#!coding: utf-8 import numpy as np import arcpy def addGRB2ToMosaic(grb2name): print "start add raster" mygdb = u'/mosaic/mosaic/gdbs/data.gdb/image' mdname = mygdb # u"Z:\gdbs\data.gdb\image" rastype = "Raster Dataset" inpath = u"/mosaic/mosaic/grb2/{0}".format(grb2name) print(inpath) updatecs = "UPDATE_CELL_SIZES" updatebnd = "UPDATE_BOUNDARY" updateovr = "NO_OVERVIEWS" maxlevel = "2" maxcs = "" maxdim = "" spatialref = "" inputdatafilter = "*.GRB2" subfolder = "NO_SUBFOLDERS" duplicate = "OVERWRITE_DUPLICATES" buildpy = "NO_PYRAMIDS" calcstats = "CALCULATE_STATISTICS" buildthumb = "NO_THUMBNAILS" comments = "Add Raster Datasets" forcesr = "NO_FORCE_SPATIAL_REFERENCE" subfolder = "NO_SUBFOLDERS" duplicate = "EXCLUDE_DUPLICATES" buildpy = "BUILD_PYRAMIDS" calcstats = "CALCULATE_STATISTICS" buildthumb = "NO_THUMBNAILS" result = arcpy.AddRastersToMosaicDataset_management( mdname, rastype, inpath, updatecs, updatebnd, updateovr, maxlevel, maxcs, maxdim, spatialref, inputdatafilter, subfolder, duplicate, buildpy, calcstats, buildthumb, comments, forcesr) print("end add") print(result) def listRaster(): arcpy.env.workspace = mygdb = u'/mosaic/mosaic/gdbs/data.gdb' # Get and print a list of GRIDs from the workspace rasters = arcpy.ListDatasets("*") for raster in rasters: print(raster) if __name__ == "__main__": print("start main ") # addGRB2ToMosaic("Z_NAFP_C_BABJ_20170906051033_P_CLDAS_RT_CHN_0P05_HOR-TEM-2017090605.GRB2") addGRB2ToMosaic("") listRaster()