%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % LaTeX Example: Project Report % % Source: http://www.howtotex.com % % Feel free to distribute this example, but please keep the referral % to howtotex.com % Date: March 2011 % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % How to use writeLaTeX: % % You edit the source code here on the left, and the preview on the % right shows you the result within a few seconds. % % Bookmark this page and share the URL with your co-authors. They can % edit at the same time! % % You can upload figures, bibliographies, custom classes and % styles using the files menu. % % If you're new to LaTeX, the wikibook is a great place to start: % http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/LaTeX % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Edit the title below to update the display in My Documents % itle{Project Report} % %%% Preamble documentclass[paper=a4, fontsize=11pt]{scrartcl} usepackage[T1]{fontenc} usepackage{fourier} usepackage{setspace} usepackage[english]{babel} % English language/hyphenation usepackage[protrusion=true,expansion=true]{microtype} usepackage{amsmath,amsfonts,amsthm} % Math packages usepackage[pdftex]{graphicx} usepackage{url} %%% Custom sectioning usepackage{sectsty} allsectionsfont{centering ormalfontscshape} %%% Custom headers/footers (fancyhdr package) usepackage{fancyhdr} pagestyle{fancyplain} fancyhead{} % No page header fancyfoot[L]{} % Empty fancyfoot[C]{} % Empty fancyfoot[R]{ hepage} % Pagenumbering enewcommand{headrulewidth}{0pt} % Remove header underlines enewcommand{footrulewidth}{0pt} % Remove footer underlines setlength{headheight}{13.6pt} %%% Equation and float numbering umberwithin{equation}{section} % Equationnumbering: section.eq# umberwithin{figure}{section} % Figurenumbering: section.fig# umberwithin{table}{section} % Tablenumbering: section.tab# %%% Maketitle metadata ewcommand{horrule}[1]{ ule{linewidth}{#1}} % Horizontal rule itle{ %vspace{-1in} usefont{OT1}{bch}{b}{n} ormalfont ormalsize extsc{University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Math Department, Autumn 2017} \ %Grade (entered by Greg Lau): pts/40 pts} \ [25pt] horrule{0.5pt} \[0.4cm] huge Operating System Weekly Homework 03 \ %and 53;(Ch. 4)2,6,14,15 \ horrule{2pt} \[0.5cm] } author{ ormalfont ormalsize Xinze Li, Student ID 2015K8009906024\[-3pt] ormalsize %February 19, 2014 } date{} %%% Begin document egin{document} maketitle %egin{section} section{Problem 1} subsection{description} subsection{solution} iffalse egin{equation} left{ egin{array}{l} X 3 5 6 9 (Xleq 3)\ 3 X 5 6 9 (3 < Xleq 5) \ 3 5 X 6 9 (5< Xleq 6)\ 3 5 6 X 9 (6<Xleq 9)\ 3 5 6 9 X (9<X) end{array} ight. end{equation} fi%use iffalse to comment a section of codes egin{spacing}{1.8} egin{equation} avg\_rsp\_time(X) = left{ egin{array}{l} X + 4.6 (Xleq 3)\ dfrac{4X}{5} + 4.6 (3 < Xleq 5) \ dfrac{3X}{5} + 4.6 (5< Xleq 6)\ dfrac{2X}{5} + 4.6 (6<Xleq 9)\ dfrac{X}{5} + 4.6 (9<X) end{array} ight. end{equation} end{spacing} section{Problem 2} subsection{description} subsection{solution} section{Problem 3} subsection{description} subsection{solution} %%% End document end{document}
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