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  • iOS-----用LLDB调试,让移动开发更简单(二)

    image lookup –address

    当我们有一个地址,想查找这个地址具体对应的文件位置,可以使用image lookup --address,简写为image lookup -a e.g: 当我们发生一个crash

    2015-12-17 14:51:06.301 TLLDB[25086:246169] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSRangeException', reason: '*** -[__NSArray0 objectAtIndex:]: index 1 beyond bounds for empty NSArray'

    *** First throw call stack:


        0   CoreFoundation                      0x000000010accde65 __exceptionPreprocess + 165

        1   libobjc.A.dylib                     0x000000010a746deb objc_exception_throw + 48

        2   CoreFoundation                      0x000000010ac7c395 -[__NSArray0 objectAtIndex:] + 101

        3   TLLDB                               0x000000010a1c3e36 -[ViewController viewDidLoad] + 86

        4   UIKit                               0x000000010b210f98 -[UIViewController loadViewIfRequired] + 1198

        5   UIKit                               0x000000010b2112e7 -[UIViewController view] + 27

    我们可以看到是由于-[__NSArray0 objectAtIndex:]:超出边界而导致的crash,但是objectAtIndex:的代码到底在哪儿呢?

    (lldb) image lookup -a 0x000000010a1c3e36

          Address: TLLDB[0x0000000100000e36] (TLLDB.__TEXT.__text + 246)

          Summary: TLLDB`-[ViewController viewDidLoad] + 86 at ViewController.m:32

    根据0x000000010a1c3e36 -[ViewController viewDidLoad]里面的地址,使用image lookup --address查找,我们可以看到代码位置在ViewController.m里面的32行

    image lookup –name

    当我们想查找一个方法或者符号的信息,比如所在文件位置等。我们可以使用image lookup --name,简写为image lookup -n。

    e.g: 刚刚遇到的真问题,某个第三方SDK用了一个我们项目里原有的第三方库,库里面对NSDictionary添加了category。也就是有2个class对NSDictionary添加了名字相同的category,项目中调用自己的category的地方实际走到了第三方SDK里面去了。最大的问题是,这2个同名category方法行为并不一致,导致出现bug


    其实只需使用image lookup -n即可:

    (lldb) image lookup -n dictionaryWithXMLString:

    2 matches found in /Users/jiangliancheng/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/VideoIphone-aivsnqmlwjhxapdlvmdmrubbdxpq/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/BaiduIphoneVideo.app/BaiduIphoneVideo:

            Address: BaiduIphoneVideo[0x00533a7c] (BaiduIphoneVideo.__TEXT.__text + 5414908)

            Summary: BaiduIphoneVideo`+[NSDictionary(SAPIXmlDictionary) dictionaryWithXMLString:] at XmlDictionary.m

             Module: file = "/Users/jiangliancheng/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/VideoIphone-aivsnqmlwjhxapdlvmdmrubbdxpq/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/BaiduIphoneVideo.app/BaiduIphoneVideo", arch = "armv7"

        CompileUnit: id = {0x00000000}, file = "/Users/jiangliancheng/Development/Work/iOS_ShareLib/SharedLib/Srvcs/BDPassport4iOS/BDPassport4iOS/SAPI/Extensive/ThirdParty/XMLDictionary/XmlDictionary.m", language = "Objective-C"

           Function: id = {0x23500000756}, name = "+[NSDictionary(SAPIXmlDictionary) dictionaryWithXMLString:]", range = [0x005a6a7c-0x005a6b02)

           FuncType: id = {0x23500000756}, decl = XmlDictionary.m:189, clang_type = "NSDictionary *(NSString *)"

             Blocks: id = {0x23500000756}, range = [0x005a6a7c-0x005a6b02)

          LineEntry: [0x005a6a7c-0x005a6a98): /Users/jiangliancheng/Development/Work/iOS_ShareLib/SharedLib/Srvcs/BDPassport4iOS/BDPassport4iOS/SAPI/Extensive/ThirdParty/XMLDictionary/XmlDictionary.m

