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GFE 监控相关贴子,按发布时间排序, Eng:
就在发完上面的贴子之后不久,issue又出现啦,不过其实没有造成user级别的影响,只是我们internal team的人知道。
这个issue就是第一个GFE监控贴子里提到的5662/5669/5675/5733这几个event,我之前说过这几个event是不应该出现的,如果出现说明的的确确出现了NOC通讯问题,这话其实也没有错,这次的issue的确生成了这几个event中的一两个,但是GFE和NOC之间的连接马上就恢复了,所以并未造成business impact,只是internal team收到了alert。这个问题几个月前就出现过了,和NOC的偶尔通讯失败,导致email有几分钟左右的delay,这种情况其实应该排除掉,否则on-call的那个人半夜收到这样的alert又要起来看什么情况了。
所以最后我转向,询问了Good的Webservice地址和Good logs的decoding方法,我想写个脚本从访问webservice和分析Good logs两方面排除掉上面这种false alert。
PS: Good的一些关键日志是encoding的,他们可以提供方法decode,但是需要公司里当时和Good定协议的那个人同意,在我这边是一个UK的manager,我想了一下没可能同意,就放弃了Good logs的分析。
选定了从Good webservice下手,于是拿到了Good的几个web service url。
### this script invoked by EventID.Monitoring.ps1 ### Used to test Good NOC connectivity $GoodNOC_Url = @( '', '', '' ) $WebProxy = New-Object 'System.Net.WebProxy' # Change below proxy to your own proxy server and port $WebProxy.Address = 'http://ProxyServer:Port' $WebClient = New-Object 'System.Net.WebClient' $WebClient.Proxy = $WebProxy $Result = $true foreach($Url in $GoodNOC_Url) { $LoopCount = 0 do { $LoopResult = $false $LoopCount++ if(($WebClient.DownloadString($Url)).Contains('Congratulations! You have successfully connected to the GoodLink Service.')) { $LoopResult = $true break } } while($LoopCount -lt 3) $Result = $Result -and $LoopResult if($Result) { Add-Log -Path $strLogFile_e -Value "NOC Testing succeed: [$Url]" -Type Info } else { Add-Log -Path $strLogFile_e -Value "NOC Testing failed: [$Url]" -Type Warning } } return $Result
#更改working directory Set-Location (Get-Item ($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition)).DirectoryName #定义要监控的event和属性 #EventClass是说明该event是否和其它event是类似的,同样class的event触发threshold后会触发额外判断脚本 #ID为需要监控的eventID,如果使用数组如@(xx,yy),说明这两个EventID在统计的时候是一起算的,如xx产生了10条,yy产生了10条,加一起20再和threshold比较 #Pattern是C#中的正则表达式,用于过滤出含特定字符的event。 #MinusPattern也是正则表达式,用于过滤出含特定字符的event。 #如果Pattern和MinusPattern都有值的话,pattern匹配到了100条,而MinusPattern匹配到了90条,减一下最终为10条再和threshold比较,这样可以排除掉“自动恢复的情况” #Threshold就是前几属性的匹配过后,与最终值的数值比较,超过threshold就发告警 $Events = @( @{EventClass = 1; ID = 3563; Pattern = 'Pausing .*MAPI error'; MinusPattern = 'Unpausing'; Threshold = 100;}, @{EventClass = 2; ID = @(1299, 1300, 1301); Pattern = $null; Threshold = 100;}, @{EventClass = 1; ID = 3386; Pattern = 'GDMAPI_OpenMsgStore failed'; Threshold = 100;}, @{EventClass = 3; ID = @(5662, 5669); Pattern = $null; Threshold = 1;}, @{EventClass = 3; ID = 5675; Pattern = 'errNetConnect'; Threshold = 1;}, @{EventClass = 3; ID = 5733; Pattern = 'errNetTimeout'; Threshold = 1;} ) # Script为空的话,说明不触发额外的脚本判断,以threshold为准 # Script不为空的话,说明触发额外的脚本判断,由该脚本返回true或false来判定最终判断 $EventClass = @{ 1 = @{Script = $null; Description = 'MAPI Error'}; 2 = @{Script = $null; Description = 'Good thread hung up'}; 3 = @{Script = 'Test-NOC.ps1'; Description = 'Failed to contact NOC'}; } $Date = Get-Date $strDate = $Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") $End_time = $Date $Start_time = $Date.AddMinutes(-15) $strLogFile = "${strDate}.log.txt" $strLogFile_e = "${strDate}_Error.log.txt" #定义邮件发送属性 $Mail_From = "$($env:COMPUTERNAME)" $Mail_To = '' $Mail_Subject = 'Good event IDs warning' $Mail_SMTPServer = 'smtpserver' Set-Content -Path $strLogFile_e -Value $null function Add-Log { PARAM( [String]$Path, [String]$Value, [String]$Type ) $Type = $Type.ToUpper() Write-Host "$((Get-Date).ToString('[HH:mm:ss] '))[$Type] $Value" if($Path){ Add-Content -Path $Path -Value "$((Get-Date).ToString('[HH:mm:ss] '))[$Type] $Value" } } Add-Log -Path $strLogFile_e -Value "Catch logs after : $($Start_time.ToString('HH:mm:ss'))" -Type Info Add-Log -Path $strLogFile_e -Value "Catch logs before: $($End_time.ToString('HH:mm:ss'))" -Type Info Add-Log -Path $strLogFile_e -Value "Working directory: $($PWD.Path)" -Type Info $EventsCache = @(Get-EventLog -LogName Application -After $Start_time -Before $End_time.AddMinutes(5)) Add-Log -Path $strLogFile_e -Value "Total logs count : $($EventsCache.Count)" -Type Info $Error_Array = @() foreach($e in $Events) { $Events_e_ALL = $null $Events_e_Matched = $null $Events_e_NMatched = $null $Events_e_FinalCount = 0 $Events_e_ALL = @($EventsCache | ?{$e.ID -contains $_.EventID}) Add-Log -Path $strLogFile_e -Value "Captured [$($e.ID -join '], [')], count: $($Events_e_ALL.Count)" -Type Info $Events_e_Matched = @($Events_e_ALL | ?{$_.Message -imatch $e.Pattern}) Add-Log -Path $strLogFile_e -Value "Pattern matched, count: $($Events_e_Matched.Count)" -Type Info if($e.MinusPattern) { $Events_e_NMatched = @($Events_e_ALL | ?{$_.Message -imatch $e.MinusPattern}) Add-Log -Path $strLogFile_e -Value "Minus pattern matched, count: $($Events_e_NMatched.Count)" -Type Info } $Events_e_FinalCount = $Events_e_Matched.Count - [int]$Events_e_NMatched.Count Add-Log -Path $strLogFile_e -Value "Final matched, count: $Events_e_FinalCount" -Type Info if($Events_e_FinalCount -ge $e.Threshold) { Add-Log -Path $strLogFile_e -Value "Over threshold: $($e.Threshold)" -Type Warning if($Error_Array -notcontains $e.EventClass) { $Error_Array += $e.EventClass } } } Add-Log -Path $strLogFile_e -Value "Alert classes captured: [$($Error_Array -join '], [')]" -Type Info for($e = 0; $e -lt $Error_Array.Count; $e++) { Add-Log -Path $strLogFile_e -Value "Process class: [$e]" -Type Info if($EventClass.$($Error_Array[$e]).Script -imatch '^$') { Add-Log -Path $strLogFile_e -Value 'Final script not set, need to send alert.' -Type Warning } else { Add-Log -Path $strLogFile_e -Value "Run final script: [$($EventClass.$($Error_Array[$e]).Script)]" -Type Info if((& $EventClass.$($Error_Array[$e]).Script) -eq $true) { Add-Log -Path $strLogFile_e -Value 'Final script: [Positive], no need to send alert.' -Type Info $Error_Array[$e] = $null } else { Add-Log -Path $strLogFile_e -Value 'Final script: [Negetive], need to send alert' -Type Warning } } } $Error_Array | %{$Mail_Body = @()}{ if($_) { $Mail_Body += $EventClass.$_.Description } } $Mail_Body = $Mail_Body -join "`n" Add-Log -Path $strLogFile_e -Value "===================split line====================" -Type Info Get-Content -Path $strLogFile_e | Add-Content -Path $strLogFile If($Mail_Body) { try { Send-MailMessage -From $Mail_From -To $Mail_To -Subject $Mail_Subject -Body $Mail_Body -SmtpServer $Mail_SMTPServer -Attachments $strLogFile_e } catch { Add-Log -Path $strLogFile -Value "Failed to send mail, cause: $($Error[0])" -Type Error } }