine();
     33                 People People = new people();
     34                 People.setname(name);
     35                 People.setID(ID);
     36                 People.setsex(sex);
     37                 int a = Integer.parseInt(age);
     38                 People.setage(a);
     39                 People.setbirthplace(place);
     40                 Peoplelist.add(People);
     42             }
     43         } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
     44             System.out.println("查找不到信息");
     45             e.printStackTrace();
     46         } catch (IOException e) {
     47             System.out.println("信息读取有误");
     48             e.printStackTrace();
     49         }
     50         boolean isTrue = true;
     51         while (isTrue) {
     52             System.out.println("————————————————————————————————————————");
     53             System.out.println("1:按姓名字典序输出人员信息");
     54             System.out.println("2:查询最大年龄人员信息和最小年龄人员信息");
     55             System.out.println("3:输入你的年龄,查询年龄与你最近人的所有信息");
     56             System.out.println("4:查询人员中是否有你的同乡");
     59             int nextInt = scanner.nextInt();
     60             switch (nextInt) {
     61             case 1:
     62                 Collections.sort( Peoplelist);
     63                 System.out.println( Peoplelist.toString());
     64                 break;
     65             case 2:
     67                 int max=0,min=100;int j,k1 = 0,k2=0;
     68                 for(int i=1;i< Peoplelist.size();i++)
     69                 {
     70                     j= Peoplelist.get(i).getage();
     71                    if(j>max)
     72                    {
     73                        max=j; 
     74                        k1=i;
     75                    }
     76                    if(j<min)
     77                    {
     78                        min=j; 
     79                        k2=i;
     80                    }
     82                 }  
     83                 System.out.println("年龄最大:"+ Peoplelist.get(k1));
     84                 System.out.println("年龄最小:"+ Peoplelist.get(k2));
     85                 break;
     86             case 3:
     87                 System.out.println("place?");
     88                 String find = scanner.next();        
     89                 String place=find.substring(0,3);
     90                 String place2=find.substring(0,3);
     91                 for (int i = 0; i < Peoplelist.size(); i++) 
     92                 {
     93                     if( Peoplelist.get(i).getbirthplace().substring(1,4).equals(place)) 
     94                         System.out.println(Peoplelist.get(i));
     96                 } 
     98                 break;
     99             case 4:
    100                 System.out.println("年龄:");
    101                 int yourage = scanner.nextInt();
    102                 int near=agenear(yourage);
    103                 int d_value=yourage-Peoplelist.get(near).getage();
    104                 System.out.println(""+Peoplelist.get(near));
    105            /*     for (int i = 0; i < Peoplelist.size(); i++)
    106                 {
    107                     int p=Personlist.get(i).getage()-yourage;
    108                     if(p<0) p=-p;
    109                     if(p==d_value) System.out.println(Peoplelist.get(i));
    110                 }   */
    111                 break;
    112             case 5:
    113            isTrue = false;
    114            System.out.println("退出程序!");
    115                 break;
    116             default:
    117                 System.out.println("输入有误");
    118             }
    119         }
    120     }
    121     public static int agenear(int age) {
    123        int min=25,d_value=0,k=0;
    124         for (int i = 0; i <  Peoplelist.size(); i++)
    125         {
    126             d_value= Peoplelist.get(i).getage()-age;
    127             if(d_value<0) d_value=-d_value; 
    128             if (d_value<min) 
    129             {
    130                min=d_value;
    131                k=i;
    132             }
    134          }    return k;
    136      }
    139 }
     1 package ID;
     2 public abstract class  People implements Comparable<People> {
     3 private String name;
     4 private String ID;
     5 private int age;
     6 private String sex;
     7 private String birthplace;
     9 public String getname() {
    10 return name;
    11 }
    12 public void setname(String name) {
    13 this.name = name;
    14 }
    15 public String getID() {
    16 return ID;
    17 }
    18 public void setID(String ID) {
    19 this.ID= ID;
    20 }
    21 public int getage() {
    23 return age;
    24 }
    25 public void setage(int age) {
    26     // int a = Integer.parseInt(age);
    27 this.age= age;
    28 }
    29 public String getsex() {
    30 return sex;
    31 }
    32 public void setsex(String sex) {
    33 this.sex= sex;
    34 }
    35 public String getbirthplace() {
    36 return birthplace;
    37 }
    38 public void setbirthplace(String birthplace) {
    39 this.birthplace= birthplace;
    40 }
    42 public int compareTo(People o) {
    43    return this.name.compareTo(o.getname());
    45 }
    47 public String toString() {
    48     return  name+"	"+sex+"	"+age+"	"+ID+"	"+birthplace+"
    49     }
    50 }




    l  编辑、调试运行教材246页-247页程序6-7,结合程序运行结果理解程序;