             Symbol: id = {0x0000f2d5}, range = [0x005a6a7c-0x005a6b04), name="+[NSDictionary(SAPIXmlDictionary) dictionaryWithXMLString:]"

           Variable: id = {0x23500000771}, name = "self", type = "Class", location =  [sp+32], decl =

           Variable: id = {0x2350000077e}, name = "_cmd", type = "SEL", location =  [sp+28], decl =

           Variable: id = {0x2350000078b}, name = "string", type = "NSString *", location =  [sp+24], decl = XmlDictionary.m:189

           Variable: id = {0x23500000799}, name = "data", type = "NSData *", location =  [sp+20], decl = XmlDictionary.m:192

            Address: BaiduIphoneVideo[0x012ee160] (BaiduIphoneVideo.__TEXT.__text + 19810016)

            Summary: BaiduIphoneVideo`+[NSDictionary(XMLDictionary) dictionaryWithXMLString:] at XMLDictionary.m

             Module: file = "/Users/jiangliancheng/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/VideoIphone-aivsnqmlwjhxapdlvmdmrubbdxpq/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/BaiduIphoneVideo.app/BaiduIphoneVideo", arch = "armv7"

        CompileUnit: id = {0x00000000}, file = "/Users/wingle/Workspace/qqlive4iphone/iphone_4.0_fabu_20150601/Common_Proj/mobileTAD/VIDEO/Library/Third Party/XMLDictionary/XMLDictionary.m", language = "Objective-C"

           Function: id = {0x79900000b02}, name = "+[NSDictionary(XMLDictionary) dictionaryWithXMLString:]", range = [0x01361160-0x0136119a)

           FuncType: id = {0x79900000b02}, decl = XMLDictionary.m:325, clang_type = "NSDictionary *(NSString *)"

             Blocks: id = {0x79900000b02}, range = [0x01361160-0x0136119a)

          LineEntry: [0x01361160-0x01361164): /Users/wingle/Workspace/qqlive4iphone/iphone_4.0_fabu_20150601/Common_Proj/mobileTAD/VIDEO/Library/Third Party/XMLDictionary/XMLDictionary.m

             Symbol: id = {0x0003a1e9}, range = [0x01361160-0x0136119c), name="+[NSDictionary(XMLDictionary) dictionaryWithXMLString:]"

           Variable: id = {0x79900000b1e}, name = "self", type = "Class", location =  r0, decl =

           Variable: id = {0x79900000b2c}, name = "_cmd", type = "SEL", location =  r1, decl =

           Variable: id = {0x79900000b3a}, name = "string", type = "NSString *", location =  r2, decl = XMLDictionary.m:325

           Variable: id = {0x79900000b4a}, name = "data", type = "NSData *", location =  r2, decl = XMLDictionary.m:327


    CompileUnit: id = {0x00000000}, file = "/Users/jiangliancheng/Development/Work/iOS_ShareLib/SharedLib/Srvcs/BDPassport4iOS/BDPassport4iOS/SAPI/Extensive/ThirdParty/XMLDictionary/XmlDictionary.m", language = "Objective-C"

    CompileUnit: id = {0x00000000}, file = "/Users/wingle/Workspace/qqlive4iphone/iphone_4.0_fabu_20150601/Common_Proj/mobileTAD/VIDEO/Library/Third Party/XMLDictionary/XMLDictionary.m", language = "Objective-C"

    可以清晰的看到,LLDB给我们找出来了这个方法的位置。 当然这个命令也可以找到方法的其他相关信息,比如参数等.

    image lookup –type

    当我们想查看一个类型的时候,可以使用image lookup --type,简写为image lookup -t:

    e.g: 我们来看看Model的类型:

    (lldb) image lookup -t Model

    Best match found in /Users/jiangliancheng/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/TLLDB-beqoowskwzbttrejseahdoaivpgq/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/TLLDB.app/TLLDB:

    id = {0x30000002f}, name = "Model", byte-size = 32, decl = Modek.h:11, clang_type = "@interface Model : NSObject{

        NSString * _bb;

        NSString * _cc;

        NSString * _name;


    @property ( getter = name,setter = setName:,readwrite,nonatomic ) NSString * name;



