0. curse of high-dimension
1. the historty of object detection
2. iccv2009-multiclass
- Sharing invariances
- object recognition is invariant to rotation, translation, scaling, lighting, …
- typical case: cnn(convolutional layer and pooling layer)
- Sharing transformations
- Transformations are shared
and can be learnt from other tasks - style transfer
- Transformations are shared
- Sharing in constellation models
- Sharing patches
3. cvpr2007-part3
- classficator-discriminative methods
- nearest neighbor
- cnn
- svm+kernel
- classficator-boosting
- Cascade of classifiers 【级联分类器,能综合各个分类器的优势】
4. slides of ICCV 2005 by Li Fei-Fei 【非常好的tutorial,值得反复看】
obj det 的方法的最早分类
- bag of words models
- parts-based models
- discriminative methods
- three main issues:
- Representation
How to represent an object category - Learning
How to form the classifier, given training data - Recognition
How the classifier is to be used on novel data
- Representation
- Generative / discriminative / hybrid
- Appearance only or location and appearance
- Invariances:
View point
etc. - Part-based or global w/sub-window
- Use set of features or each pixel in image
- Unclear how to model categories, so we learn what distinguishes them rather than manually specify the difference -- hence current interest in machine learning)
- Methods of training: generative vs. discriminative
(generativie 是用高斯混合模型去拟合两类obj的样本点;discriminative是尝试找一个分界面来划分两类obj样本点;假设这里是两类obj) - Level of supervision
Manual segmentation; bounding box; image labels; noisy labels - Batch/incremental (on category and image level; user-feedback )
- Training images:
Issue of overfitting
Negative images for discriminative methods Priors - Priors
- Scale / orientation range to search over
- Speed
Bag-of-words models
见ppt 【这个tutorial ppt非常赞!需要时可以拿来反复揣摩】 -
part-based models
见PPT 【依旧赞!】 -
discriminative models
见ppt 【赞!】 -
concurrent segmentation and recognition
见ppt 【赞!】
[1]. http://people.csail.mit.edu/torralba/shortCourseRLOC/index.html
[2]. 【"patch" in an image】 https://www.quora.com/What-is-a-patch-in-image-processing