    l  了解内部类的基本用法。

     1 package innerClass;
     3 import java.awt.*;
     4 import java.awt.event.*;
     5 import java.util.*;
     6 import javax.swing.*;
     7 import javax.swing.Timer;
     9 /**
    10  * This program demonstrates the use of inner classes.
    11  * @version 1.11 2015-05-12
    12  * @author Cay Horstmann
    13  */
    14 public class InnerClassTest
    15 {
    16    public static void main(String[] args)
    17    {
    18       TalkingClock clock = new TalkingClock(1000, true);//实现了TalkingClock的类对象
    19       clock.start();
    21       // keep program running until user selects "Ok"
    22       JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Quit program?");
    23       System.exit(0);//
    24    }
    25 }
    27 /**
    28  * A clock that prints the time in regular intervals.
    29  */
    30 class TalkingClock
    31 {
    32    //声明属性
    33     private int interval;
    34    private boolean beep;
    36    /**
    37     * Constructs a talking clock
    38     * @param interval the interval between messages (in milliseconds)
    39     * @param beep true if the clock should beep
    40     */
    41    public TalkingClock(int interval, boolean beep)
    42    {
    43       this.interval = interval;
    44       this.beep = beep;
    45    }//构造方法
    47    /**
    48     * Starts the clock.
    49     */
    50    public void start()
    51    {
    52       ActionListener listener = new TimePrinter();
    53       Timer t = new Timer(interval, listener);
    54       t.start();
    55    }
    57    public class TimePrinter implements ActionListener//实现ActionListener的公共类TimePrinter
    58    {
    59       public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
    60       {
    61          System.out.println("At the tone, the time is " + new Date());
    62          if (beep) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().beep();
    63       }
    64    }
    65 }



    l  编辑、调试运行教材254页程序6-8,结合程序运行结果理解程序;

    l  了解匿名内部类的用法。

     1 package anonymousInnerClass;
     3 import java.awt.*;
     4 import java.awt.event.*;
     5 import java.util.*;
     6 import javax.swing.*;
     7 import javax.swing.Timer;
     9 /**
    10  * This program demonstrates anonymous inner classes.
    11  * @version 1.11 2015-05-12
    12  * @author Cay Horstmann
    13  */
    14 public class AnonymousInnerClassTest
    15 {
    16    public static void main(String[] args)
    17    {
    18       TalkingClock clock = new TalkingClock();//TalkingClock类声明为私有的
    19       clock.start(1000, true);
    21       // keep program running until user selects "Ok"
    22       JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Quit program?");
    23       System.exit(0);
    24    }
    25 }
    27 /**
    28  * A clock that prints the time in regular intervals.
    29  */
    30 class TalkingClock
    31 {
    32    /**
    33     * Starts the clock.
    34     * @param interval the interval between messages (in milliseconds)
    35     * @param beep true if the clock should beep
    36     */
    37    public void start(int interval, boolean beep)
    38    {
    39       ActionListener listener = new ActionListener()
    40          {
    41             public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
    42             {
    43                System.out.println("At the tone, the time is " + new Date());
    44                if (beep) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().beep();
    45                //外围类引用.
    46             }
    47          };
    48       Timer t = new Timer(interval, listener);
    49       t.start();
    50    }
    51 }



    l  在elipse IDE中调试运行教材257页-258页程序6-9,结合程序运行结果理解程序;

    l  了解静态内部类的用法。

     1 package staticInnerClass;
     3 /**
     4  * This program demonstrates the use of static inner classes.
     5  * @version 1.02 2015-05-12
     6  * @author Cay Horstmann
     7  */
     8 public class StaticInnerClassTest
     9 {
    10    public static void main(String[] args)
    11    {
    12       double[] d = new double[20];
    13       for (int i = 0; i < d.length; i++)
    14          d[i] = 100 * Math.random();//算法
    15       ArrayAlg.Pair p = ArrayAlg.minmax(d);
    16       System.out.println("min = " + p.getFirst());
    17       System.out.println("max = " + p.getSecond());
    18    }//访问器
    19 }
    21 class ArrayAlg
    22 {
    23    /**
    24     * A pair of floating-point numbers
    25     */
    26    public static class Pair
    27    {
    28       //声明私有属性       
    29       private double first;
    30       private double second;
    32       /**
    33        * Constructs a pair from two floating-point numbers
    34        * @param f the first number
    35        * @param s the second number
    36        */
    37       public Pair(double f, double s)
    38       {
    39          first = f;
    40          second = s;
    41       }
    43       /**
    44        * Returns the first number of the pair
    45        * @return the first number
    46        */
    47       public double getFirst()
    48       {
    49          return first;
    50       }
    51      // 访问器
    52       /**
    53        * Returns the second number of the pair
    54        * @return the second number
    55        */
    56       public double getSecond()
    57       {
    58          return second;
    59       }
    60    }
    62    /**
    63     * Computes both the minimum and the maximum of an array
    64     * @param values an array of floating-point numbers
    65     * @return a pair whose first element is the minimum and whose second element
    66     * is the maximum
    67     */
    68    public static Pair minmax(double[] values)
    69    {
    70       double min = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
    71       double max = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;//变量
    72       for (double v : values)
    73       {
    74          if (min > v) min = v;
    75          if (max < v) max = v;
    76       }
    77       return new Pair(min, max);
    78    }
    79 }




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