    可以看到,LLDB把Model这个class的所有属性和成员变量都打印了出来,当我们想了解某个类的时候,直接使用image lookup -t即可

    target stop-hook

    我们知道,用LLDB debug,大多数时候需要让程序stop,不管用breakpoint还是用watchpoint。

    target stop-hook命令就是让你可以在每次stop的时候去执行一些命令

    target stop-hook只对breakpoint和watchpoint的程序stop生效,直接点击Xcode上的pause或者debug view hierarchy不会生效

    target stop-hook add & display


    (lldb) target stop-hook add -o "frame variable"

    Stop hook #4 added.

    target stop-hook add表示添加stop-hook,-o的全称是--one-liner,表示添加一条命令。


    - Hook 1 (frame variable)

    (ViewController *) self = 0x00007fd55b12e380

    (SEL) _cmd = "viewDidLoad"

    (NSMutableURLRequest *) request = 0x00007fd55b1010c0

    在程序stop的时候,他会自动执行frame variable,打印出了所有的变量。

    大多情况下,我们在stop的时候可能想要做的是打印一个东西。正常情况我们需要用target stop-hook add -o "p xxx",LLDB提供了一个更简便的命令display。

    e.g: 下面2行代码效果相同

    (lldb) target stop-hook add -o "p self.view"

    (lldb) display self.view


    target stop-hook list

    当添加完stop-hook之后,我们想看当前所有的stop-hook怎么办呢?使用stop-hook list

    (lldb) target stop-hook list

    Hook: 4

      State: enabled


        frame variable

    Hook: 5

      State: enabled


        expression self.view

    Hook: 6

      State: enabled


        expr -- self.view


    target stop-hook delete & undisplay

    有添加的命令,当然也就有删除的命令。使用target stop-hook delete可以删除stop-hook,如果你觉得这个命令有点长,懒得敲。你也可以用undisplay

    (lldb) target stop-hook delete 4

    (lldb) undisplay 5

    我们用target stop-hook delete和undisplay分别删除了id为4和5的stop-hook

    target stop-hook disable/enable

    当我们暂时想让某个stop-hook失效的时候,可以使用target stop-hook disable

    (lldb) target stop-hook disable 8



    (lldb) target stop-hook disable


    有disable就有enable,我们又想让stop-hook生效了。可以使用target stop-hook enable

    (lldb) target stop-hook enable 8



    (lldb) target stop-hook enable



    前几天@兔be南玻1在微博上给出一个小技巧。LLDB中@import UIKit即可打印frame等变量(默认情况下打不出来)微博链接。

    (lldb) p self.view.frame

    error: property 'frame' not found on object of type 'UIView *'

    error: 1 errors parsing expression

    (lldb) e @import UIKit

    (lldb) p self.view.frame

    (CGRect) $0 = (origin = (x = 0, y = 0), size = (width = 375, height = 667))

    由于每次run Xcode,LLDB的东西都会被清空。所以每次run你都需要在LLDB中输入e @import UIKit才能使用这个方便的功能,有点麻烦呀!

    之后有人提出了比较方便的一个办法。给UIApplicationMain设置一个断点,在断点中添加执行e @import UIKit。


    我们首先想到的是LLDB在每次启动的时候都会load ‘~/.lldbinit’文件。在这里面执行e @import UIKit不就行了么?不会被误删,对每个工程都有效!

    然而想法是美好的,现实却是残酷的!因为UIKit这个库是在target中。而load ‘~/.lldbinit’的时候target还没创建。所以无法import UIKit。stackoverflow详细解释

    这时候我们又想到,可不可以在’~/.lldbinit’中给UIApplicationMain设置一个断点,在断点中添加执行e @import UIKit呢?

