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  • Distributed SMS Processor

    As you already saw, DotNetMQ can be used to build distributedload balanced application systems. In this section, I'll discuss a real life scenario: A distributed SMS process system.

    Assume that there is a short message (SMS) service that is used for polling a music competition. After all competitors sing their songs, audience send messages like "VOTE 103" to our SMS service to vote for their favourite competitor (103 is a sample code to vote for a specific competitor). And assume that this polling is done in just 30 minutes and approximately five million people will send SMSs to our service.

    We will receive every message, process it (parse the SMS text, update the database to increase the vote count of the competitor) and send a confirmation message to the sender of the SMS. We must receive messages from two servers, process messages on four servers, and send confirmation messages from two servers. We have totally eight servers. Let's see our complete system diagram:

    SMS System

  • 相关阅读:
    SASS 和 LESS 的区别
    zabbix 内置变量
    /proc 目录下文件详解
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Leo_wl/p/2446156.html
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