PE格式详细讲解1 - 系统篇01
Change the world by program
[codesyntax lang="asm"](注:最左边是文件头的偏移量。) IMAGE_DOS_HEADER STRUCT { +0h WORD e_magic // Magic DOS signature MZ(4Dh 5Ah) DOS可执行文件标记 +2h WORD e_cblp // Bytes on last page of file +4h WORD e_cp // Pages in file +6h WORD e_crlc // Relocations +8h WORD e_cparhdr // Size of header in paragraphs +0ah WORD e_minalloc // Minimun extra paragraphs needs +0ch WORD e_maxalloc // Maximun extra paragraphs needs +0eh WORD e_ss // intial(relative)SS value DOS代码的初始化堆栈SS +10h WORD e_sp // intial SP value DOS代码的初始化堆栈指针SP +12h WORD e_csum // Checksum +14h WORD e_ip // intial IP value DOS代码的初始化指令入口[指针IP] +16h WORD e_cs // intial(relative)CS value DOS代码的初始堆栈入口 +18h WORD e_lfarlc // File Address of relocation table +1ah WORD e_ovno // Overlay number +1ch WORD e_res[4] // Reserved words +24h WORD e_oemid // OEM identifier(for e_oeminfo) +26h WORD e_oeminfo // OEM information;e_oemid specific +29h WORD e_res2[10] // Reserved words +3ch DWORD e_lfanew // Offset to start of PE header 指向PE文件头 } IMAGE_DOS_HEADER ENDS[/codesyntax] [buy] 获得所有教学视频、课件、源代码等资源打包 [/buy] [Downlink href='']视频下载[/Downlink]