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  • mac 安装python和Django开发环境


    在Mac OS X Lion 上搭建Python和Django开发环境






    Lion系统默认去掉了“Sites”文件夹,但很容易加回去 - 自定义图标甚至会自动弹出来。使用Find查找工具,或者在命令行终端输入如下命令:




    chflags nohidden ~/Library/


    由于Lion是全64位系统,我们得让编译器知道所有的编译工作都需要指定为64位,这会让我们之后省点头痛的麻烦。打开 ~/.bash_profile

    vim ~/.bash_profile


    # Set architecture flags

    export ARCHFLAGS="-arch x86_64"



    Installing development-related software usually requires the compiler tool-chain that comes with Xcode. There is at least one alternative GCC installer, but I ran into problems with it and recommend sticking with Xcode.


    安装开发相关的软件通常需要涉及到XCode自带的编译工具链。这里至少有一种可替代的工具——GCC installer, 但我在使用时遇到了些麻烦因此我推荐坚持使用XCode。

    First, download Xcode from the Mac App Store. Make sure you're on a high-bandwidth connection, because this is a massive download. Once it's been downloaded, you should have a 3.2GB app entitled "Install Xcode" in your Applications folder. I recommend backing up this installer in case you ever want to re-install it or install Xcode on any of your other Macs. Once the straightforward Xcode installation process has finished, proceed to the next section.


    首先,从苹果App商店下载XCode。保证你的带宽足够大,因为下载这个大玩意可不是件轻松的事情。当下载完成后,你的Application文件夹中应该有一个名为“Install Xcode”的3.2G大小的安装程序。我建议你备份一下这个安装程序,以便你之后想重新安装或者在你其他的Mac上安装XCode。当XCode一键式的安装过程结束后,前进到下一节。



    Sometimes you may need cross-platform software — usually without a GUI and accessible only via the command line — that isn't readily available via the Mac App Store. As someone who used MacPorts for years, I can't begin to explain the relative awesomeness that is Homebrew. It's an indispensable tool that should be in every Mac developer's arsenal, so let's install it:



    ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.github.com/gist/323731)"

    That's it — Homebrew is now installed. While it should have the latest version of Homebrew and its formulae, let's run the update command just in case:

    就是这样 —— 现在Homebrew已经安装好了。按照惯例,Homebrew应该是最新版本,以防万一,让我们运行一下升级命令

    brew update

    If the "brew update" command produces an error, make sure /usr/local is owned by you and not by root:

    如果“brew update”命令执行出错,请确保文件夹/usr/local的所有者权限是你本人而不是root:

    sudo chown $USER /usr/localbrew update

    The Homebrew wiki has a full command list and a bunch of other useful information, but here's a quick command to install some packages that I often find useful across all my Macs:



    brew install bash-completion byobu growlnotify ssh-copy-id wget


    Let's say you want to install a Python package, such as the fantastic virtualenv environment isolation tool. Nearly every Python-related article for Mac OS X tells the reader to install it thusly:


    sudo easy_install virtualenv

    Here's why I don't do it that way:


    installs with root permissions

    1. 安装需要root权限

    installs into the global /Library instead of the user's

    2. 这会安装到全局的/Library文件夹中,而不是用户文件夹

    "Distribute" has less bugs than the default legacy easy_install

    3. “Distribute”安装系统比默认的easy_install的bug要少

    If I install a Python package and decide I want to delete it, I like having the option to use the Finder to drag it to the Trash without any permission-related complaints. Plus, keeping the Python packages isolated to the user account just makes more sense to me. Last but not least, Distribute is a fork of Setuptools/easy_install that aims to be more reliable with less bugs.


    Traditionally, I've always used the "--user" flag to install Python packages into ~/.local, a behavior that was consistent across Macs, Linux, and other UNIX systems. It seems Lion has changed this behavior, however, installing into ~/Library/Python/2.7 when it encounters the --user flag. Since I prefer to have this location remain consistent across the various systems I encounter, I changed the flag from "--user" to the more specific "--prefix=~/.local". Whichever you choose, please keep in mind that the instructions here assume the latter.




    With that tangent behind us, let's install Distribute:




    # Path ------------------------------------------------------------if [ -d ~/.local/bin ]; then  export PATH=~/.local/bin:$PATH exists.fi# Python path -----------------------------------------------------if [ -d ~/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages ]; then  export PYTHONPATH=~/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages:$PYTHONPATHfi# Load in .bashrc -------------------------------------------------

    source ~/.bashrc

    Let's load those directives now via:


    source ~/.bash_profile

    Lion's easy_install is normally located in /usr/bin, so let's make sure that our local version is the one that's used by default:


    which easy_install

    确保得到的结果是~/.local/bin/easy_install, 这样我们就全设置好了!

    virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper(虚拟环境和虚拟环境包装层)


    安装到~/.local下的Python包对于用户来说的确是具有局部属性的,但是它们在某种程度上也是全局的,因为对于用户的所有工程项目它们都是可见的。有时候这会很方便,但这也会带来一些问题。比如,有时候一个工程需要最新版本的Django,而另一个工程却需要Django 1.2版来与一个至关重要的第三方扩展包维持兼容。而这正是设计virtualenv所用来解决的问题。virtualenv,virtualenvwrapper和Mercurial(一种源代码版本管理工具)是唯一一直存在于我的系统中的软件包。其它的每一个包都局限在它的虚拟环境中。

    Let's install virtualenv and its companion virtualenvwrapper:


    easy_install --prefix=~/.local virtualenv virtualenvwrapper

    We'll then open/create the ~/.bashrc file...

    然后我们打开根目录/,创建一个bash配置文件 ~/.bashrc

    vim ~/.bashrc

    vim ~/.bashrc

    ... and add some lines to it:


    django-admin.py startproject projectmv requirements.txt project/

    We can now start Django's development web server...


    python manage.py runserver

    ... and see the results in our web browser. For those that are new to Django, the Django Tutorial is a good place to learn how to continue building your project.



    Now that you have a Django project started, use your preferred version control system to make your first commit. For Mercurial, that would be:


    hg init projectcd projecthg addhg commit -m "Initial commit"


    While I've posted excerpts of my dotfiles above, you can get the whole enchilada from my Bitbucket repository.

    尽管我已经在前文给出了我的配置文件摘录,你可以在我的存储库Bitbucket repository得到全部的配置文件。


    Congrats! It takes a bit of time to set up a new system, but it's well worth the journey. These are the tools of our trade, and we use them every day, so it makes sense to make them as efficient as possible.   


    That said, the good can always be made better. What would you do to improve this Lion bootstrap process? Leave a comment below!   


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Leo_wl/p/2732693.html
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