    答案是不行。原因跟前面一样,load ‘~/.lldbinit’执行时间太早。断点是依赖target的,target还未创建,断点加不上去。好事多磨,道路坎坷呀~~~

    后来我们又想到用stop-hook行不行呢?stop-hook不依赖target。一般我们p frame的时候,都需要先stop,理论上是可行的


    display @import UIKit

    target stop-hook add -o "target stop-hook disable"

    命令1:使用display表示在stop的时候执行@import UIKit

    命令2:由于我们只需要执行一次@import UIKit,所以执行完成之后,执行target stop-hook disable,使原有的所有stop-hook失效

    这个命令有个缺陷,直接点击Xcode上的pause和debug view hierarchy,stop-hook不会生效。正在探索有没有更好的办法完成@import UIKit,如果你想到了,可以联系我~

    target symbols add(add-dsym)



    当Xcode找不着dSYM文件的时候,我们就无法对代码打断点,进行调试。target symbols add命令的作用就是让我们可以手动的将dSYM文件添加上去。LLBD对这个命令起了一个别名: add-dsym

    e.g: 当我们对接framework的时候,如果只有framework代码,没有工程代码,能不能debug呢?其实我们只需要拿到工程的ipa和dSYM文件,就可以debug了,通过Attach to Process,使用命令add-dsym将dSYM文件加入target,即可只debug framework,不需要工程的代码

    add-dsym ~/.../XXX.dSYM



    help & apropos

    LLDB的命令其实还有很多,很多命令我也没玩过。就算玩过的命令,我们也非常容易忘记,下次可能就不记得是怎么用的了。还好LLDB给我们提供了2个查找命令的命令:help & apropos



    (lldb) help

    Debugger commands:

      apropos           -- Find a list of debugger commands related to a particular


      breakpoint        -- A set of commands for operating on breakpoints. Also see


      help              -- Show a list of all debugger commands, or give details

                           about specific commands.

      script            -- Pass an expression to the script interpreter for

                           evaluation and return the results. Drop into the

                           interactive interpreter if no expression is given.

      settings          -- A set of commands for manipulating internal settable

                           debugger variables.

      source            -- A set of commands for accessing source file information

      target            -- A set of commands for operating on debugger targets.

      thread            -- A set of commands for operating on one or more threads

                           within a running process.

      type              -- A set of commands for operating on the type system

      version           -- Show version of LLDB debugger.

      watchpoint        -- A set of commands for operating on watchpoints.


    如果我们想看具体某一个命令的详细用法,可以使用help <command-name> e.g: 我们查看watchpoint命令

    (lldb) help watchpoint

    The following subcommands are supported:

          command -- A set of commands for adding, removing and examining bits of

                     code to be executed when the watchpoint is hit (watchpoint


          delete  -- Delete the specified watchpoint(s).  If no watchpoints are

                     specified, delete them all.

          disable -- Disable the specified watchpoint(s) without removing it/them.

                     If no watchpoints are specified, disable them all.

          enable  -- Enable the specified disabled watchpoint(s). If no watchpoints

                     are specified, enable all of them.

          ignore  -- Set ignore count on the specified watchpoint(s).  If no

                     watchpoints are specified, set them all.

          list    -- List all watchpoints at configurable levels of detail.

          modify  -- Modify the options on a watchpoint or set of watchpoints in

                     the executable.  If no watchpoint is specified, act on the

                     last created watchpoint.  Passing an empty argument clears the


          set     -- A set of commands for setting a watchpoint.


    e.g: 我们想使用stop-hook的命令,但是已经不记得stop-hook命令是啥样了

    (lldb) apropos stop-hook

    The following built-in commands may relate to 'stop-hook':

      _regexp-display          -- Add an expression evaluation stop-hook.

      _regexp-undisplay        -- Remove an expression evaluation stop-hook.

      target stop-hook         -- A set of commands for operating on debugger

                                  target stop-hooks.

      target stop-hook add     -- Add a hook to be executed when the target stops.

      target stop-hook delete  -- Delete a stop-hook.

      target stop-hook disable -- Disable a stop-hook.

      target stop-hook enable  -- Enable a stop-hook.

      target stop-hook list    -- List all stop-hooks.

    可以看到使用apropos stop-hook搜索一下,即可将所有stop-hook相关命令搜索出来





  • 相关阅读:
    MinerDB.java 数据库工具类
    MinerConstanits.java 常量类
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/LifeTechnologySupporter/p/5295736.html
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